Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies Essay

Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies - Essay ExampleNow in the context of the study the two chosen companies are apple Inc and Prismo Graphics. Before get into deep the report will present brief overviews of both the companies. After that, the report will offer merger and acquisition strategies of both Prismo Graphics and Apple. also in this segment recommendation will be also provided regarding the business level and corporate level strategies. Apple Inc A Brief Overview The roots of Apple Inc. can be traced back to the early 1976 when the companion was established by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. The company is presently headquartered at Apple Campus, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California, USA (Yahoo Finance, n.d.). along with its subsidiaries, the company manufactures and sells desktop computers, laptops, mobile communication devices, portable music players, and various other digital gadgets. Some of the best sellers of the company are I-pad, I- Ph iodin, Mac OS, and I-pod. From the judgment of conviction of its inception, the company has always focused on manufacturing innovative and unique products. The company also has the knack of producing those products, which the world has never seen. It has a worldwide presence and operates with 370 sole(a) Apple stores. Apart from the hardware department, the company is also famous for its software division. Some of the noteworthy software embraced by Apple is Mac OS, I-tunes, Quick era player, I-work and logic studio among others (Apple Store, n.d.). In the context of merger and acquisition, Apple also has a long tradition. The first acquisition came in the year 1988, when Apple acquired communicate Innovations. Prismo Graphics A Brief Overview Prismo Graphics was founded in the year 1987. The company has its operation throughout USA. Prismo Graphics is presently headquartered at Oregon, United States. The company is essentially involved in the business of developing animated st uff for the corporate and broadcast media arena. However the primary goal of the company is to create prospects for the Digital subject Creator. In this context the company improves the messages of the web, corporate video, print and broadcast media by adding graphics and animation. The company has employee strength of 50-100 and the total revenue us close to $10 million - $25 million. In the year 2002, the company was acquired by Apple Inc (Wit & Meyer, 2010, p.688). Merger and Acquisition Strategy of Apple Apple is a company which always focuses on the development of unique and innovative products (Whetten & Cameron, 2008, p.208). However having speciality in every field of business is complex and therefore Apple has the ism of acquiring small and medium firms and integrating it within the existing projects. Furthermore the company also strives to increase their product line. This can be cited as one of the rationales behind the acquisition of Prismo Graphics by Apple. It has h elped the company to start their operations in the field of animation. The purchase also continued Apple

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