Thursday, May 14, 2020

Summary Of The Jim Crow Laws - 771 Words

TJ Mullen Mrs. Fennelly Humanities English 25 October 2014 TKAM Final Draft Racist Era The Jim Crow Laws served to segregate white and black people in public places. These laws remained established from 1877 until the mid-1960’s and motivated the Civil Rights movement. A dance and song minstrel show in 1832 features an African American character named Jim Crow, the character symbolized racism because a white man blackened his face and he acted as an old crippled man that acted foolishly. The Jim Crow laws affected humanity both socially and politically. The laws were severely racist and affected the way everyone lived their daily lives during this tragic time. The racist nature of the Jim Crow Laws negatively shaped the relationships between whites and African-Americans. The laws provided the different rules that separated black and white people. These rules often, â€Å"Since segregation laws often replaced customary or legal exclusion of African-Americans from any services at all, they were initially, in a sense, progressive reforms† (Kousse r). The Southern whites supported these â€Å"progressive† reforms because they only impacted blacks. The inequalities imposed on black people lasted through people’s progenies, which made laws more difficult to undo because society accepted the rules as the norm. Most black people found this exceptionally racist, â€Å"Freed of legal restraints, some southern cities and states went on to prescribe separate drinking fountains, restrooms,Show MoreRelatedJim Crow Laws Essay1650 Words   |  7 PagesSection 1: What happened when the Jim Crow laws were first created? When the Jim Crow laws were first created, they were supposed to make racism legal in our country, even though there were laws protecting all races of people. 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