Friday, November 1, 2019

Statutory Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statutory Analysis Report - Essay Example In this scenario, Joe citizen is liable for the offence of having drunk alcohol and at the same time using a public right of way. The arrest by the policeman is warranted, and Joe ought to be charged with the offense of riding the bicycle while drunk. While riding in a drunken state, Joe put the lives of other drivers at risk, and also violated the law that prohibits persons from operating a motor vehicle while drunk. Under the New Hampshire motor vehicle laws, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle when one’s blood alcohol content is higher than usual. Thus, Joe is guilty of the offence he committed since the reading in the meter is higher than the legal (Stevens, 2012). Besides, it is an offence to operate a bicycle while drunk since the laws that apply to drinking under the influence in New Hampshire also apply to the riding of bicycles under the influence. Every person found drunk while operating a bicycle in the roads of New Hampshire ought to be subjected to the same rules, which apply to the driver of any other motor vehicle. This is because, under the laws of New Hampshire regarding motor vehicles, the rules of the road cover even those who operate bicycles. As such, Joe is not an exception and the penalties that apply to the offenders who do not obey the motor vehicle rules in New Hampshire will also operate to him. As a judge, I would recommend that Joe be fined for riding a bicycle on a state highway while drunk. Imposing a fine on him would be a good step towards ensuring that he does not commit such an offence in the future (Stevens, 2012). In the case of Jim, he rode on a horse-drawn wagon on a public highway while he had drunk until he passed out. He violated the law since he travelled along a public highway, which can easily be accessed by the public. Although Jim was drunk, he was not directing the wagon himself as he had fallen asleep owing to the alcohol he had drunk. As a judge, I would treat the

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