Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Tiger Essay -- essays research papers

Tigers are the biggest individuals from the feline family. They live in Asia and have a place with indistinguishable sort from the lion, panther, and puma. Two significant subspecies of the tiger are the Siberian tiger and the Bengal tiger. The tiger is thought to have begun in northern Asia during the Pleistocene Epoch. Logical characterization: Tigers have a place with the family Felidae. The logical characterizations of every tiger are recorded in the "Types of Tigers" segment of this report. Appearance The Siberian tiger estimates 4.6 to 9.2 ft long, barring the tail, which is 27 to 37 in long. The Siberian Tiger gauges 400 to 675 lb. It has thick yellow hide with dim stripes. The Bengal tiger is around 10 ft long, including the tail, and weighs around 400 to 569 lb. It is found in southeastern Asia and in focal and southern India. Its jacket is compliment than the Siberian tiger's jacket, it has a darker shading, and the stripes are darker. The Sumatran tiger is much littler and darker. Ears The tiger's ears are its principle advantage when chasing. Tigers have white spots behind their ears to help distinguish each other in the wilderness. Hearing is the tiger's most honed sense. Eyes The tiger's night vision is multiple times more noteworthy than our own. They have a mirror like layer at the rear of the eye that reflects additional light. Tigers likewise have generally excellent vivid vision. Mouth Tigers have long, canine teeth that they use to cut and execute their prey. The molars behind them resemble scissors. They cut segments of ...

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