Wednesday, November 20, 2019

PPE Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PPE Report - Essay Example The wide category of specialized health services; is in sharp contrast to the generalized services offered by other health facilities like clinics. The hospitals have effective organizational structure. The top management of the hospital comprises the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, and the Head of Departments. The middle management of the hospital comprises Sectional Heads. The sectional heads are specialists in their professions. This management structure ensures proper reporting relationships between the hospital staffs and the management. Hospitals have the Institutional Ethics Committee. This committee comprises an interdisciplinary team made up of community representatives, non-medical practitioners, and healthcare professionals. The main purpose of the committee entails community education, case consultation, intra-institutional communication, and policy development; during the health policies or decisions which arise during healthcare. Health facilities have job division practices, which depend on hospital sections and departments. The cancer specialists mainly operate in the cancer centre; however, they can consult other hospital staffs from other departments for effective service delivery. Likewise, the eye specialists operate in the Eye Surgery Centre. This separation of staffs according to specialization is referred to as job division. The unique hospital features enables provision of superior health services. Hospitals utilize an effective Health Information System to oversee proper decision making. Team members share vital information through the system when offering services to patients. This enhances collaboration of the health staffs. Patients can also find and request for a suitable doctor, through the health

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