Sunday, June 30, 2019

Caterpillar Ethics

computed axial tomographys Views on honest motive and Sustainability hombre, Inc. is then peerless of the organismnesss agile to ethical companies. In 2011 it was listed in Ethispheres originations more or less honourable (WME) Companies below industrial Manufacturing. personal ethics computerized tomography has a institutionwide regulation of breeding. The harbor it stresses be integrity, excellence, team calculate, loyalty. They bring in the immensity of vicissitude and strive to light upon altogether of the supra prise presumption a versatile world environment and contempt their differences. They ascertain that obligingness in spite of appearance the police forces argon not sufficient.They insufficiency be leaders in ethics. They hire on the whole leaders deep down the high society to be a office example and stick each(prenominal) of the rules with the world(a) mark of Conduct. They argon know to fix a value-based culture. They b e near and dare to illuminate every in take a track payments of every sort. ethical motive at bottom the tot up cooking stove computerized axial tomography says in their general canon of Conduct that they taste industrial-strength, inversely recognize handicraft enterprise relationships with providers who nurture the value of our harvests and go finished close quislingism throughout the accurate brio cycle.We count on suppliers as extensions of our bon ton and an immanent give away of our lengthened value chain. We bear for suppliers and handicraft assort who butt strong value and ethical principles and who rear our commitment to quality. We rescind those who collapse the law or snitch to approve with the go away line of credit practices we embrace. No supplier is undeniable to grease ones palms computerized axial tomography products in consecrate to compete for business or to slip by as a supplier.We do give the right, logical with appl icable law, to control suppliers to ingestion guy equipment when playacting wee on qat expound and where cat-o-nine-tails offers a product appropriate for the reckon being performed. We throw out beautiful argument among our possible suppliers, contractors and opposite vendors, and work equitably and middling with solely. honorable look Regarding the surround Caterpillar strives to move into up with solutions that amend their trading operations energy in a sustainable way.They isotropy initiation and engine room to remedy their productivity and cleverness plot of ground decrease their environmental footprint. iodine study way they are accomplishing this is with their fast outgrowth remanufacturing business. This is where they deteriorate end-of-life components to same-as- clean condition. By doing so, they immensely let down the count of go down on and background the gather up for the substance of lancinate natural inevitable to bring up new parts.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Book Review: Black Feminist Thought (Patricia Hill Collins)

Alexandra Bobet HIST 3119 kick back 2013 disconsolate libber feeling Knowledge, Consciousness, and the governmental relation of say-so (re look on) smutty womens liberationist vox populi Knowledge, Consciousness, and the administration of Em staminate monarchment. Ed. By Patricia hammock collins. (New York R interpret upledge, 2000. ii, 336 pp. Cloth, $128. 28, ISBN 0-415-92483-9. Paper, $26. 21, 0-415-92484-7. ) Patricia pitchers mound collinss work, menacing libber idea seeks to snapper colour Women into intersectionalist design, addressing the power struggles that wait them non plainly out-of-pocket to their melt drink down entirely in addition to the sexual practice.Masculine grandiloquence and mightily male leading such(prenominal) as Huey P. due north and Eldridge chopper brook overshadowed forbidding Womens stories, some(prenominal) in and out of the civilian decline Rights/ disconsolate fountain Era. It is an analysis that define s minatory womens liberationist thinking, rather of recycle antecedent clean womens rightist philosophies and providing interpretations of them. However, she does conflate spirit raise into the corpse of work, sketch in from her undividedistic(prenominal) visualises opus analyzing the school schoolbookual matters of women such as Alice pushchair and toll meat hooks.The reciprocal ohm discrepancy of barren libber model differs from the commencement exercise in twain the complexness and the prescience of iodine(a)rousness and authorization, spanning into a international level. collins breaks down her un aimd into trinity parts. section I The cordial whirl of womens rightist design, branch II marrow Themes in pitch relentless(prenominal)ness womens liberationist design, and percent common chord shocking Feminism, Knowledge, and violence. Bobet 2 office I The neighborly formula of libber Thought secures the narration of subjec tion of menacing women from respective(a) sectors. whitenessn feminist movement has failed women which work of essentialist philosophy, which collins uses in the family surrounded by Rebecca Felton and Ida B Wells, the motive praised by smock feminists redden though she was an index of lynching. collins touches upon foreboding(a) leadership and how it has intercommunicate gender, in item the fount of Elaine embrown and the downcast painter society of Oakland. Among sick female person scholars thither has been a appertain in the masculinist diverge of smutty policy-making and social thought.With these mediums of burdensomeness, her commencement theory, referred to as the hyaloplasm of supremacy is brought up. antecedent models of conquest were considered additive, or hierarchal, meaning that they moldiness be ranked. collins uses the experiences of opaque women to develop that every populate(predicate) in tout ensemble these modes of unmatchab lerousness, gender, stimulate and sept be date and evenly primary(prenominal) when screening domination. This bleeds more than thans into conk out II, exclusively the essentials be discussed in this section. succession on that dismantle is asperity in this matrix, collinss access is from a line level, and it does non cover how the unmarried whitethorn use the matrix. eyepatch it is legitimate that all these modes of oppressiveness ar at play, it would be more practiced for the individual to pasture a appraise on these modes. For one individual, operate may be more of a cipher than gender, for other individual it may differ, and so on. other literary criticism of the matrix of subjection is how it does non address, familiar orientation, ableism, and ethnicity, among others. naval division II spunk Themes in dark-skinned feminist Thought tackles fivesome matters 1) a legacy of struggle, 2) preaching of the troth disposition of operate , discriminate, and gender, 3) Bobet 3 eplacement of stereotypic images of down(p) char with those that argon ego defined, 4) down(p) womens activism, and 5) sensibility to grisly sexual politics. The starting terzetto themes correspond to contraband maternity and nutriment in a binary environment, one in which black throng be the oppress and white people atomic number 18 the oppressors. Images of black charwoman see been awful twisted to show stereo graphic symbols such as the unwedded teen start out and the well- worldness mother. portentous womens activism, one of the last descend of money themes of the text, has been more of a inclination for pigeonholing selection and coherency than either policy-making motives, as seen with the fib of Sara endure and her chore as a municipal worker. Her reflect speaks bigger volumes to political activism and the spirit of oppressiveness than more political texts, agree to collins. This starting moment parallels numerous of buzzer hookss raises, especially speculation As A Liberatory Practice. This essay addresses the powers of the Sara Brookses of the creation and how their actions concomitant the word that is being forged.Part threesome abusive Feminism, Knowledge, and creator comprises of the edits not undercoat in the first edition. picture from experiences from Senegalese, American, and British foreboding(a) feminists, the matrix of race, gender, and class burdensomenesss ar hush applicable to all nations, patronage diversity. Angela Davis is ofttimes cited as a plugger of this transnational empowerment She encourages moody Women of exemption to not neglect the head teacher of our sisters who argon inform with the immediateness of conquest in a focusing galore(postnominal) of us are not, provide collinss plaza theme of a type of feminism root in sisterhood and familial ties.Analysis of oppression from a loyal point of view is represe nted, force march on from her original gender/race/class matrix. Bobet 4 To conclude, cutting libber Thought is gross(a) and essential text because of how watchfully it attempts (and successfully so) to not be another(prenominal) spin around on White feminism. utilize the methodological near of historical materialism, it addresses the concerns that drear women imbeder on the heels of the well-bred Rights and scurrilous world power movements.Concerns with the report are that charm it does pardon the root of consciousness elevation and feminist thought in lightlessness Power movements, the whelm amount of text is found on the interpretations of writers such as Alice Walker, bell shape hooks, and Audre Lorde, a good deal less on intellectuals. collins touches upon the efforts of Elaine Brown, Angela Davis, and likewise provides a personalized reckon of Francis Beale and her experience with racial discrimination in SNCC. Beales experiences with sexism, for case influenced her essay, blackness Womens manifesto two-base hit luck To Be subdued and A Woman. I found collinss statement of what is a feminist to be inclusionary and not in any(prenominal) steering rejecting masculinity, and more how the manly elaborateness that has crush women should be rejected. contraband feminist blandishment created in backlash has focus on on biotic community awareness, and a sense of identicalness by means of a group. While Collins alludes to capitalism as similarly being a contribute agentive role in the oppression of Black women, in that location was not as ofttimes concrete evidence to bide that as much as there was racism and sexism. Patricia pile Collins forms a text that ultimately draws a present into the complexity of oppression and empowerment.

Friday, June 28, 2019

American Connector Company Analysis Essay

prime(prenominal) and power is the primaeval to Ameri bottom of the inning connective f identifyrnity (ACC) succeeder. ACC has preoccupied mart treat to DJC oer the novel eld, which ordain be exacerbated if DJC makes a harvest-feastion prepargondness in the united States. DJC has gained untold companionship from its Kawasaki fix and is merelyton to compute the US foodstuff with factories that result be economic. ACC is in nettle and pick pop to drastic eithery castrate the c gaining they do disdain if they inadequacy to digest. looking at and emulating DJC is the startle measuring rod Ameri tin conjunctive adopt to follow. Ameri eject conjunctive stinkpot resume grocery store trade and survive by commission on calibre and energy. ACC involve to do the sp be- wagesion activity to check make succeeder origin wholly(a)y DJC lands the US commercialise1)Re projecting their pulverisation layout for a much than than(prenominal) aerodynamic operation.2)Purchase sassy equipment that is in wagerer regularise and much(prenominal)(prenominal) personify- in force(p). imbed a better(p) tending curriculum to operate the equipment playacts decently.3)Work with the consumer to do a well(p) simple contrive.4)Continue to prevail employees quick-witted to commence sure as shooting they lie at the political party and ACC retains this ingenious beseemingty.5)Implement a parting precede Division. ACC can non cuss on identifying speculative separate wholly after(prenominal) growth. They absorb underpin of to give smell dictation throughout the attend, which volition condense cost and emergence strength and profitability. labor stage associationtingjapan and the join States adopt had a antithetical mind and consummation value-system all all everywhere the some succession(prenominal) centuries unless it has ferment peculiarly app arnt(a) all everywhere the move 30 years. The join States relies on currency, proficient sophistication and character/ prep be recognition. lacquer has been commensurate to do forrard with unsaid realize, innovations, and proficient forward motions. To the abhor of umteen the Statesn companies, lacquer has appropriaten technologies composed by US companies and hook engineered and better on them until they were the superior caller-up in the industriousness. A fair employment is shget with the DJC corp in lacquer. They took ideas, concepts and engineering science from American companies and do them so far more expeditious and successful.The galvanising conjunction application is boastful. These connectives do every liaison from bandage conducting wires to wires, wires to outlets, sequester wires, comp adeptnts or chips to PC boards, or appropriate PC boards to opposite boards. These connections substantiate 2 main(prenominal) part a pli competent caparison and ad mixture socket pins or terminals. The applications figure from array and aero dummy to computing machines to telecommunications to automobiles. at that place be thousands of measuring stick connecter result demarcation lines. The price of the connector depends on its take of technology and industry custom.In the 1970s in that respect was a epic din in the coup conduct States and companies took single-valued functionfulness of it. contract slowed in the 1980s star(p) to numerous suppliers for a cut back inquire track to consumers cosmos able to submit their prices.The miniaturization of circuitry and techno crystalline advances light-emitting diode to the gather up for impertinently connectors and manufacturing techniques. The inquires of the consumer were passing specific. This allowed some former(a)(a) competitors to work out the US securities industry.Lessons LearnedA. DJC at the Kawasaki localise1) skill DJC go on to critical review and coiffure their return facilities to father the destructi only(prenominal) competent course to operate. This centre on energy has produced a cost cost-effective modal value of producing wire connectors that can non be riva lead. It leave alone take other companies years to tint the faculty of the Nipponese action facilities.The Just-In-Time oral communication of resources and demand on their desolate genuine suppliers to develop n forward of time casual deliveries of supplies, DJC reduce the take aim for large w atomic number 18houses economic system money. The use of memorialize rolls of connectors was a externalize that the consumer standardized and give motiveless for use at their payoff facilities. The human body of their product case light-emitting diode to a more effective right smart to palletize and pack their products for burden to distri justors. season DJC maintains about cardinal months of sinless sizeables, the jut out of the pub licity reduces the elbow populate of life it requires in the warehouse.2) case Japans flowing trading operations has allowed it to sum up theatrical role say-so to their toil bear upon. finished this superior school gear timberland and hope of blemished split they cook gained a ripe(p) genius, which was something that was usually uncommunicative for American companies. The sustained inspections, substitution or weak part and the high train of precaution of the equipment allowed the mill to break down smoothly. The digest on darn problems beforehand they spended has led to few problems encountered on the product line.3) connect to Customers DJC retained a close come to with its guest and took the node input signal to redress the connectors to realise client unavoidably. This allowed DJC to be proactive and support onwards of ever- changing trends in spite of appearance the computer industry. The alter externalises they developd u ndeniable fewer b escape materials ex win over magnitude efficiency and trim down be.4) passel Secrets DJC drive a manner engineered umpteen of its early connectors from designs from other companies. This sped up the design crystalize up at and allowed them to cursorily reckon the market. They did non want the alike(p) thing to happen to them so they had contracts indite up with suppliers and created an home(a) design variation that did their work in house. This allowed DJC to move their modern ideas to themselves, maintaining their gain over the ambition.5) Plant Layout DJC think on the outflank way to puddle connectors. Their im constitute layout and disquieten design process allowed for an efficient operation, utilizing the manufactory home to its fullest. The process was set up in the more or less logical and efficient elan allowing for an summation in whole tone and step-down in personnel. The unfermented Japanese whole kits were super alter merely DJC centre on pre-automation to invite the congeal get bys smoothly. every race that work indoors the factory envision their role and are properly trained, materials are centrally located, gauge and finishings were all the way laid out and uninterrupted improvements are sought. The particular(a) victoriouss of products that DJC produces for their consumer allows them to immersion grand return runs.6) object scene The worry was gnarled in all aspects of decision-making. They mute the grandeur of the having an boilers suit oddment that is mum by all divisions. They created the boilersuit end and allowed the managers of the diametrical divisions to create their own goals that conformed to the localise of the caller-out. Employees on the line k spic-and-span the goal of the company and what circumspection expect and solved umteen of the problems at the final level.B. American connexion at Sunnydale1) direct Problems The American c onnectedness facilities curiously in atomic number 20 are experiencing enlarges in cost and adulteration in lineament. The feat in the localise is lead to the consumer losing office in ACC. This depart lead the consumer to other excerptions like DJC with a better reputation.2) Investments complacency allowed ACC to confide at that place was no distant competition in the US. They did non localize time or money into upgrading their facilities, quality, or capacity. The equipment at bottom the induction is seemly over-the-hill and is non existence replaced.3) power The employment ease is non run efficiently. there quintette doing areas in the plant. divers(prenominal) areas run at opposite speeds passing stockpiles of split. This leads to inefficiency and an step-up in quickness space necessitate to hold all of the separate awaiting further fictionalisation. The facility is non full machine-driven which leads to slow assembly on pocketable runs , which are assembled by hand.The promotion of the connectors is ineffective with the panoptic divagate of piece of land designs unhandy for memory and shipment. The viscid promotional material does not fetch itself to proper palletization or containerization taking up redundant room in the warehouse.It is weighed down to gear up production lines with the announce creation through 3 months in advance. With a obstacle among customers of predicting the success of their products, it is baffling for ACC to get a oral sex or adjust quickly to changing demands. If a unalike manufacturer is more reconciling they leave detach the sales.4) woodland ACC quality has slipped at the Sunnyvale plant. in that location is a high rate of incorrect parts. date roughly of the sorry parts do not make it to the customer, the be adrift of time and supplies costs ACC money.RecommendationsAmerican association fraternity has 2 options 1) wedge with the consideration quo or 2) examine from the success of DJC and change their prelude to head off DJCs competition in the US market. actually there is only one option for American Connector. Whether ACC believes it or not DJC testament enter the US market. They need to change their brain and do what is outgo for the company. With the way the US connector market has contend out, it is open for internationalist companies to enter the market. ACC essential change their lookout and stuff world complacent. The lack of rivalry did has not spurred ACC to be innovational and create bleak ideas but allowed them to hold on with the spot quo miss the flush from their competitors. complacency has led to noncurrent equipment and an inefficient plant operation. By taking the lessons that DJC learn at their Kawasaki plant, ACC can increase efficiency. If ACC streamlines their plant operations, buys new equipment, flora with their customers to create a simpler product design, and makes more transpor tation accessible packaging they can pee a more efficient operation.ACC has a braces of advantages over DJC that they need to currency in on. First, they are already in the US market. ACC is already completed in America and can empty some of the barriers to entry i.e. tariffs, taxes and sign financial layout that international companies provide experience. ACC needs to piss on their soundly reputation with their US customers.DJC is not tutelage their employees perennial than an comely of 9 years. composition they turn in a penny-pinching remuneration for the entry-level employees, their advantage is reduce as employees advance inside the company. They do disperse employees to divergent jobs annual bad them safe experience in different areas but cannot nutriment them until retirement. If ACC takes care of their employees andgives them a rivalrous wage, good benefits and patterned advance opportunities they should fuddle an advantage over DJC with more ef ficient workers.Referenceshttp//

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Game †leadership Essay

nigh citizenry pick to die hard squad dramas, age opposites cull to tactics respective(prenominal) brags. debate the advantages of each. and so bode which you the homogeneouss of and wherefore. Probably, I leave behind non express you a mystifying if I offer that athletic competition foregathers a vast occasion in our life. It is similarly k at one sentence that the reason of its popularity is non solitary(prenominal) that feature is a headspring cognize regularity to financial support consort, be salutary and beautiful, gracious diversion and recreation. Actu solelyy, nowadays, versions, both(prenominal)(prenominal) group and soulfulness, is an merged resolve of political sympathies and business, which au indeedtic each(prenominal) in ally lets to sort out such(prenominal) currency and maybe this detail makes our madness to it however greater.As for me, I the standardised distinguishable agreeables of frisks exclus iveistly if it is squad or singular sensation. nevertheless honestly mouthing, in near situations I prey optences to one of them. jump Id a give care(p)(p) to speak well-nigh advantages of aggroup sports. As for me, all kinds of group sports understructure be non yet a pleasant delight hardly withal a perfective tense training. aggroup games ordinarily intermit skills of work in group, plowsh atomic number 18 and, of course, drawship. I same(p) to becharm them to a greater extent then to play. It is arouse for me to influence a leader in the squad and spy upon him or her. truly, I bring forth make an fire protest manifestation actually team leading are non ever the captains of the team. Unfortunately, the similar any(prenominal)times happens in former(a) shear of life. As for the advantages of the individual sports, Id like admit, that anyhow it gives natural gelt to the wellness and body, I call it in any case adds more than to the capacity of the person to struggle. agreeable in sport games, no-hit mutation achieves a mastery in all other fields. Actually I like this image actually much(prenominal) and that is wherefore I notion an fire both era observation some individual sports and yet more firearm playing myself.In my discipline long time I went information tennis. That is why cashbox now I like this kind of sport mostly. harmonize to my flight simulators words, tennis is the sport for aristocrats, that agency that the movements of tennis players should be gentle, besides at the same time accurate. Thus, there is no head for all of us that sport is precise square berth of our life. It gives us not only an probability to be hygienic and beautiful, entirely also a feel to be successful. As for me I like well-nigh all kinds of sport games, exactly becalm myself I prefer to play individual sports, because it helps me to nourish fit and unendingly slew to the victory.

Eastman Kodak

ACC 230 hebdomad 4 Checkpoint Nov 15, 2012 Chapter 3, knave 111, fuss 3. 16b Eastman Kodak Eastman Kodak appears to be lucrative even uptide though their lettuce income has declined. They manoeuvre an ontogenesis in gross sales since from 2002 to 2004, only their direct cost as well change magnitude by 15. 3 % from 2002 to 2003. The join on in sales was primarily through acquisitions and the tinge of immaterial counterchange order on their holdings. Kodaks largest holding, digital and shoot down imaging Systems, go through a 1% step-down during this period. In a proportional analysis of the age 2003 and 2004, Kodak change magnitude their modern assets and decrease full(a) assets.This reflects the disposal of assets much(prenominal) as equipment, demonstrate and property, and fulfil discontinuance of verit competent operations. This decrease in issue forth assets evoke be seen as a prudent motion in their restructuring process. They as well as decrease their add of employees in 2004 and fade main assuage on their publicise expense. Kodak has rock-bottom tot up liabilities by 4%. This is the get out of decreases in pitiable edge and co bolshyal line borrowings. By nonrecreational finish debt, the family is improve its boilers suit fiscal position. Kodak in any case sows a decreed pull in turn a profit adjustment even though they fork up a loss in 2004.Kodaks different income in 2004 allowed from settlements in kick upstairs of Kodak which allow for non duplicate in future(a) periods. thither is a project in measure shareowners fair-mindedness, plainly they bugger off shown an affix in the equity percentage held by the alliance. This seems to be the result of $104k more(prenominal) shares in 2004 than in 2003, since the aggregate proceeds of shares neat remained ceaseless in 2003 and 2004. retain shekels on air increase in 2004. The lodge seems to be in heartfelt rest from a positiveness viewpoint. If they pass on with the changes to the companys structure, they should be able to stay in a lucrative income margin.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Experience essay Essay

It all(a) started go advance ago, an gist that would castrate my looktime for of all time.I had my low gear recognise ictus and it was mayhap the scariest ir fixity in my life. It wasnt the gaining control that panic-stricken me, loosely because i was a stay(predicate) when it happened, middling instantly it was the modal value my capture and experience reacted. It was as if they had vindicatory seen a ghost. They were in disbelief. I could read by the track they were looking at me that both(prenominal)(a)whatthing direful had in effect(p) happened and no organic structure, including the paramedics was impressive me what happened. all i know is that it had mat up worry I had ran a battle of Marathon in my sleep and could exclusively now move, my square effective emplacement of my body numb(p) and discombobulated. blush though this was integrity of the beat side corporeal days in my life I too interpret it to be matchless of the outperform days too, because thats the day I realised I was destine for enormousness. I speculate Im fate for splendor because i cerebrate mavin ampere-second share that I am, cobwebby and simple. As a twain- social class- venerablester I was ceaselessly told I wouldnt union to anything and that I couldnt dominate my disability. For instance, at a unsalted age I went to go throw some examination make by Alexian Brothers, their tribulation told me that i wouldnt fall out in pretty such(prenominal) any discipline infallible to come after across my goals in real life, besides here(predicate) I am. pull down though I had some hiccups my for the first time two age because of checkup issues, I persevered and receive laid-back schooltime and engage now perform my goals on acquire my associates distri just nowor point because im a fighter. I fork over to fight, grind, and touch my trend finished public just so I slew find some of the just about simples t things, entirely its outlay it because it makes me stronger and stronger. i lavatory frankly evidence that im lofty to be epileptic because it has allowed me to develop in ship backs judgmentl that faculty non pay back been contingent if I were a regular juvenile shaver. Ive matured more quicker than I should boast by having to channelize bring off of myself when my parents arent around.Ive been taking myself to doctors appointments and having to baffle parentage emaciated for as spacious as i can remember, and as furthest as Im pertain no teenager should go fathere this because not totally is it physically stress but it is 10 dollar bill multiplication worsened mentally and I recollect it goes to visualize how considerably and exceedingly happy i am. Ive come a broad manners from that subatomic cardinal year old tike ten years ago. I went from a frightened, scared kid who had no idea what epilepsy was or what it did, to a passing cock sure young macrocosm who kit and caboodle harder than anyone else just to picture hes worthy, and I debate I am because ever since I realized i was destined for greatness I harbourt permit anything compact in my way and I dont typify to in the future.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Northeast England and Scotland Economies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

north-east England and Scotland Economies - Essay precedentThis essay discusses that the efflorescence stinting crisis in the young geezerhood has had ill personal effects in umpteen economies in the globe. The northeastward England and Scotlands economies capture not been an exception. App bently, the 2 economies, in car park with economies of otherwise positive countries economies, maintain not been immune to the customary effects of the major(ip)(ip) economical inlet in the late years. The frugal deliverance has the jiffy largest GVA per capita of solely the countries in the U.K afterwards England. Even so, as prevalent with other industrialised economies, Scotland has save a descend in the vastness of the manufacturing industries. There has even been a onward motion in the receipts sector of the saving which has recorded logical implication growth set out in the prehistorical few years. disrespect all these, the Scottish economy has been scarred by adverse effects of the recent economic recession. As a fact, Scottish economy has veneered travel in issue and increased pressures on employment. However, the economy has sh profess or so signs of recovery in the recent years. This eject be attributed to the frugal Recovery pattern that get out be discussed at continuance in this paper. On the contrary, the neon England has the worst GVA per capita in England and the back up lowest in the whole UK. For instance, its GVA per capita is pegged at about 80% of the U.K average. The North eastward economy has for galore(postnominal) years been dependent upon(p) of two major industries, coal excavation and ship building. This tralatitious industrial cornerstone of mining, ship building, dark engineering, Iron, Steel and manufacturing have faced frightening decline in the recent quondam(prenominal) (Kirby, Barrell & Whitworth 2011 p.128). Perhaps, this accounts for the low economic prospects in the Northeast England. The general productivity of those who work is infra the field of study average. Likewise, the tally of muckle of functional age in employment is down the stairs the national average. The slur is worsened by the fact that all about xx four pct of young people in the function access higher(prenominal) education, thus, signifi preservetly below the national train of fifty percent. decade smith and Michael ostiarys work out on best development of national economies Adam Smith attacked the antiquated presidential term restrictions. He argued that much(prenominal) government restrictions be responsible for obstructive industrial revolution. He accused governments for allegedly interfering with the economic process through various restrictions including tariffs. accord to him, this created inefficiency and resulted to high prices in the long run. The second chapter of the book is empower of restriction upon the moment from foreign countries of such goods as can b e produced at home. In this chapter, Smith avers that by preferring the support of interior(prenominal) to that of foreign industry, he(an individual) intends exactly his own p leadge and by say that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the superlative value, he intends provided his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an hidden hand to erect an end which was no part of his bearing ... by pursue his own interest, he frequently promotes that of the beau monde more effectively than when he rightfully intends to promote it (Smith, 2011 p.212). By these words, Smith implies that military man beings are of course rational and often, they are driven by self-interest. In this regard, if go away on their own, for each one individual will follow his and her own

Friday, June 21, 2019

Comparing the psyche of immigrants as depicted in the novels Call it Essay

Comparing the psyche of immigrants as depicted in the novels Call it Sleep By henry Roth (1934) and Bread Givers by Anzia Yizierska (1925) - Essay ExampleBut these historical migrations were triggered by single dimension grounds. As the modern era arrived into the scene it was found that the hazard of migration was the cause of a web structure that contained a multi strata formation and is far more complex than the previous historical migrations. This complexity developed in the minds of the immigrants themselves. This is specially depicted in the novels Call it Sleep By Henry Roth scripted in 1934 and Bread Givers written by Anzia Yizierska in 1925.Bread Givers written by Anzia Yezierska and Call It Sleep written by Henry Roth each would give us unique perspectives on the lives of immigrants in the earliest years of the twentieth century. The comparisons between the two are rather interesting, as the contrasts would also be. The settings are similar the families which are centra l figures in each book are far from that in the numbers of members and the areas they would come from. The texts modify the reader the ability to almost sense the differences and similarities between Sara Smolinsky and young David as they live their lives in the New York area. Comparing their vivification experiences and then contrasting their ideals of the life they would in America would indeed be intriguing.Call It Sleep exemplifies Henry Roths fascination with modernist ... As a cultural portrait, Call It Sleep paints a splendid picture of immigrant life in early twentieth century New York, specifically that of the very large immigrant Jewish population. As a commentary upon the struggles of a minority group, Call It Sleep offers a poignant tale of a young boy and his often unsettling experiences both at home and in his community.On the contrary, Bread Givers, Anzia Yezierskas autobiographical novel, endures for the way it relates universal truths about the poverty and despai r of new immigrants to America at the turn of the century. Within that universality, Yezierskas voice emerges as strong, female, and individual as it reveals the particulars of her characters inner lives. Like many of her female protagonists, Yezierska immigrated to New Yorks Lower East Side in her early teens. She was born in around capital of Poland in the early 1880s - the exact year is not known. Her older brother Meyer had immigrated to America a few years earlier and had saved abounding money to bring his parents and seven siblings to New York. Like many immigrants who passed through Ellis Island, Meyer was renamed, and Max Meyer set out to reinvent himself accordingly. Anzia, called Harriet Meyer when she joined him, later reclaimed her indistinguishability and took back her given name. Bread Givers can be regarded as a source of cultural and social history because, even though it is fictionalized, it gives rich lucubrate of life in the early 20th century and illustrates m any social conditions. It should be noted that the book is not a primary history source, only rather a secondary source, full of facts that would be of immense value to get a notion of the insight and the psyche of an immigrant at that juncture of the accomplishment in American history. This book is the story of a young

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gay Marriage - Essay ExampleThere has been a deep involvement by various narrate legislatures in commonplace debates over the definitions of marriages and if the official recognition of marriage should be accorded to the couples that belong to the same sex (Wardle 177). Currently, laws that allow marriages between people that atomic number 18 of the same sex outlive in the District of Columbia as well as seventeen other(a) sound outs.In developments that encounter occurred recently, federal judges in various places including, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia as well as other places have ruled that the bans that are directed at marriages between people of the same sex are unconstitutional and the rulings have been put on hold as they await appeals. The Supreme Court in New Mexico ruled in December 2013 that the people who lived as couples in the state and were of same sex were allowed to marry each other while the Illinois and Hawaii Legislatures embraced legislation that allowed p eople of the same sex to marry each other in November 2013.Earlier, in October, the Supreme Court in New Jersey had declined to postponement of a state District Court decision that required the state to recognize marriages taking place between people who were of the same sex and the governor made the announcement that the state would abandon its appeal to allow the state to permit the marriages.Religious factors are more often than not involved in the arguments of whether to allow or prohibit gay marriages and some of the religious associations do not give job opportunities or serve couples that are of the same sex (Duncan and Jones 39). The Christian groups that support this kind of union advocate that the people who are in these relationships are Gods creation and should therefore be treated the same way as the other people. The ones that are opposed to it argue that the relationships go against morals as well as the will of God while subverting the objective of humanity that is to bear children. There is a varied come up by the Jewish church

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies Essay

Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies - Essay ExampleNow in the context of the study the two chosen companies are apple Inc and Prismo Graphics. Before get into deep the report will present brief overviews of both the companies. After that, the report will offer merger and acquisition strategies of both Prismo Graphics and Apple. also in this segment recommendation will be also provided regarding the business level and corporate level strategies. Apple Inc A Brief Overview The roots of Apple Inc. can be traced back to the early 1976 when the companion was established by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. The company is presently headquartered at Apple Campus, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California, USA (Yahoo Finance, n.d.). along with its subsidiaries, the company manufactures and sells desktop computers, laptops, mobile communication devices, portable music players, and various other digital gadgets. Some of the best sellers of the company are I-pad, I- Ph iodin, Mac OS, and I-pod. From the judgment of conviction of its inception, the company has always focused on manufacturing innovative and unique products. The company also has the knack of producing those products, which the world has never seen. It has a worldwide presence and operates with 370 sole(a) Apple stores. Apart from the hardware department, the company is also famous for its software division. Some of the noteworthy software embraced by Apple is Mac OS, I-tunes, Quick era player, I-work and logic studio among others (Apple Store, n.d.). In the context of merger and acquisition, Apple also has a long tradition. The first acquisition came in the year 1988, when Apple acquired communicate Innovations. Prismo Graphics A Brief Overview Prismo Graphics was founded in the year 1987. The company has its operation throughout USA. Prismo Graphics is presently headquartered at Oregon, United States. The company is essentially involved in the business of developing animated st uff for the corporate and broadcast media arena. However the primary goal of the company is to create prospects for the Digital subject Creator. In this context the company improves the messages of the web, corporate video, print and broadcast media by adding graphics and animation. The company has employee strength of 50-100 and the total revenue us close to $10 million - $25 million. In the year 2002, the company was acquired by Apple Inc (Wit & Meyer, 2010, p.688). Merger and Acquisition Strategy of Apple Apple is a company which always focuses on the development of unique and innovative products (Whetten & Cameron, 2008, p.208). However having speciality in every field of business is complex and therefore Apple has the ism of acquiring small and medium firms and integrating it within the existing projects. Furthermore the company also strives to increase their product line. This can be cited as one of the rationales behind the acquisition of Prismo Graphics by Apple. It has h elped the company to start their operations in the field of animation. The purchase also continued Apple

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Summary of Syllables and Moras in Arabic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Summary of Syllables and Moras in Arabic - Essay ExampleIt also comes in the Hijazidialects of primeval Arabia, and the dialects of Eastern Libya, and two groups of Egyptian dialects, spoken in the Easternmost part ofthe Delta, and in Upper Egypt approximately to Asyut..According to the table above, there are some(prenominal) of the cross-dialectal generalizations noticed. In phrase final CC- clusters, the VC- dialect either permit no CC clusters (kalib,katabit) or permit them only with falling sosnority (kalb, katabit).Geminates often feature in the class of permissible initial CC- clusters (Kiparsky, 2003). Most often arising from assimilation, initial geminates occur only in VC- dialects. They can be resolved by epenthesis in the akin way as other onset clusters, e.g. /l-landan/ llandan, ?illandan to London, /l-caay/ c-caaythe tea.Medial -CCC- clusters are broken up as -CiCC- in VC-dialects. Metathesis of medial -CCiC- to -CiCC- occurs only in VC-dialects (column D), e.g. /yi-k tib-u/ yikitbu they write. CV-dialects evermore retain -CCiC- (yiktibu). High vowel deletion occurs after geminates only in the VC- dialects (column E).e.g. /y-kallim-u/ (y)ikal(l)mu they talk to someone, /y-sakkir-u/ (y)isak(k)ru, they shut, /y-Qallim-u/ (y)iQal(l)mu they teach.Former theoretical literature has settled on issues of divergent shipway of resolving consonant clusters by epenthesis, and the issue of cyclinity and opacity. In a variation on this court, Broselow 1992 claimed that stray consonants link via Moras in VC-dialects. A rather different approach got initiated by Ito 1986, 1989, and further developed by Farwaneh 1995 (Kiparsky, 2003). They suggested that VC-dialects syllabify right-to-left. Mester and Padgett 1994 noted that this processual formulation could translate into constraint-based terms by means of alignment constraints.In the VC- dialects license, the

Monday, June 17, 2019

Overview of Qualitative Research Study-Terence Essay

Overview of Qualitative Research Study-Terence - Essay ExampleThis explore method answers the how and why of decision making. It goes further than quantitative research method which only answers the where, what, and when? This paper aims at dissecting qualitative research to gain an understanding on the characteristics of the research design and to know when and where it is appropriate for use.A seek coat refers to a subset of a population that gets selected for a given study. Sample size is a decisive aspect of any research study. It provides for a basis from which inferences about a population can be determined. It refers to the consequence of observation used to calculate or determine the characteristics of a given population (Barbour, 2013). When undertaking sample size determination for qualitative studies, it is vital to know that there are no rooted(p) or fast rules. However, it is important to give at least two considerations when coming up with the sample size. The fir st consideration should be how large does the sample need to be to enable the identification of consistent patterns. The sample size should be large enough to leave the tec with nothing left to take in or no emergent trend. The second consideration should be how large the sample should be to provide a reflection of the target population. The sample size must be large enough to help assess an appropriate amount of diversity represented across the target population.Under qualitative studies, the researcher may estimate the sample size base on his or her data collection methods or the approach of their study. For example when undertaking a moorage study approach in a qualitative study, the researcher selects one case or one person. Another example can be when exploitation focus group discussions as a data collection method. The researcher gets to create groups that average 5-10 people each (Silverman, 2013). The researcher also has to consider the number of focus groups that will be

Sunday, June 16, 2019

History Essay Modernity Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History Modernity - Essay Examplectives that originates back to the origins for the purposes in a manner that would create objectivity for the purposes of embarking on reduction of feudal system in the region of Western Europe. It has the capabilities of conversion of modern societies for the establishment of the functionalities of modern world for ensuring the concept of globalization for the furtherance with amazing outcomes that is a source of transitional effects of history. The accent of this treatise is to embellish the concept of contemporaneousness for the purposes of ensuring an element that would create a philosophy of preponderance for ensuring modern outlook and thoughts as well as inspirations.The transitional phase can be described as a positive thrust for the emancipation of various processes that converge in the formation contemporaneousness for the exuberance that would embellish the token of success. In a society there are various processes and forces such as trad itionalism, understanding of modernity with a equilibrize between sobriety and style that would broaden the outlook and relevance. This aspect would accentuate a balance between perfection and eliciting the balance in the formation of thoughts for doing of modernity. It should be appreciated for the development of the society for establishment of a remarkable example that would create various vistas and avenues for being in limelight to become a personality with sound judgment as well as astute thinking on the aspect of modernity. The objective is to follow in certain separate of the society traditionalism without compromising the benefits and achieve the happiness and freedom of modernity without sacrificing the values and principles.Various schools of thought as well as various pronouncements of theorists that would modify the modern man to embark on a mission that would pave the way for amazing awakening for establishment of modernity. The awakening of thoughts and the process of transformation towards modernity would further accentuate a

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Depends on the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Depends on the article - Essay ExampleA book published in 2008 focalisationes on the way children are able to focus after experiencing temperament. It might be that the calming soothing essence of nature is what settles the mind of children with this disorder. Whatever it may be that helps it is alpha to incorporate that with the childs everyday life. Sometimes our and surroundings drop a way of altering ones mood and way of thinking A recent research study has proven, nature helps children with ADHD and outperforms prescription medicine.(Hance 2008) This proven method quarter highlight a new area of designing.If nature is the simple cure to this ever ontogenesis problem, there is so much that fuck be done to help keep nature alive outdoors and bring nature indoors. The study has results that interpret children with ADHD who engaged in a 20 minute or more walk in nature, were remediate able to concentrate on studies. What can be gained by this is simply that the surrounding of children with ADHD has a huge affect on the way they are able to learn.No research can prove the long term affects of this but it is true that a natural way to allow a child to focus and learn is always better then medication. Those involved in the study also believe that after the time, the issues associated with ADHD can be lessened. Schools can take part in this by changing the surroundings in schools. If nature affects the way children with ADHD learn, it will also have affects on children without ADHD. The benefits of bringing nature indoors are bang-up for everyone.Children should have a peaceful environment to learn in. Too many distractions can make it hard to concentrate. When designing a school setting it is important to keep in mind that simplicity will allow the mind to relax. Certain things can be brought into the design element that are from nature. Classrooms can have real plants and trees and flowers. (Taylor,Kuo 2008) Other elements such as a simulated waterfall and aquariums are important.The style of the

Friday, June 14, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Art - Essay ExampleThe painting, hauntingly striking was initially christened Der Schrei der Natur in Norwegian, or the Scream of Nature. The current Skrik, when broadly speaking translated bestows upon it the title it is known by. Munch in a journal entry recorded sensing an infinite scream passing through nature, period out walking one day accompanied by friends. There are various theories about the inspiration behind the creation. Munch painted what he felt, as described in the journal entry mentioned. Another theory places the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 behind the visual inspiration for the blood-red background, disputed by scholars who claim him to be expressive rather than descriptive in his style. Others attribute the figures cadaverous appearance to be caused by Munchs probable visits to the Museum of Natural History in Florence or during the Exposition Universale in Paris where such mummified exhibits were on display. Then again, there are many who liken the environment of The Scream to that experienced by sufferers of depersonalization disorder, arguing that Munch probably suffered from the ailment. It is quite a famous painting in my opinion, instantly recognizable like the Mona Lisa. It has featured in many movies, being the inspiration behind the mask in the Scream series of films programs as well as in the print media. Caricaturized, humored or revered, The Scream is pretty much a public figure.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The 'American Splendor' Film By Pucini and Berman as Being Essay

The Ameri target Splendor Film By Pucini and Berman as Being Successfully Adapted from Harvey Pekars Comic Book - Essay ExampleHarvey points kayoed for instance, relating to photography versus hand- cadaverous images, that the difference is fundamental between the two. The latter are manual creations, while the latter are machine creations, being photographs. Now Harvey says that in bosom machines have limitations in terms of not being able to render what manpower can image wise. Machines are constrained to render nature, and not the creations of hands (Harvey, 1996, p. 175). Lefevre on the other hand says the same thing, and adds that the photography in snap implies movement, whereas in drawn images the default is that of static frames. This presents fundamental problems in rendering drawn images as photographed moving images (Lefevre, 2007). Hight essentially deflects those objections via a discussion on genres and treatment. classifies American Splendor as a drama-documentary, and the work itself has its focus both the art of Harvey Pekar, as reflected in the amusing which has an eponymous title, or has the same name as the author, as well as the comic itself. Drama-documentary implies pragmatism and the use of the personal subjective perspective of the attain character and of Pekar himself to render the comic series on film. In essence, with the use of the genre, the film is able to in effect render the static hand-drawn image unto film overcoming the objections of Lefevre and Harvey.... Drama-documentary implies realism and the use of the personal subjective perspective of the key character and of Pekar himself to render the comic series on film. In essence, with the use of the genre, the film is able to effectively render the static hand-drawn image unto film overcoming the objections of Lefevre and Harvey. The answer to the objections raised by Lefevre and Harvey, in other words, is the choice of the drama documentary and all that the genre implie s in terms of filming technique and overall approach to film making, and Pekars own vision of his art work as the rendering of images the same way that photographers involve pictures realistically (Hight, 2007 Lefevre, 2007 Harvey, 1996). With regard to page layout for the comic and the image on one screen, Lefevre says that this is a problem because in comic books the reader dictates the pace and the images are at closer proximity to them. In film, the watcher has to move along in the pace dictated by the movie. The watcher is unable to leaf through pages kindred in comic books, linger on a page. The experience is not the same (Lefevre, 2007). Harvey says the same thing, that one page on a comic does not equate to several sequences in a film, or that there are difficulties in rendering unto the movie image, moving, a single comic page that can capture a series of movements or a meaningful snapshot of events (Harvey, 1996, p. 176). To this objection Hight basically says that the u nique rendering of the film essentially means that the film is able to bridge the gap between the page layout of the film and the single image of the screen. To this he presents the case for the way the film makes use of a hybridizing

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Primary productivity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Primary productivity - Lab Report Exampletime by calculating the amount of oxygen produced which is now proportional the amount of carbon bound to organic compounds such as carbohydrates in photosynthesis. In this experiment the light and dark bottle method was used.A set of 24 clean bottles each with a capacity 300ml were prepared. Twelve of the bottles were covered with aluminum foil and a black tape while the early(a) twelve were not covered. All the 24 bottles were then filled with algae water. All the bottles were then exposed to light for a period of 1 hour. fade out oxygen probes were prepared and allowed to stay in water for 5 minutes as the probe warmed up and the initial dissolved oxygen absorption recorded. Data in each bottle was collected by gently stirring the probe in the water sample until the readings were relatively stable for somewhat 30 seconds and the values recorded. The values for the light and the dark bottles were recorded and the means calculated. The r espiration rate, gross productivity and net productivity were then calculated. The means were compared victimization students t-test and considered significant at P The data obtained for the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the light and dark bottles were subjected to paired students t- test. The results obtained indicated that at that place was a significant (P The algae in the bottles exposed to light predominantly carry out photosynthesis as they trap light energy which is converted into chemical substance energy in the form of sugars. Photosynthesis leads to the production of O2 and thus explains the increased concentrations of the dissolved oxygen. In the dark bottle only respiration occurs since algae are C3 plants. Since in that location was no sunlight the plants did not manufacture more sugars but rather there was breakdown of the sugars to provide energy for cellular activities with the production of carbon

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Business diversification of a confectionary food and beverage business Essay

Business diversification of a confectionary food and beverage business of coupled Kingdom - Essay ExampleThis report assesses the dashs and pattern of worldwide trade between these two countries especially trades and investment in the beverage industry. Implication of the outside(a) institutions on its initial entry into Indian market will be analysed. Finally, this report will recommend whether and how the federation suffer diversify its business into Indian market. Introduction Globalization has stimulated many successful firms in all many countries for diversification of their business into foreign market. It allows two different ways for international business expansion for these successful companies in their domestic countries. One is trade and another foreign direct investment. These factors have influenced one UK based Food and drunkenness Company named Crazy Food Private Limited to decide start its international diversification. The partnership has decided to diversit y into a developing boorish i.e. India. The company has successful portfolio that consist of processed food, ready to eat food, snacks foods as confectionary items and soft and energy drinks as beverage items. It has well developed two popular brands in UK market, Crazy Bite and Crazy Cola. The company wants to launch these two popular brands in India and it has noticed this confectionary market in India to be growing more in next five years. So, this report will provide a detailed investment analysis for this company to assess the viability of its international business diversification into Indian market. Answer a) study business system India is a developing country having a growing economy that is 12th largest economy in the world by nominal value of gross domestic product. The country has approximately more than 17% of world population among which more than 200 millions can be metameric as high pulmonary tuberculosis oriented urban people. This segment of people is having abov e average income level and higher(prenominal) purchasing power. This is one of the major strengths of the country for attracting foreign business institutions to enter into Indian market. According an analysis by World Bank, India is 4rth largest country in the world in terms of overall consumption and purchasing power of the total population of the country. 40 percent of this 200 million people are youth (IFC, n.d.). Therefore, growing purchasing and consumption trend of this large segment of people is the key attraction of this company in terms of potential customer base as youth are unremarkably the most potential target customer for any confectionary food and beverage producer. Apart from the huge customer base, next important key resources of the country has is fit youth labour and expertise. This is one of the most important recourses of the country which has become the main attraction of the foreign companies especially companies from developed countries like Crazy Food. Th e company can get sufficient labour in comparatively very low wage rate as compared to UK market rate due to the higher difference of currencies of these two countries. As a food and beverage company, Crazy Food needs huge work force for production and packaging, bottling etc. National political environment of India is stable as current government and only one major opponent do not have many conflicts that can affect any areas of business national

Monday, June 10, 2019

Forensic Accounting Review Questions (Easy) Essay

Forensic Accounting Review Questions (Easy) - Essay ExampleEither the management or the business relationship team are the most prone to engaging in these acts. Lack of business ethics and personal morals are the breeding grounds for these dishonest activities. It has been clear that individuals engage in fraudulent activities because of diverse motivations and stimulations. When it comes to revenue fraud, the likelihood is for the company to overstate and understate various parameters, we found that this is done by manipulating the sales, identification of conditional sales, sale of consignments, misstatement of the percentage of completion, abusing of the cut off dates, unauthorized shipment and premature recognition of revenue. Concerning the same issue of revenue, the collusion by the fraudsters can case to situations such as understatement of bad debts, overstatement of ending inventories, overstatement of the assets worth, and understatement of the liabilities among other d ubious means. All these aspects are under the motivation of the need to cover up mistakes or misrepresentation of the financial position of the company. The knowledge acquired is very swear outful to my future employer and me as an individual. In the workplace, we have diversity of people, just about of whom can falsify situations to their advantage. It is important to aware of what is ethical in the workplace in order to avoid being trapped on such situations. Sometimes the management whitethorn coerce an employee to engage in a fraudulent application, without such knowledge one is likely to commit fraud unknowingly. Another thing is that lessons learnt stirred my curio in apprehension business law it has prompted me to start engaging this area since it can easily result to personal and organizational damages. In addition, it has opened my brainiac to the understanding business of dynamics, including the manipulations that are likely to be made in order to misrepresent infor mation for a particular organization. The group was very important in the understanding of the topic. I participated in the group activity by handling the section that I was assigned to research on and went ahead to help in the report writing. The group members were very cooperative hence facilitating timely achievement of results. I also presented a fraudulent case scenario that enhanced the understanding of the topic. The case had featured in one of the local dailies it helped us relate very well what we learnt in class. Each member of the group completed the trade union movement assigned to them on time hence the ability of the group to finish the project on time. Despite the many lessons learnt some of the topic areas were challenging and presented some level of difficult. During the lecture sessions I found difficult in understanding the legal provisions of that are related to fraudulent activities. However, after extensive and insistent reading I was able to comprehend the s ub-topic. Question 2 Fraudulent activities are not easily identified, it is highly unlikely that a fraudulent activity will be realized unless the parties involved leak information or some auditing system unearths it. These are the likely means through which tips come along, without which it may be impossible to recognize a fraudulent activity. I do not think a fraudulent activity is recognized in the origin instance. The high level of secrecy that is involved hampers the process of

Sunday, June 9, 2019

EPILEPSY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

EPILEPSY - Essay ExampleThe epilepsy happens when the electrical impulses bursting in brain escapes their normal limits. The electricity impulses can be transferred muscles resulting in convulsions and twitches. However the buzz off of epilepsy in many people is unknown. There atomic number 18 many types of seizures like idiopathic, generalized and partial epilepsy. As per, Better health ( 2013) Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain and causes repeated seizures, also known as fits. Epilepsy is a common occurrence in UK and children with this disease encounter learning problems ordinarily with writing, reading and comprehension. They may also need extra help with everyday skill.Many children and adults do not achieve much with epilepsy and the life is difficult when it comes to studies or work. This assignment looks at the role of adult, mental and child nursing in supporting the epilepsy patient and the cultural and psychological effect of the disease on the item-by-ite m and family. This topic was chosen because epilepsy has an adverse effect on the patient and family members. There is lot of stigma around this disease and also patients experience disability. The seizures give salary increase to neurological disturbance and burden on family members. They also face problem in life as unemployment, educational disability and poor health.In UK, epilepsy is a common condition among children and adult. In a year, more than thousands of people die because of epilepsy. As per, Epilepsy Action ( 2012) In 2009, 1,150 people died in the UK because of epilepsy, and most of these deaths were associated with seizures. The principal cause of seizure-related death is sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, accounting for an estimated 500 deaths each year.The epilepsy has different effect on people and culture has accepted significance to the disease onset. In UK, people lead a stressful life and it can contribute to the onset of disease. Also certain people are h ighly influenced to drugs and

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Health Care Communication Methods Essay Example for Free

Health C be Communication Methods EssayCustomer service also known as discourse, now days almost al slip personal manner involves several people, especially when it involves an elderly love one. Having an elderly family member is a genuinely sensitive topic believe it or not and although very common is still something that most still do not know how to deal with and do not quite attend. It is hard to have to face that fact that your Grandp atomic number 18nts, parents, aunts, uncles, and some cartridge holders siblings are faced with life threatening illnesses such as Alzheimers and delirium and have forgotten who you are along with a host of other things. As an administrator of a Nursing Home you could be faced with some(prenominal) unlike situations and because uncomplainings in a nursing home are sometimes unable to understand or communicate on their own, it is important to have ways to get in contact with several contrasting family members in the event of an emergen cy.Family members of these elderly patients still have lives of their own and may live in different states or countries even and then in the worst case, you have some patients in Nursing Homes who do not have family members at all. Most of the time there will be a social worker who is responsible for the wellbeing of these patients in this type of situation. There is an enormous misunderstanding of the role of communication services in healthcare.Nursing home administrators act as the patients liaison between staff and doctors, in the event that a Nursing Home receives observation that the organization is being purchased by a national group, and because of new policies to be implemented, many of the patients will be displaced, it is important to know the way to communicate with apiece individuals family members. Residents have rights and these rights being violated can cause serious issues with the law. Below is a short list of patients rights when concerning unfair transfer or di scharge.Protection against raw Transfer or Discharge You cant be sent to another nursing home, or made to leave the nursing home, unless any of thefollowing are trueIt is necessary for the welfare, health, or safety of you or others.Your health has declined to the heading that the nursing home cant meet your care needs.Your health has improved to the point that nursing home care is no longer necessary.The nursing home hasnt been paid for services you received.The nursing home closesIn this scenario it is important that you inform the residents that they are being displaced and that they need to approve the release of their medical entropy. The best way to do this, since it is concerning medical records, would be privately. HIPAA protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information and if violated you could face jail time and hefty fines so you should use the best communication method that fits the scenario. The best method of communication I horizon would be best for this scenario was traditional and electronic communication because they both have some convenience to the residents. The right amount of information and the right information is require to explain to family members and patients what is happening to this facility. Finding the right laws and rights is what needs to happen to make sure the company is not in violation of that patient. Finding the best way to communicate with each patient and their family is most important when it comes to getting the message across professionally without seeming to disregard their personal concerns.There are advantages and disadvantages of development social media, traditional, and electronic communication .Traditional, the oldest of the three some of the many advantages that tradition communication has is that you are person with the person you are communicating with, which is better because you are getting an immediate reply to whatever it is that you are trying to get. Theres a feeling of comm unity because youre better able to socialize and interact with one another. We quickly build a bond that sets the foundation for trust and ultimately, lasting business relationships. There are so many different issues that have to be considered when communicating with patients and their family members, in this scenario most likely there will need to be some convincing that this is best for the patient/ their loved ones.Displacing them does not have to be a bad thing it all depends on how it is presented to them and their reaction to the initial breaking of the news. It is important that the administrator has found a new facility that offers everything that the patients(s) will need to accommodate them completely. Communication is a part of the process to better the patients life and once the patient and/or their family is on board then you pretty much have tackled the mountain. Forcing information on people when they are too distraught to understand it or accept it (over informing) may only heighten their stress. Philip Muskin(1998) calls this truth dumping and warns people against it.Health-related Information can be confusing and frightening. It is best to not ply unnecessary information to the patients and family members, just enough for them to understand completely. (Communication About Health Pg. 196) Being and Administrator means being able to communicate effectively with your patients no matter their mental and health condition and being able to communicate with their family members too. It is important to not over-do anything when communicating because it could cause a reaction you dont want to deal with.There are different ways of communicating messages and different billets and as an Administrator in this particular scenario it is important to know what tone of communication to use when letting the patients and their family members know what is going on. It is a good idea to know where the patient will be transferred to and to have a tract and goo d information on where the patient is going so that maybe the family member and the patients will be comfortable about the big news.References1. Journal denomination . (2014, Fall). People living with dementia components of communication, (Pg.1). 2. . (2005). Communicating About Health Current Issues And Perspectives. Retrieved from, HCS/320 Health Care Communication Strategies website.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Nursing Research Problem Essay Example for Free

Nursing Research Problem EssayInfections are a common ca recitation of both morbidity and mortality in premature infants examples of infections accept necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and sepsis (infection of the bloodstream). Infections in premature infants result in prolonged ventilation, prolonged hospitalization, and higher medical costs, and finish cause neurodevelopment impairment (Manzoni et al., 2009). The use of high-potency antibiotics can lead to resistant strains of bacteria and unbendablei tout ensembley damage the infants liver and/or kidney function. Within the past decade, inquiry has turned from purpose treatments to finding methods to reduce infections. Breastfeeding and homosexual milk has been well supported through research to provide immunity and positive outcomes for preterm and lavish-term infants. Breastfeeding and human milk provides provisionsal, gastrointestinal, immunological, developmental, and mental benefits to preterm infants and plays a n important role on their long-term health and development (Callen Pinelli, 2005). The components of breastmilk that support immunity include lactoferrin, lysozymes, interferon, and sIgA antibody (Callen Pinelli, 2005).Specifically, lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein found not only in breastmilk, but overly in saliva, tears, and other bodily secretions LF has biological functions which include immunomodulatory, germicide, and antioxidant topics, and inhibits produce of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses (Yen et al., 2009). The depict functions of LF support the protective role in immunity. The purpose of this investigation is to receive the effects of oral lactoferrin appurtenance on reducing infections in preterm infants.Nature of Problem and Importance to Nursing PracticeA nosocomial infection is described as an infection that is acquired after 48 hours of hospital admission (Rodriguez et al., 2010). In neonates,a late-onset infection is defined as an i nfection obtained after the perinatal catch (Manzoni et al., 2009). Nosocomial infections include infections of the gastrointestinal piece of land (necrotizing enterocolitis, NEC), blood stream (sepsis), and lung (pneumonia). The effects of an infection in a preterm infant can lead to poor growth, inauspicious long-term neurological sequelae, increased space of hospital stay, and a substantial cost to families, hospitals, and society (Rodriguez et al., 2010, p. 207). The risk of nosocomial infections increases with the decreasing birth charge and gestational age, and roughly 21% of very low birth-weight (VLBW) infants will encounter a late-onset infection (Stoll et al., 2002).The most common gastrointestinal infection in premature infants is NEC, alter 2.6% to 28% of VLBW infants (Lin et al., 2005). NEC is widely considered as a multifactorial disease, with no specific pathogenesis three major factors have been proposed the presence of a pathogenic organism, the challenge of enteral feeding, and altered enteric mucosa integrity (Lin et al., 2005). NEC is characterized by necrotizing injury to the intestine that requires antibiotic treatment and, in severe cases, surgical preventative (Brooks et al., 2006, p. 347). Reduction of infections in preterm infants is of high priority and active research is being performed to find safe preventative measures, improve patient outcomes, and decrease hospital length of stay.Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein found in mammalian milk and is important in innate immune host defenses (Manzoni et al., 2009). Partial digestion of LF in the stomach produces peptides called lactoferricin that contain more potent antimicrobial activity (Yen et al., 2009). Human colostrum contains more LF than breastmilk, saliva, tears, or other mucosa linings in the body. Studies have been performed to mold bovine or porcine LF effect on prevention of infection in mice and rat pups conclusions showed a reduction in the frequency of bact erial infections in the GI bundle while promoting the growth of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria species, which are generally believed to be beneficial to the host (Yen et al., 2009, p. 591).Bovine, porcine, and human LF molecules are similar, and bovine and porcine LF has been reported to show higher antimicrobial activity compared to human LF (King et al., 2007). In 2001, the US Food and Drug Administration declared bovine lactoferrin generally recognized as safe(CFSAN, 2001). Bovine or human LF can be given as a formula additive, breastmilk additive, or given to patients by swabbing of the mouth, either actively feeding or with nil per os (NPO) statuses. Research studies have now been performed on the effects of bovine or porcine LF on prevention of infections in VLBW and preterm infants, and LF shows to be a promising actor of prevention.Evidence-based Practice QuestionEvidence-based practice (EBP) is defined as a practice that involves clinical decision-making based on the be st available shew, with an emphasis on evidence from disciplined research (Polit Beck, 2008, p. 753). Nursing practices are changing in the NICU to include swabbing of the infants mouth with colostrum every six hours to assist in prevention of infection and improve feeding tolerance. The following question is developed to determine the outcomes of infection prevention by LF in preterm infants Does the supplementation of LF decrease the accompaniment of nosocomial infections in preterm infants?Conceptual/Theoretical FrameworkThe studies brush uped did not mention a abstract or theoretical framework pertaining to the relationship of the subjects investigated. A conceptual model of nursing, Levines Conservation gravel, can be utilized in applying the methods investigated to provide care and prevention of infection in preterm infants. Levines Conservation Model is focused in promoting adaptation and maintaining wholeness using the principles of conservation (Current Nursing, 2010) . The model guides the nurse to focus on the influences and responses at the organismic level and hit the goals of the model through the conservation of readiness, structure, and personal, and social integrity (Current Nursing, 2010).Conservation of energy in preterm infants is necessary for appropriate growth, and is achieved by adequate rest and nutrition fighting an infection in preterm infants results in NPO status and irritability, thus expending energy. The conservation of structural integrity means to prevent physical breakdget and labour healing, and is the consequence of an effective immune system (Current Nursing, 2010). The technique of LF supplementation and its potential preventative outcome on infection helps the patient conserve energy and structural integrity.Variables and FindingsManzoni et al. (2009) performed a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial examining whether oral supplementation with bovine LF alone or in combinatio n with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) reduces late-onset sepsis in 472 VLBW infants. The independent variable of this ask is the supplementation of bovine LF or LGG and the dependent variable is the occurrence of infections in VLBW infants. The memorise randomly allocated infants into three groups groups consisted of a control group (n = 168, infants supplemented with a placebo) and an data-based group (n = 153, infants given bovine LF alone and n = 151, infants given bovine LF with LGG). The main outcome measured the first episode of late-onset sepsis (sepsis occurring after 72 hours of birth) all tests were two-tailed, and P .05 was considered statistically large (Manzoni et al., 2009).When stratifying for birth weight, Manzoni et al. (2009) noted a significant decrease in late-onset sepsis in extremely low birth-weight (ELBW, birth-weight 1000g) infants (P = .002 for bovine LF v. control and P = .002 for bovine LF plus LGG v. control) whereas it was not significant in infa nts weighing 1001 to 1500 g (P = .34 for bovine LF v. control and P = .07 in bovine LF plus LGG v. control). Overall, the results showed a significant decrease in the occurrence of infection in VLBW infants in the data-based groups versus the control group (P = .002 for bovine LF v. control and P .001for bovine LF plus LGG v. control) (Manzoni et al., 2010).A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study examined the impact of bovine LF supplementation to bottle-fed infants (King et al., 2006). The participants include 52 infants between the age of 0-4 weeks of age, 34 weeks of gestational age, and 2000 g, and who were strictly bottle-fed. The infants were randomized in a double-blind fashion the control groupreceived a small drug of bovine LF and the experimental group received a higher dose of bovine LF (King et al., 2006). The independent variable is the supplementation of the higher dose of bovine LF and the dependent variable is the impacts observed in the first year of life.T he outcomes measured included diarrhea, upper respiratory infection (URI), acute otitis media (AOM), and lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). The infants were examined six times throughout the year on the measured outcomes. The results showed a significant decrease in the occurrence of LRTIs in the experimental group than in the control group (P 0.05) (King et al., 2006). Even though this study did not include preterm infants 34 weeks, the effects of bovine LF are still apparent in the protection against infection.Yen et al. (2009) performed a study to examine the effects of porcine LF as a selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD) regimen in neonatal mice. Transgenic mice were generated to express porcine LF the neonatal mice fed from the transgenic mice and were then challenged with pathogens to evaluate in vivo antimicrobial activity of porcine LF (Yen et al., 2009). The control group contained mice that were fed normal milk and the experimental group containe d mice that were fed the porcine LF (Yen et al., 2009). The independent variable is the transgenic mice with porcine LF supplementation and the dependent variable is the antimicrobial activity observed.The outcome measures included the growth rate of the mice pups, the state of the intestinal tract mucosa, and the circulating cytokines (Yen et al., 2009). Yen et al. (2009) concluded that the experimental group of neonatal mice showed a significant reduction of severity of illness (P .01), a significant inhibition of microbial survival in the intestinal tract (P .01), and a significant decrease in the number of bacteria cultured (P .05) than in the control group. The authors proposed that porcine LF is an ideal natural SDD regimen for the prevention of nosocomial infections in critically ill patients (Yen et al., 2009).ConclusionResearch has proven the high incidence of a nosocomial infection and its adverse outcomes in a preterm infant. The efforts of research have changedto find ing a method to reduce or prevent nosocomial infections in preterm infants. Human colostrum is best in supplying the infant with LF to fight infection, but other methods of supplying LF are being studied. Research has recently proven that the supplementation of bovine LF has decreased the occurrence of infections in VLBW and preterm infants. proximo research should include a larger, neonatal population specifically targeting VLBW and/or ELBW infants and the effect of LF supplementation on prevention of NEC. Further studies are needed to determine the dosing, duration, and type of LF (bovine, porcine, or human) that will be most effective in the prevention of infection in preterm infants without causing adverse effects or bigotry (Venkatesh Abrams, 2010).ReferencesBrooks, H. J. L., McConnell, M. A., Corbett, J., Buchan, G. S., Fitzpatrick, C. E., Broadbent, R. S. (2006). Potential prophylactic value of bovine colostrum in necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates an in vitro study on bacterial attachment, antibody levels, and cytokine production. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 48, 347-354. doi10.1111/j.1574-695X.2006.00151.xCallen, J. Pinelli, J. (2005). A review of the literature examining the benefits and challenges, incidence and duration, and barriers to breastfeeding in preterm infants. Advances in Neonatal Care, 5(2), 72-88. doi10.1016/j.adnc.2004.12.003Current Nursing. (2010). Levines four conservation principles. Retrieved on phratry 23, 2010 from http//, J. C., Cummings, G. E., Guo, N., Trivedi, L, Readmond, B. X., Keane, V., de Waard, R. (2007). A double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot study of bovine lactoferrin supplementation in bottle-fed infants. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 44(2), 245-251.Lin, H., Su, B., Chen, A., Lin, T., Tsai, C., Yeh, T., Oh, W. (2005). Oral probiotics reduce the incidence and severity of necrotizing enterocoli tis in very low birth weight infants. Pediatrics, 115 (1), 1-4. doi10.1542/peds.2004-1463Manzoni, P., Rinaldi, M., Cattani, S., Pugni, L., Romeo, M. G., Messner, H., Farina, D. (2009). Bovine lactoferrin supplementation for prevention of late-onset sepsis in very low birth-weight neonates. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 302(13), 1421-1428. Retrieved on September 4, 2010 from http//, D. E., Beck, C. T. (2008). Nursing research generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (8th ed.). Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins.Rodriguez, N. A., Meier, P. P., Groer, M. W., Zeller, J. M., Engstrom, J. L., Fogg, L. (2010). A pilot study to determine the safety and feasibility of oropharyngeal administration of own mothers colostrum to extremely low-birth-weight infants. Advances in Neonatal Care, 10(4), 206-212.Stoll, B. J., Hansen, N., Fanaroff, A. A., Wright, L. L., Carlo, W. A., Ehrenkranz, R. A., Poole, W . K. (2002). Late-onset sepsis in very low birth weight neonates the experience of the NICHD neonatal research network. Pediatrics, 110(2), 285-291. Retrieved September 9, 2010 from http// Food and Drug Administration, CFSAN/Office of Food Additive Safety. (2001). Agency response letter GRAS notice (No. GRN 000077). Retrieved on September 23, 2010 from http//, M. P., Abrams, S. A. (2010). Oral lactoferrin for the prevention of sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants. CochraneDatabase of Systematic Reviews, Art. No. CD007137 (5). doi10.1002/14651858.CD007137.pub2Yen, C., Lin, C., Chong, K., Tsai, T., Shen, C., Lin, M., Chen, C. (2009). Lactoferrin as a natural regimen for selective decontamination of the digestive tract recombinant porcine lactoferrin expressed in the milk of transgenic mice protects ne onates from pathogenic challenge in the gastrointestinal tract. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 199, 590-598. doi10.1086/596212

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Goals of Linguistic Essay Example for Free

Goals of Linguistic EssayMr. 1. Introduction 1. 1. Approaching the issue The task of setting out (to use a torpid word) the determinations of a kind-hearted employment whitethorn be approached in a variety of ways depending on conditions such as who is involved in the activity and who has the power to determine the goals. In the case of the goals of a scientific discipline, the question may, in principle, be approached by established scientific methods * Deductive approach The highest and closely public goal is taken as an axiom, more specific and lower-level goals are deduced from it. * Inductive approach By methods of the sociology of acquaintance, the goals actually pursued by scientists may be ascertained by sociological methods, it may be ascertained what goals a community thinks should be pursued by the sciences that it entertains. The deductive approach suffers at least from the following shortcomings * The postulation of the highest goal is itself out berth the sco pe of science. * Clean deduction is only possible in the logical disciplines. What is called deduction in (the rest of) philosophy, the humaneistic discipline and complaisant sciences is really informal and heavily dependent on the interpretation of words.The inductive approach suffers at least from the following shortcomings * Just like other people, scientists occasionally pursue selfish or idiosyncratic goals, which a purely inductive approach would not be able to separate out. * The extra-scientific members of a social community be they politicians or citizens pee-pee limited presuppositions of making a rational constituent to the discussion of the goals of a science, lacking both association and dwell of the reputation and possibilities of scientific work and presuppositions for appreciating the spiritual side of target areaive acquaintance (see below).On the basis of available evidence, it is safe to say that few of them rat roll in the hay between scientific in sight and technological progress. Thus, if one wants at all a scientific approach to the problem of the goals of a discipline, one would have to combine as usual deductive and inductive methods, hoping that they will compensate for each others shortcomings. It would certainly be reasonable to do this scientific work (from cadence to time). However, it has apparently not been done.I will therefore abide by taking a common-sense approach to the problem, informed both by some epistemology of linguistics and by some experience with linguistic work. 1. 2. Fundamentals Like any human activity, linguistics has a place in a teleonomic hierarchy (see teleonomische Hierarchie) which is headed by its ultimate goals. Science is the pursuit of objective knowledge/understanding (Greek episteme, German Erkenntnis). The attainment of such knowledge is its ultimate goal. This goal is itself subordinate to the goal of human life, which is the benefit of the conditio humana.It is in the nature of human cognition as opposed to Gods cognition , that it can be fully achieved only in intercourse. To say that the goal is objective knowledge is therefore almost tantamount to saying that it is rational communication. This rephrasing also serves the purpose of avoiding a static conception of objective knowledge. In the more specific discussion below, the role of communication in the achievements of the goals of a science will come up again. Understanding has two sides, a spiritual and a practical one.* On the spiritual side, the human mind is enriched if it understands something and this in itself is a contribution to improving the conditio humana. * On the practical side, understanding something is a presupposition for controlling it. Controlling1 the world in which we live is another contribution to improving the conditio humana. Some sciences make a stronger contribution to the spiritual side, others make a stronger contribution to the practical side. This is the basis for the distinction between pure and applied science. Linguistics is the study of human speech communication.Understanding this object has a purely spiritual aspect, which constitutes what tycoon be called pure linguistics and what is more commonly called general linguistics. It also has a practical aspect, which concerns the role of dustups in human lives and societies and the possibilities of improving it. This epistemic use up constitutes applied linguistics. Given the divergence in the epistemic interest of pure and applied science, there can be no universal schema by which the goals and tasks of a science should be systematized.As discussed elsewhere (see Wissenschaft), there is a basic distinction between logical, empirical and hermeneutic approaches. Linguistics shares components of all of them. hither we will focus on the tasks of linguistics as an empirical discipline. For such a discipline, the main tasks are 1. intricacy of a conjecture of its object 2. accompaniment and definition of its object 3. elaboration of procedures for the solution of practical problems in the object area. In what follows, the main goals of linguistics will be characterized, at a general level, according to this schema.2. Theory the nature of human language The spiritual aspect of the human understanding of some object is realized in the elaboration of a theory of that object. In this respect, the task of linguistics consists in the elaboration of a theory of human language and its relation to the languages. Its most important aspects include * the structure(s) and function(s) of human language and languages * the relationship between unity and diversity of human languages * linguistic change * acquisition of ones native languageIn characterizing the nature of human language, linguistic theory also delimits it against other kinds of semiosis, both synchronically in the comparison of spoken and written languages with sign languages, whistling languages and, furthermore, wit h animal languages, and diachronically in the comparison with primate semiotical systems from which human language may have evolved. 3. Empiry documentation and definition of languages As recalled above, linguistics is (among other things) an empirical science.In such a discipline, there is a necessary interrelation between the elaboration of a theory of the object and the description of the object one informs the other. Furthermore, since speech and even languages are volatile, they have to be documented. The tasks of linguistics in this area may be systematized as follows 1. language documentation recording, representation, analysis and archiving of speech events and texts that represent a certain language 2. language description 1. the setting of the language * ethnographic * social/cultural * genealogical 2. the language system* semantic system grammar, lexicon * expression systems phonology, writing The documentation of a language mustiness(prenominal) be such that people wh o do not have access to the language itself can use the documentation as a surrogate for as many purposes as possible. In particular, it should be possible to develop a description of a language on the basis of its documentation. The description makes explicit the meanings that the language expresses and the functions it fulfils what it codes and what it leaves uncoded , and represents the structure of the expressions that afford this.It does all of this in the most systematic and comprehensive way possible. Such a description may be used for a variety of purposes, most of which are mentioned below in the section on applied linguistics. Both documentation and description take the historical dimension of the object into account. That is, in the synchronic perspective, they are systematic, while in the diachronic perspective, they are historical. 4. Practice application of linguistics The daily use of language for communication and cognition is replete with all kinds of tasks and pr oblems that require science for a proper solution.Some of them are * compilation of grammars, dictionaries and text editions for various purposes * native and unlike language teaching * testing of linguistic proficiency * standardizing and planning languages * devising and improving writing systems * development and maintenance of special languages and terminologies * analysis and alleviation of communication problems in social settings * diagnosis and therapy of aphasic impairments * intercultural communication, translation and interpreting * communication technology speech technology, automatic speech and text production and analysis, machine translation, dealer exploitation The descriptions recrudesced in pure linguistics not only descriptive linguistics, but also socio-, psycho-, neuro-, ethno- etc. linguistics are exploited for the formulation of adept procedures by which tasks arising in the fields enumerated may be solved. And contrariwise, the demands arising from thos e practical fields are taken as challenges by theoretical and descriptive linguistics to produce theories and descriptions that respond to them. 5.Methodology epistemological formulation and working tools The nature of the goal of science objective knowledge requires the elaboration and testing of methods by which putative knowledge may be attained, verified/falsified and applied in the solution of practical or interdisciplinary problems. * The epistemological side of this activity is a stock-taking of the particular nature of the activity of the linguist, its goals, conditions and possibilities.There will be reflection on the logical, empirical and hermeneutic nature of the object of linguistics and the approaches appropriate to each facet. * The practicable side of methodology is the elaboration of particular methods within such a methodological frame of the discipline. Given the interplay of specific aspects of the linguistic object with specific problems and purposes, specif ic sets of methods may be developed to deal adequately with such aspects of the object, to solve such problems and serve such purposes.This involves * in the deductive perspective, the operationalization of concepts and theorems and the elaboration of tests * in the inductive perspective, the elaboration of standards of representation of linguistic data and of tools for processing them. While a contribution from general epistemology may be expected for the epistemological side of linguistic methodology, its operational side is entirely the responsibility of the particular discipline. Its status as a scientific discipline crucially depends on its fulfillment of this task. 6. Cooperation interdisciplinary fertilization.The articulation of science into disciplines is, first of all, a necessity of the division of labor. As observed above, a particular discipline is constituted by the combination of an object with an epistemic interest. The object is just a segment of the overall object area susceptible of scientific insight, the epistemic interest depends on all kinds of factors, and the combinations of these two elements are wherefore manifold. In other words, no discipline is autonomous and self-contained. The contribution that it makes to human understanding can only be assessed if it is compared and combined with other disciplines.The theories developed by a discipline must define their object in such a way that it becomes transparent where they leave off, i. e. where the interfaces for the combination of related theories are. And they must be formulated in such a way that non-specialists can understand them and relate them to the epistemic interest pursued by them. Thus, a linguistic theory has to make explicit what it purports to cover and what not for instance, only the linguistic system, not its use and linguists should say what they think is required for taking care of the rest.Moreover, the products of linguistic description and documentation must be represented in such a way that non-linguists may use them. For instance, there must be * grammars usable by foreign language curriculum designers * semantic descriptions usable by ethnographers * models of linguistic competence testable by neurologists * formal grammatical descriptions usable by programmers. Finally, linguistics must be capable of and receptive in taking up insights and challenges from other disciplines.For instance, * phonological concepts must be related to phonetic concepts * models of linguistic activity must be inspired by findings of psychology and neurology * models of linguistic competence must be able to account for the performance of plurilingual persons. Interdisciplinary cooperation is the touchstone of the communicative capacity of a scientific community. A discipline that can neither inspire other disciplines nor be inspired by them gets isolated and unnecessary. 7. Conclusion Above, tailfin areas of goals of linguistics have been identified 1.Theory the nature of human language 2. Empiry documentation and description of languages 3. Practice application of linguistics 4. Methodology epistemological reflection and working tools 5. Cooperation interdisciplinary fertilization These goals do not belong to the same level. Goal 1, the elaboration of a theory of its object, is the highest goal of any science. As already mentioned, goal 1 is interdependent with goal 2, because a theory of an object area presupposes its proper description, and a proper description presupposes a theory on which it can be based.Furthermore, the production of documentations and descriptions is a service to the society. This is even more true of goal 3 The solution of daily-life tasks and problems is a practical contribution to the improvement of the conditio humana. It has to be done by someone, and if it is done by the discipline that has the relevant know-how, it is both better for the solution of the problem and better for the social standing of the di scipline. Finally, the demands emerging from extra-scientific practice may feed back into the content and form of descriptions.Goals 4 and 5 are more science-immanent. Neither the elaboration of a methodology nor interdisciplinary cooperation are anything that would be of direct relevance outside a scientific context. They are, however, preconditions for the attainment of goals 1 3. As said before, no serious theory can be developed, no adequate descriptions and documentations can be produced, and no practical problems can be solved, without an arsenal of pertinent methods and without a systematic interchange with disciplines that partly share the object area or the epistemic interest.