Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay about Falls and their Impact on the Elder Population

-Introduction: Aging affects the musculoskeletal , respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, as well as posture and gait, which all lead to a decrease in activities of daily living, fitness ability, and falls (Nitz hourigan, 2004).Falls may have significant devastating effects on the elderly population including pain, reduced confidence to return to normal mobility, becoming dependant on relatives and other people, premature transition to care homes, and most importantly injuries (NICE guideline, 2004) .The World Health Organisation (2012) reported falls as being the 2nd main cause of unintentional injury leading to death. In the UK falls are likely to increase as the population are expected to live longer. The number of†¦show more content†¦Different studies have classified the risk factors into different categories. Most of them classified the reason for elderly persons to fall into intrinsic factors which are factors related to age and extrinsic factors also known as environmental factors. It’s possible to reduce or remove some risk factors, which are often called modifiable risk factors. -Modifiable risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by Moreland, Richardson, Goldsmith, Clase,(2004) to investigate Muscle Weakness and Falls in Older Adults, looked at studies between the period of January 1985 to March 2002. Thirty studies were selected using strict criteria (follow up is over one year, and is sufficiently complete, making sure that reliable assessment tools were used, and evaluators were blinded).They found that muscle weakness , specially the lower extremity is a modifiable risk factor and a statistically significant risk factor for falls. People’s homes could be the cause sometimes and a contributing factor towards falls Lord, Sherrington, Menz, Close, (2007) have referred to it as an environmental risk area for falls, although they have included not only patient’s homes but also the outdoors. Some of the factors they included indoors were slippery surfaces and floors, little rugs, inappropriate chair and bed heights, foot wear and clothing, lack of h and rails for stairsShow MoreRelatedIsolation : A Strong Link On Social Relationships And Health848 Words   |  4 PagesResearch indicates the effects of isolation exhibit a strong link concerning social relationships and health in the general population. One particular article demonstrates the impact of isolation using as an example the captor and captive relationship. Under this scenario, the captor uses isolation techniques as a form of torture in their attempt to extract vital information. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Impact Of Industrialization On Chinese Culture - 1372 Words

Industrialization was another important way in which the Japanese exercised its imperialism in Taiwan. Before their rule, Taiwan was not very developed in infrastructure hence it was difficult for people to move from one part of the island to the other. Taiwan was seen as a source of raw materials for the industries in Japan as well as an overseas market for its goods and services. The region also provided an important outpost and Confederate defensive position. A network of railroads was constructed connecting all their areas of the Island to ease movement. The enhanced infrastructure impacted development in the area and folks were able to carry out businesses. Modernization of infrastructure promoted the rise in importance of people’s†¦show more content†¦With all these developments and growth, thousands of the Japanese people immigrated to Taiwan (Formosa; as it was referred during that time). The agriculture system was as well able to observe a positive change. Th e Japanese were able to establish power plants and farms that produced adequate rice, sugar, and tea that was not only enough for local consumption but also for international industries. The Japan rule in Taiwan was helpful in creating a group of educated elites. There was, however, a varying perception towards the Japanese government. While some felt that their rule was a gateway to their peace and redemption from other hostile nations, some elites felt that they needed to be independent. They believed that they had a right to restore back their freedoms and their gods to the country. They felt that their culture and religion which was important to them had been taken away by the Japanese and they needed to restore it by all means. The group that embraced the colonial rule felt that the Japanese were able to abolish some cultures that were not useful (Ming Chien, 2011). Foot binding, for example, was a culture practiced in Ming and Qing dynasty. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Andrea Yates Paper free essay sample

Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a bathtub in her home. This was very disturbing news. I am a native Houstonian. I was at home that day. The television was on and will never forget the news breaking announcements that broke the story of a homicide in Clear Lake. All the information the reporters had was a mother killed all her children then called the police to report it. The full story and the details that lead to this tragedy did not unfold until years later. It was sad because as details unfolded if Andrea Yates had been treated properly and followed her doctors recommendations the whole situation might have been avoided. Andrea Yates had a history of mental illness in her family. It has been written that her father, a brother and a sister have suffered from depression. Andrea also has another brother that has been diagnosed with a bipolar personality disorder. With this type of history of mental illness in her family it really is not a shocking revelation that Andrea would develop a mental illness. Andrea Yates’s first display of mental illness was just after the birth of her first child in February of 1994. She stated after her arrest that she had â€Å"visions† of someone being stabbed with a knife. She was said to have been suffering from post partum depression in 1999 when she was admitted to the psychiatric unit of The Methodist Hospital after a failed suicide attempt. While in the psychiatric unit Andrea Yates was found to have been non-verbal and severely depressed. There are times that she would take her medications and then she would refuse to take them a day later. She was prescribed medications like Zoloft and Zyprexa. Andrea attended group therapy sessions during her stay there and was said to have days that displayed some slight improvement and then she would revert to her nonverbal state. Eventually she was released but it was noted by her doctor that she was still depressed but not suicidal. While at home, Andrea’s mental state did not appear to improve. She stays in bed all day, begins self mutilating, scratching bald spots on her head, and scraping her legs and arms. She discloses to her husband, Rusty, that she having hallucinations. For their own reasons, the Yates couple does not discuss the hallucinations with Andrea’s doctors during outpatient or inpatient treatments. Andrea was also experiencing other symptoms of schizophrenia. These symptoms include her belief that that there are cameras in her home watching her and that television cartoon characters are communicating with directly to her. She became anti social with an array of other symptoms that included flat affect, poverty of speech and loss of directedness. Andrea and Rusty Yates were warned about continuing to have children. They were told it would not be a good situation for Andrea to become pregnant because her post partum depression would worsen and might include a worsened state of psychosis. The couple did not listen to the warnings of the doctors and they continue to have children. Andrea’s condition only worsened with each pregnancy as she still continued to go on and off her medications. Her mental state continued to deteriorate, to make matter worse for Andrea she experienced the loss of the father. Andrea was already in a frail state of mind, she had said that she felt that she was a failure as a mother. In her mind killing her children would guarantee that their souls would go to heaven. So rather than risk them going down the wrong path in life, she saved her children (in her mind) by drowning them in the bathtub of their home. The Andrea Yates court case was very interesting because it brought to light the details of a how Andrea got to the state of mind she was in. It let people in to her world. We got to hear how her life had changed after the birth of her first child. How her marriage was not a source of comfort but a source of pressure and stress. She was under a lot of stress to be an obedient wife to her husband and a good mother that home schooled her children while leading them down the path of righteousness. Her mental health was treated but I don’t feel that anyone appreciated the severity of her illness. Rusty Yates even admitted that on the witness stand. Her first trial verdict was guilty. This occurred in the month of March of 2002. She was not given the death penalty but sentenced to life in prison. Honestly, I felt this was not what she deserved. She was being punished for been a suicidal depressed schizophrenic who was never able to fully benefit from treatment. I remember thinking wouldn’t it be punishment enough for her to have to wake up one day with a clear mind and realize what happened. How can one possibly stay sane or get proper treatment incarcerated? Forward a few years to 2006. With a very prominent legal team working on her behalf, Andrea gets what seems to be a miracle. After her murder conviction was thrown out due to erroneous testimony Andrea Yates was once again was standing trail for the murders of her children. Andrea and her family were forced again to relive the situations and details that lead up to that fatal morning in 2001. The trail was different for this time she was found not guilty by reason of insanity. This meant that she would not have to back to a prison but instead be sent to a state maximum security hospital where she will remain until she is determined not to be a danger to herself or others. Once she has made enough progress and improvement, she can then be moved to another mental health facility in the state. While there is nothing in the world that would bring back the Yates children, I feel Andrea Yates got the justice she ultimately deserved. She was not the average hardened criminal but a loving, religious wife and mother who just happen to fall victim to a mental illness in which she had no control over. This case was a very instrumental because it helped bring to light that mental illness like post partum depression should not be taken lightly. The victims of mental illness aren’t just going to â€Å"snap out of it† one day. They need to seek treatment and help because ignoring an issue like mental illness might result in a tragedy that could have been avoided.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Single-Point-Agenda Kashmir free essay sample

China settled its border disputes with Pakistan in the Trans Karakoram Tract in 1963 with the provision that the settlement was subject to the final solution of the Kashmir dispute. In 1962 Sino-Indian war was fought in this territory and in 2006 Chinese ambassador to India claimed that all of Arunachal Pradesh is Chinese territory this was followed up with a military buildup and numerous incursions into Sikkim, some penetrating by more than a kilometer. United Nations Stance on Kashmir United Nations consider Kashmir as a disputed territory between India and Pakistan. Resolution 47: The final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations. For this purpose India and Pakistan will remove its troops from Kashmir. UN asked Pakistan to remove its troops, after which India was also to withdraw the bulk of its forces. We will write a custom essay sample on Single-Point-Agenda: Kashmir or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This resolution was accepted by both India and Pakistan. Resolution 1172: Although this resolution was mainly related to the nuclear tests conducted by India and Pakistan in 1998 but it also states that bilateral dialogue has to be the basis of India-Pakistan relations and mutually acceptable solutions have to be found for outstanding issues including Kashmir. Indian Stance India consider all the Kashmir as integral part of India Including the 37% in Pakistan and 20% in China as signed by Maharaja Hari Singh (erstwhile ruler of the State) on 25 October 1947. Resolution 47:   The United Nations, which onitors the cease-fire line, has called for a free and open vote in Kashmir to determine its future. Pakistan favors such a plebiscite, but India has never allowed one to be held. According to India this cannot be implemented because Pakistan has failed to remove its troops from Kashmir, neglecting the fact the Pakistan is not in control of the Azad (free) part Kashmir but only its ally. Resolution 1172:   India accepts this resolution mor e valid because this resolution does not call for plebiscite and urges India and Pakistan to solve this conflict thru dialogue. But, so far, in all agenda forwarded for dialogue between Pakistan and India, India does not consider Kashmir as a core issue. Rather India emphasizes on trust building arrangements in the form of trade, culture and other forms of bilateral relations. India also blames Pakistan for supporting the militants in Indian Occupied Kashmir. According to Indian Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh â€Å"Once Pakistan moves away from this terror-induced coercion, we will be very happy to engage productively with Pakistan to resolve all outstanding issues† Pakistan’s Stance Pakistan consider Kashmir as a disputed territory and rejects Indian claims to Kashmir especially the use of the Instrument of Accession misused by Maharaja Hari Singh to unlawfully accede Kashmir to India, in the context that India had refused to recognize both the accession of Junagadh to Pakistan and Independence of Hyderabad. Pakistan also claims that the Maharaja of Kashmir was not even the hereditary ruler of Kashmir at that time; he was merely a British appointee as the Indian Army was already there in Kashmir before the Instrument of Accession. So the Instrument of Accession in presence of Indian Army is not acceptable. Resolution 47:   Pakistan is in favor of free and impartial plebiscite but reluctant to remove troops from Azad Kashmir because on the other side of LoC India is having troops only in the occupied Kashmir that is equal to the total Army of Pakistan. Resolution 1172:   Pakistan also agrees to solve this dispute by dialogue but according to the will of Kashmiri People and consider Kashmir as a core problem between India and Pakistan. Comparison between Azad Kashmir and Jammu amp; Kashmir Comparison between Pakistani Administered Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) and Indian Administered Kashmir (Jammu amp; Kashmir) is essential to get clear image of the two parts of Kashmir and to understand what the people of Kashmir want. Security forces in Jammu amp; Kashmir have committed thousands of serious human rights abuses over the course of the conflict, including extrajudicial killings, disappearances and torture. In last two decades Indian Army martyred about 100,000 Kashmiris in Jammu amp; Kashmir, 105,970 houses and shops have been destroyed, 107,441 children are orphaned, 10,043 women are molested and 22,764 widowed. On the other side Azad Kashmir is the most peaceful part under Pakistan administration. Today when most of the Pakistan is under the threat of terrorism, not even a single act of terrorism has happened in Azad Kashmir. This proves that Azad Kashmir is the most peaceful area under Pakistan administration and Jammu amp; Kashmir is a victim of state terrorism. I strongly consider that Pakistan has a strong case if we study the results of polls taken in Kashmir on this issue. Results of such polls tell that nobody on the Pakistan side of Kashmir wants to join India and no one in the Indian part of Kashmir wants to be a part of India except the Hindu pundits of Kashmir. Conclusion The United Nations has called for a free and open vote in Kashmir to determine its future. Pakistan favors such a plebiscite, but India has never allowed one to be held. Pakistan tried to improve its relation with India in Trade and other issues but always considers Kashmir as a core issue in all dialogues. Pakistan believes that without solving the Kashmir problem it is difficult to improve the relations. In case of plebiscite Pakistan has to remove its troops from Azad Kashmir but Pakistan Army is reluctant to do so because India is having more than 700,000 troops at the other side of the LoC. Pakistan Army doubts that whenever Pakistan will remove its troops from Azad Kashmir, India will try to capture the area, as done in Siachin. As a trust building measures India should have reduced the number of troops in Jammu amp; Kashmir. But that never happened. The dialogue-option has never been taken seriously by India. India wants to discuss all the problems except Kashmir and Pakistan considers Kashmir as a core issue. Without solving Kashmir issue it is difficult to discuss other problems or I will say that there is no problem between India and Pakistan other that Kashmir. India is trying to treat a cancer patient with the medicines of Flu and cold. India will have to admit that the problem is cancer not the flu and will have to treat the patient for Cancer. Once the cancer is cured other diseases will be cured automatically. India-Pakistan’s main problem is Kashmir not trade and culture. For Pakistan, it is necessary that India acknowledge that there is a dispute over Kashmir and that it is central to relations. Kashmir has already lost one generation to violence in the Valley. They want peace in the valley and in their lives, so that they can live a normal life. Indian acknowledgment of Kashmiri grievances is essential to start a fresh dialogue with Pakistan on just a single point agenda that is â€Å"Kashmir†.