Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Reaction Paper - Essay Example This is the same reason why Saeko had to seek the help of the doctor after she felt her glue tricks would fail her one day. It is her fear of looking unattractive again that drives her to have cosmetic surgery done (Cullen, â€Å"Changing Faces†). In accordance to the reaction paper, one could clearly pin point the effect of inequities in health care. The number of practitioners that got sued due to medical mishaps related to cosmetic surgery somehow increased over the years due to shoddy jobs done by people not licensed to do so. In poorer places, a lot of people claiming to offer cosmetic surgeries mushroomed and offered people to pay less money for the same services offered by registered practitioners. The unregistered health providers in this poorer areas resulted in increased number of lawsuits due to their poor health service (Cullen, â€Å"Changing Faces†). The poor that wanted to get attractive fell for this unregistered health providers tricks since they offered them low prices for the same services. If not for poverty, this people would have looked for better services from registered cosmetic surgeons. From the film, it is clearly depicted that gender plays a role in health. Women are more likely to seek for health services compared to men. From the sociological perspective, Saeko went to seek the help of a cosmetic surgeon in order to have her eye widened so as to look attractive. In addition, more women in Asian countries are seeking to have their physical appearances made more attractive as westernization sets in and defines beauty in another way. From the film, women tend to have better health seeking behaviour compared to men. Men often are satisfied with the way they look and seek less services related to cosmetic surgery (Cullen, â€Å"Changing Faces†). In addition, Saeko got employed as a hostess in a given bar after she

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