Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing Analysis The American Marketing Association

When we all think of marketing most may think of marketing as a company soliciting a product or trying to sell something with different types of sales pitches. The American Marketing Association denotes the definition of marketing as: Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.(Gundlach, G. T., Wilkie, W. L. (2009) p.260) . This definition that the AMA published in 2007, was renewed from the previous definition of marketing that was last published in 2004 (Gundlach, G. T., Wilkie, W. L. (2009) p.259) . The reason why I pointed the difference in the years is because that in a matter of three years the definition of marketing has changed. The world we live in changes daily, so does everything else. In the text, the author states that the definition of sports marketing is defined as the marketing of products, services and experiences, entities such as leagues and teams, and the recruitment and retention of volunteers as a relationship marketing exercise (Masteralexis, L. P., Barr, C. A., Hums, M. A. (2015) p.50-51). Traditional and Sports marketing both have the common theme of marketing, but both are different in the audience that is being marketed to, the demand the sports platform has, and the amount of revenue that respectively sets them apart from the two. The targets groups that are associated with sportsShow MoreRelatedStrategic Marketing1052 Words   |  5 Pageshead: STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Strategic Marketing Process Strategic Marketing Process In order for an organization to reach its target markets, it must use the strategic marketing process to allocate its marketing mix resources. 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