Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Tiger Essay -- essays research papers

Tigers are the biggest individuals from the feline family. They live in Asia and have a place with indistinguishable sort from the lion, panther, and puma. Two significant subspecies of the tiger are the Siberian tiger and the Bengal tiger. The tiger is thought to have begun in northern Asia during the Pleistocene Epoch. Logical characterization: Tigers have a place with the family Felidae. The logical characterizations of every tiger are recorded in the "Types of Tigers" segment of this report. Appearance The Siberian tiger estimates 4.6 to 9.2 ft long, barring the tail, which is 27 to 37 in long. The Siberian Tiger gauges 400 to 675 lb. It has thick yellow hide with dim stripes. The Bengal tiger is around 10 ft long, including the tail, and weighs around 400 to 569 lb. It is found in southeastern Asia and in focal and southern India. Its jacket is compliment than the Siberian tiger's jacket, it has a darker shading, and the stripes are darker. The Sumatran tiger is much littler and darker. Ears The tiger's ears are its principle advantage when chasing. Tigers have white spots behind their ears to help distinguish each other in the wilderness. Hearing is the tiger's most honed sense. Eyes The tiger's night vision is multiple times more noteworthy than our own. They have a mirror like layer at the rear of the eye that reflects additional light. Tigers likewise have generally excellent vivid vision. Mouth Tigers have long, canine teeth that they use to cut and execute their prey. The molars behind them resemble scissors. They cut segments of ...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Branding and promotion strategies, market segmentation, target Essay

Marking and advancement procedures, showcase division, target advertising and situating in universal the travel industry - Essay Example The travel industry Australia is a legal body subject to the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 (CAC Act). This perceives the business focal point of the new body and the requirement for it to work deftly in a business situation. The consumption of traveler dollars by universal guests has a similar financial impact for a nation as selling items by trade in global markets. Pulling in worldwide guests is, in this way, empowered by most nations around the globe particularly by their administrations and significant visitor specialist organizations, for example, carriers, inn networks, significant vacation destinations and traveler occasions. With expanding universal travel, because of mechanical advancements in transportation and worldwide correspondences, the opposition for global sightseers is expanding and, consequently, applying advertising standards and procedures to goals has become a developing region of showcasing practice. Of specific significance to the universal advertising of goals are marking and advancement methodologies, showcase division, target promoting and situating. Australia is a long stretch goal from a significant number of the huge vacationer markets. ... ive abilities and information on four separate associations: the Australian Tourist Commission; See Australia; the Bureau of Tourism Research and Tourism Forecasting Council. The primary goals of Tourism Australia under the Tourism Australia Act 2004 are to: Impact individuals to venture out to Australia, including for occasions; Impact individuals venturing out to Australia to likewise go all through Australia; Impact Australians to go all through Australia, including for occasions; Help encourage an economical the travel industry in Australia; and Help increment the monetary advantages to Australia from the travel industry. The travel industry Australia is a legal body subject to the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 (CAC Act). This perceives the business focal point of the new body and the requirement for it to work deftly in a business situation. The use of traveler dollars by universal guests has a similar monetary impact for a nation as selling items by send out in worldwide markets. Pulling in worldwide guests is, thusly, empowered by most nations around the globe particularly by their legislatures and significant visitor specialist organizations, for example, aircrafts, lodging networks, significant vacation spots and traveler occasions. With expanding universal travel, because of mechanical advancements in transportation and worldwide correspondences, the opposition for global vacationers is expanding and, in this way, applying promoting standards and strategies to goals has become a developing region of showcasing practice. Of specific pertinence to the universal showcasing of goals are marking and advancement systems, advertise division, target promoting and situating. Australia is a long stretch goal from huge numbers of the huge visitor markets. Subsequently, the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Salary Negotiation for Women Close the Pay Gap! Part 1

Salary Negotiation for Women Close the Pay Gap! Part 1 Salary Negotiation for Women: Close the Pay Gap! Part 1 The following story, one that a friend related to me just a couple of days ago, has become all-too-familiar: Judy (fictitious name), a part-time assistant in my friend’s office, was offered a full-time position at a salary lower than she deserved, and lower than she had made in previous positions. She felt underappreciated, but wanted the full-time position. So she went home to discuss it with her husband, and came back the next day with her decision. She would accept the job. She did not negotiate, but instead accepted the low-ball offer. What she didn’t know is that the hiring manager had been prepared to give her moreâ€"if she had chosen to ask for it. Now, not only is Judy’s salary below her worth, but all her raises in the future will be based on a low starting point. To me, this situation is very sad. You’re probably aware of the pay gap between men and women in the workplace. Perhaps you’ve heard the statistic that women earn 80 cents to every dollar that men earn. The gap persists after controlling for college major, occupation, employment sector, and even requests for time off. Strikingly, this number varies depending on ethnicity: Asian women earn 94 cents to the men’s dollar; white women 82 cents, African American women 68 cents, and Hispanic women 61 cents. So while it does seem that the gap is due to underlying sexism and racism, some of it could also be due to women’s failure to ask for what they deserve. I wonder, are Asian women just better negotiators than their white, African American, and Hispanic peers? While the answer to that question is still a mystery to me, I learned a ton about the topic of salary negotiation in a webinar presented by Professor Deborah Ellis for YaleWomen, Salary Negotiation. Professor Ellis addressed the pay gap for women and how women can start making inroads into that gap through salary negotiation. In salary negotiation, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Many women are scared that by negotiating they will lose the position completelyâ€"but that rarely happens. You might lose the negotiation, but you won’t get a worse package than what you were already offered. And more often, you’ll get what you want. One mid-level lawyer reported: “I negotiated, and there really wasn’t any back and forth. He just said yes to the request I made.” Hmmm… Maybe men who are hiring are more scared of you than you are of them. They don’t want to lose you and they have already chosen you as the best person for the job. So you are in a position of power. Use it! Salary negotiation works for women! I wish more women understood their position of power and would reap the benefits of salary negotiation. But a study at Carnegie Mellon revealed that only 7% of women grad students negotiated vs. 57% of men. The average salary bump for negotiating was 7.4%, which translated to $500K over the course of a career! If you are a woman who doesn’t negotiate for your salary, I hope you’re getting that women DO succeed in salary negotiation. And you can too. There’s neuroscience at work here: If you think you will do well, you will do better than if you think you won’t do well. One way to convince yourself that you will do well is to know that others have succeeded before you. Women face unique challenges in salary negotiation. Many of the barriers to salary negotiation are internal. I’ve addressed some of those above. Also, women historically have a harder time advocating for themselves than they do for other peopleâ€"but they are better than men at “representational negotiation”â€"fighting to get something for another person. Here’s a nifty trick offered by Professor Ellis: If you think you don’t deserve more for yourself, negotiate for someone else in your life, like your family, or even your dog. But ask! There are also external barriers faced by women. The reality is that women who make demands can be seen as adversarial or confrontational. So how you ask makes a difference. Here are some techniques to work against the negative perceptions that are out there: Don’t make demands in writing. Have a conversation, preferably in person or by Skype. Phone is okay too but it’s great to be able to see each other. Yep. Be friendly. Use “we” instead of “I”â€"make it about the team and working together toward a common cause. Express enthusiasm about the job from the get-go. Never say it’s non-negotiable. Ask questions vs. making demands. Examples: “Would you consider a salary of $xxx?” “What would you think of my working from home…?” Use humor. Use the power of silence. Let them fill the silence. Overall, keep in mind that the goal for both you and the employer is a continuing relationship. Both of you want to reach an amiable win-win solution. I hope you’re feeling more confident that you can go and negotiate for the compensation you want. Next week, I’ll share more about the nuts and bolts strategy of salary negotiation, which applies to men and women alike.

Salary Negotiation for Women Close the Pay Gap! Part 1

Salary Negotiation for Women Close the Pay Gap! Part 1 Salary Negotiation for Women: Close the Pay Gap! Part 1 The following story, one that a friend related to me just a couple of days ago, has become all-too-familiar: Judy (fictitious name), a part-time assistant in my friend’s office, was offered a full-time position at a salary lower than she deserved, and lower than she had made in previous positions. She felt underappreciated, but wanted the full-time position. So she went home to discuss it with her husband, and came back the next day with her decision. She would accept the job. She did not negotiate, but instead accepted the low-ball offer. What she didn’t know is that the hiring manager had been prepared to give her moreâ€"if she had chosen to ask for it. Now, not only is Judy’s salary below her worth, but all her raises in the future will be based on a low starting point. To me, this situation is very sad. You’re probably aware of the pay gap between men and women in the workplace. Perhaps you’ve heard the statistic that women earn 80 cents to every dollar that men earn. The gap persists after controlling for college major, occupation, employment sector, and even requests for time off. Strikingly, this number varies depending on ethnicity: Asian women earn 94 cents to the men’s dollar; white women 82 cents, African American women 68 cents, and Hispanic women 61 cents. So while it does seem that the gap is due to underlying sexism and racism, some of it could also be due to women’s failure to ask for what they deserve. I wonder, are Asian women just better negotiators than their white, African American, and Hispanic peers? While the answer to that question is still a mystery to me, I learned a ton about the topic of salary negotiation in a webinar presented by Professor Deborah Ellis for YaleWomen, Salary Negotiation. Professor Ellis addressed the pay gap for women and how women can start making inroads into that gap through salary negotiation. In salary negotiation, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Many women are scared that by negotiating they will lose the position completelyâ€"but that rarely happens. You might lose the negotiation, but you won’t get a worse package than what you were already offered. And more often, you’ll get what you want. One mid-level lawyer reported: “I negotiated, and there really wasn’t any back and forth. He just said yes to the request I made.” Hmmm… Maybe men who are hiring are more scared of you than you are of them. They don’t want to lose you and they have already chosen you as the best person for the job. So you are in a position of power. Use it! Salary negotiation works for women! I wish more women understood their position of power and would reap the benefits of salary negotiation. But a study at Carnegie Mellon revealed that only 7% of women grad students negotiated vs. 57% of men. The average salary bump for negotiating was 7.4%, which translated to $500K over the course of a career! If you are a woman who doesn’t negotiate for your salary, I hope you’re getting that women DO succeed in salary negotiation. And you can too. There’s neuroscience at work here: If you think you will do well, you will do better than if you think you won’t do well. One way to convince yourself that you will do well is to know that others have succeeded before you. Women face unique challenges in salary negotiation. Many of the barriers to salary negotiation are internal. I’ve addressed some of those above. Also, women historically have a harder time advocating for themselves than they do for other peopleâ€"but they are better than men at “representational negotiation”â€"fighting to get something for another person. Here’s a nifty trick offered by Professor Ellis: If you think you don’t deserve more for yourself, negotiate for someone else in your life, like your family, or even your dog. But ask! There are also external barriers faced by women. The reality is that women who make demands can be seen as adversarial or confrontational. So how you ask makes a difference. Here are some techniques to work against the negative perceptions that are out there: Don’t make demands in writing. Have a conversation, preferably in person or by Skype. Phone is okay too but it’s great to be able to see each other. Yep. Be friendly. Use “we” instead of “I”â€"make it about the team and working together toward a common cause. Express enthusiasm about the job from the get-go. Never say it’s non-negotiable. Ask questions vs. making demands. Examples: “Would you consider a salary of $xxx?” “What would you think of my working from home…?” Use humor. Use the power of silence. Let them fill the silence. Overall, keep in mind that the goal for both you and the employer is a continuing relationship. Both of you want to reach an amiable win-win solution. I hope you’re feeling more confident that you can go and negotiate for the compensation you want. Next week, I’ll share more about the nuts and bolts strategy of salary negotiation, which applies to men and women alike.