Saturday, June 1, 2019

Thief Lord Essay -- essays research papers

The depredator passe-partoutWhen the Thief Lord and hes band of misfit orphans accepts Barbossas swart job from The Conte, he gets a picture of a wooden wing from a magical Merry-Go-Round and an address. Hes set to rob Ida Spavento, a photographer and former orphan herself. superior, the detective following Prosper and Bos trail, catches onto the Thief Lords plans and follows the orphans back to the abandoned theatre The Star Palace, he indeed searches for the owner of the theatre, Dottor Massimo, a millionaire. Victor makes he way to Dottors mansion to buy the theatre, hes offar is refused. But, there he discovers a boy, who looks similar to the Thief Lord, named Scipio Massimo. He quickly lowered his head, but Victor had already recognized him. His hair was tied back in a tight little ponytail and his eye didnt look quite as arrogant as they had before, but there could be no doubt This was the boy who had so innocently asked Victor the time, just before he and his friends had tricked him (Funke, Chapter 17, page 114.) Victor makes his way back to the theatre where he is captured by the orphans and taken hostage. After hearing the boys story, Victor comes to the conclusion the boys are better off on there own, and agrees to keep their secret, and sends their Aunt on a wild goose chace.Meanwhile, the Thief Lord and his band of thieves set up to lob Idas household. They are caught by Idas housemaid and then are...

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