Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay about Falls and their Impact on the Elder Population

-Introduction: Aging affects the musculoskeletal , respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems, as well as posture and gait, which all lead to a decrease in activities of daily living, fitness ability, and falls (Nitz hourigan, 2004).Falls may have significant devastating effects on the elderly population including pain, reduced confidence to return to normal mobility, becoming dependant on relatives and other people, premature transition to care homes, and most importantly injuries (NICE guideline, 2004) .The World Health Organisation (2012) reported falls as being the 2nd main cause of unintentional injury leading to death. In the UK falls are likely to increase as the population are expected to live longer. The number of†¦show more content†¦Different studies have classified the risk factors into different categories. Most of them classified the reason for elderly persons to fall into intrinsic factors which are factors related to age and extrinsic factors also known as environmental factors. It’s possible to reduce or remove some risk factors, which are often called modifiable risk factors. -Modifiable risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by Moreland, Richardson, Goldsmith, Clase,(2004) to investigate Muscle Weakness and Falls in Older Adults, looked at studies between the period of January 1985 to March 2002. Thirty studies were selected using strict criteria (follow up is over one year, and is sufficiently complete, making sure that reliable assessment tools were used, and evaluators were blinded).They found that muscle weakness , specially the lower extremity is a modifiable risk factor and a statistically significant risk factor for falls. People’s homes could be the cause sometimes and a contributing factor towards falls Lord, Sherrington, Menz, Close, (2007) have referred to it as an environmental risk area for falls, although they have included not only patient’s homes but also the outdoors. Some of the factors they included indoors were slippery surfaces and floors, little rugs, inappropriate chair and bed heights, foot wear and clothing, lack of h and rails for stairsShow MoreRelatedIsolation : A Strong Link On Social Relationships And Health848 Words   |  4 PagesResearch indicates the effects of isolation exhibit a strong link concerning social relationships and health in the general population. One particular article demonstrates the impact of isolation using as an example the captor and captive relationship. Under this scenario, the captor uses isolation techniques as a form of torture in their attempt to extract vital information. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Impact Of Industrialization On Chinese Culture - 1372 Words

Industrialization was another important way in which the Japanese exercised its imperialism in Taiwan. Before their rule, Taiwan was not very developed in infrastructure hence it was difficult for people to move from one part of the island to the other. Taiwan was seen as a source of raw materials for the industries in Japan as well as an overseas market for its goods and services. The region also provided an important outpost and Confederate defensive position. A network of railroads was constructed connecting all their areas of the Island to ease movement. The enhanced infrastructure impacted development in the area and folks were able to carry out businesses. Modernization of infrastructure promoted the rise in importance of people’s†¦show more content†¦With all these developments and growth, thousands of the Japanese people immigrated to Taiwan (Formosa; as it was referred during that time). The agriculture system was as well able to observe a positive change. Th e Japanese were able to establish power plants and farms that produced adequate rice, sugar, and tea that was not only enough for local consumption but also for international industries. The Japan rule in Taiwan was helpful in creating a group of educated elites. There was, however, a varying perception towards the Japanese government. While some felt that their rule was a gateway to their peace and redemption from other hostile nations, some elites felt that they needed to be independent. They believed that they had a right to restore back their freedoms and their gods to the country. They felt that their culture and religion which was important to them had been taken away by the Japanese and they needed to restore it by all means. The group that embraced the colonial rule felt that the Japanese were able to abolish some cultures that were not useful (Ming Chien, 2011). Foot binding, for example, was a culture practiced in Ming and Qing dynasty. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Andrea Yates Paper free essay sample

Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a bathtub in her home. This was very disturbing news. I am a native Houstonian. I was at home that day. The television was on and will never forget the news breaking announcements that broke the story of a homicide in Clear Lake. All the information the reporters had was a mother killed all her children then called the police to report it. The full story and the details that lead to this tragedy did not unfold until years later. It was sad because as details unfolded if Andrea Yates had been treated properly and followed her doctors recommendations the whole situation might have been avoided. Andrea Yates had a history of mental illness in her family. It has been written that her father, a brother and a sister have suffered from depression. Andrea also has another brother that has been diagnosed with a bipolar personality disorder. With this type of history of mental illness in her family it really is not a shocking revelation that Andrea would develop a mental illness. Andrea Yates’s first display of mental illness was just after the birth of her first child in February of 1994. She stated after her arrest that she had â€Å"visions† of someone being stabbed with a knife. She was said to have been suffering from post partum depression in 1999 when she was admitted to the psychiatric unit of The Methodist Hospital after a failed suicide attempt. While in the psychiatric unit Andrea Yates was found to have been non-verbal and severely depressed. There are times that she would take her medications and then she would refuse to take them a day later. She was prescribed medications like Zoloft and Zyprexa. Andrea attended group therapy sessions during her stay there and was said to have days that displayed some slight improvement and then she would revert to her nonverbal state. Eventually she was released but it was noted by her doctor that she was still depressed but not suicidal. While at home, Andrea’s mental state did not appear to improve. She stays in bed all day, begins self mutilating, scratching bald spots on her head, and scraping her legs and arms. She discloses to her husband, Rusty, that she having hallucinations. For their own reasons, the Yates couple does not discuss the hallucinations with Andrea’s doctors during outpatient or inpatient treatments. Andrea was also experiencing other symptoms of schizophrenia. These symptoms include her belief that that there are cameras in her home watching her and that television cartoon characters are communicating with directly to her. She became anti social with an array of other symptoms that included flat affect, poverty of speech and loss of directedness. Andrea and Rusty Yates were warned about continuing to have children. They were told it would not be a good situation for Andrea to become pregnant because her post partum depression would worsen and might include a worsened state of psychosis. The couple did not listen to the warnings of the doctors and they continue to have children. Andrea’s condition only worsened with each pregnancy as she still continued to go on and off her medications. Her mental state continued to deteriorate, to make matter worse for Andrea she experienced the loss of the father. Andrea was already in a frail state of mind, she had said that she felt that she was a failure as a mother. In her mind killing her children would guarantee that their souls would go to heaven. So rather than risk them going down the wrong path in life, she saved her children (in her mind) by drowning them in the bathtub of their home. The Andrea Yates court case was very interesting because it brought to light the details of a how Andrea got to the state of mind she was in. It let people in to her world. We got to hear how her life had changed after the birth of her first child. How her marriage was not a source of comfort but a source of pressure and stress. She was under a lot of stress to be an obedient wife to her husband and a good mother that home schooled her children while leading them down the path of righteousness. Her mental health was treated but I don’t feel that anyone appreciated the severity of her illness. Rusty Yates even admitted that on the witness stand. Her first trial verdict was guilty. This occurred in the month of March of 2002. She was not given the death penalty but sentenced to life in prison. Honestly, I felt this was not what she deserved. She was being punished for been a suicidal depressed schizophrenic who was never able to fully benefit from treatment. I remember thinking wouldn’t it be punishment enough for her to have to wake up one day with a clear mind and realize what happened. How can one possibly stay sane or get proper treatment incarcerated? Forward a few years to 2006. With a very prominent legal team working on her behalf, Andrea gets what seems to be a miracle. After her murder conviction was thrown out due to erroneous testimony Andrea Yates was once again was standing trail for the murders of her children. Andrea and her family were forced again to relive the situations and details that lead up to that fatal morning in 2001. The trail was different for this time she was found not guilty by reason of insanity. This meant that she would not have to back to a prison but instead be sent to a state maximum security hospital where she will remain until she is determined not to be a danger to herself or others. Once she has made enough progress and improvement, she can then be moved to another mental health facility in the state. While there is nothing in the world that would bring back the Yates children, I feel Andrea Yates got the justice she ultimately deserved. She was not the average hardened criminal but a loving, religious wife and mother who just happen to fall victim to a mental illness in which she had no control over. This case was a very instrumental because it helped bring to light that mental illness like post partum depression should not be taken lightly. The victims of mental illness aren’t just going to â€Å"snap out of it† one day. They need to seek treatment and help because ignoring an issue like mental illness might result in a tragedy that could have been avoided.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Single-Point-Agenda Kashmir free essay sample

China settled its border disputes with Pakistan in the Trans Karakoram Tract in 1963 with the provision that the settlement was subject to the final solution of the Kashmir dispute. In 1962 Sino-Indian war was fought in this territory and in 2006 Chinese ambassador to India claimed that all of Arunachal Pradesh is Chinese territory this was followed up with a military buildup and numerous incursions into Sikkim, some penetrating by more than a kilometer. United Nations Stance on Kashmir United Nations consider Kashmir as a disputed territory between India and Pakistan. Resolution 47: The final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations. For this purpose India and Pakistan will remove its troops from Kashmir. UN asked Pakistan to remove its troops, after which India was also to withdraw the bulk of its forces. We will write a custom essay sample on Single-Point-Agenda: Kashmir or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This resolution was accepted by both India and Pakistan. Resolution 1172: Although this resolution was mainly related to the nuclear tests conducted by India and Pakistan in 1998 but it also states that bilateral dialogue has to be the basis of India-Pakistan relations and mutually acceptable solutions have to be found for outstanding issues including Kashmir. Indian Stance India consider all the Kashmir as integral part of India Including the 37% in Pakistan and 20% in China as signed by Maharaja Hari Singh (erstwhile ruler of the State) on 25 October 1947. Resolution 47:   The United Nations, which onitors the cease-fire line, has called for a free and open vote in Kashmir to determine its future. Pakistan favors such a plebiscite, but India has never allowed one to be held. According to India this cannot be implemented because Pakistan has failed to remove its troops from Kashmir, neglecting the fact the Pakistan is not in control of the Azad (free) part Kashmir but only its ally. Resolution 1172:   India accepts this resolution mor e valid because this resolution does not call for plebiscite and urges India and Pakistan to solve this conflict thru dialogue. But, so far, in all agenda forwarded for dialogue between Pakistan and India, India does not consider Kashmir as a core issue. Rather India emphasizes on trust building arrangements in the form of trade, culture and other forms of bilateral relations. India also blames Pakistan for supporting the militants in Indian Occupied Kashmir. According to Indian Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh â€Å"Once Pakistan moves away from this terror-induced coercion, we will be very happy to engage productively with Pakistan to resolve all outstanding issues† Pakistan’s Stance Pakistan consider Kashmir as a disputed territory and rejects Indian claims to Kashmir especially the use of the Instrument of Accession misused by Maharaja Hari Singh to unlawfully accede Kashmir to India, in the context that India had refused to recognize both the accession of Junagadh to Pakistan and Independence of Hyderabad. Pakistan also claims that the Maharaja of Kashmir was not even the hereditary ruler of Kashmir at that time; he was merely a British appointee as the Indian Army was already there in Kashmir before the Instrument of Accession. So the Instrument of Accession in presence of Indian Army is not acceptable. Resolution 47:   Pakistan is in favor of free and impartial plebiscite but reluctant to remove troops from Azad Kashmir because on the other side of LoC India is having troops only in the occupied Kashmir that is equal to the total Army of Pakistan. Resolution 1172:   Pakistan also agrees to solve this dispute by dialogue but according to the will of Kashmiri People and consider Kashmir as a core problem between India and Pakistan. Comparison between Azad Kashmir and Jammu amp; Kashmir Comparison between Pakistani Administered Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) and Indian Administered Kashmir (Jammu amp; Kashmir) is essential to get clear image of the two parts of Kashmir and to understand what the people of Kashmir want. Security forces in Jammu amp; Kashmir have committed thousands of serious human rights abuses over the course of the conflict, including extrajudicial killings, disappearances and torture. In last two decades Indian Army martyred about 100,000 Kashmiris in Jammu amp; Kashmir, 105,970 houses and shops have been destroyed, 107,441 children are orphaned, 10,043 women are molested and 22,764 widowed. On the other side Azad Kashmir is the most peaceful part under Pakistan administration. Today when most of the Pakistan is under the threat of terrorism, not even a single act of terrorism has happened in Azad Kashmir. This proves that Azad Kashmir is the most peaceful area under Pakistan administration and Jammu amp; Kashmir is a victim of state terrorism. I strongly consider that Pakistan has a strong case if we study the results of polls taken in Kashmir on this issue. Results of such polls tell that nobody on the Pakistan side of Kashmir wants to join India and no one in the Indian part of Kashmir wants to be a part of India except the Hindu pundits of Kashmir. Conclusion The United Nations has called for a free and open vote in Kashmir to determine its future. Pakistan favors such a plebiscite, but India has never allowed one to be held. Pakistan tried to improve its relation with India in Trade and other issues but always considers Kashmir as a core issue in all dialogues. Pakistan believes that without solving the Kashmir problem it is difficult to improve the relations. In case of plebiscite Pakistan has to remove its troops from Azad Kashmir but Pakistan Army is reluctant to do so because India is having more than 700,000 troops at the other side of the LoC. Pakistan Army doubts that whenever Pakistan will remove its troops from Azad Kashmir, India will try to capture the area, as done in Siachin. As a trust building measures India should have reduced the number of troops in Jammu amp; Kashmir. But that never happened. The dialogue-option has never been taken seriously by India. India wants to discuss all the problems except Kashmir and Pakistan considers Kashmir as a core issue. Without solving Kashmir issue it is difficult to discuss other problems or I will say that there is no problem between India and Pakistan other that Kashmir. India is trying to treat a cancer patient with the medicines of Flu and cold. India will have to admit that the problem is cancer not the flu and will have to treat the patient for Cancer. Once the cancer is cured other diseases will be cured automatically. India-Pakistan’s main problem is Kashmir not trade and culture. For Pakistan, it is necessary that India acknowledge that there is a dispute over Kashmir and that it is central to relations. Kashmir has already lost one generation to violence in the Valley. They want peace in the valley and in their lives, so that they can live a normal life. Indian acknowledgment of Kashmiri grievances is essential to start a fresh dialogue with Pakistan on just a single point agenda that is â€Å"Kashmir†.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

study questions2 Essay

study questions2 Essay study questions2 Essay PK RHq Content_Types.xml ( j0EJ(eh 8iI6y57FQ9Ag XreYQhgclNbBj3@G bX.t ssXab1yI YX7kRlsHIYou( v7MP9Ukr4LcZrPIIfntTPv-Fth8ihfxpQswFXb)3 C m sOQOqrxj PK N _rels/.rels ( j0 @QN/cILjaGzsFuU x 1xp fI)YDi)cqU31jHE f3-T2j),l0/b z, /fZ6Y_oA PK L word/_rels/document.xml.rels ( MK0ut/UxlU xq0v) HV/iKHqajkk40f@RA UYtB2QdP8IdUymG9erNx2wm78FSwsJy PK 7d word/document.xmlrn2)QvDiIWwS hrwU,(@Xjvuw GIErpNODi4 m,jsAD n,XLU3Jt3xrT)hHUR1p)W1Yz SG/A-FB@UUILWEPO8VBc2k-JC(l4V)a1fq h HL9JkiIOVgBUS047DHD2Nw8S.w Jz6OajQ nvg0YzMheJV/YDxj2@qzc,DLj@W(4pF9q(kWbjsUDiKmM _LuZguhAX0BK67c@HMaJpdd./GYh una xkB 2P,X f) B(, PiD2DEJjl/T2Ho1rE) nPkhd8oORdNQAL VH24Ri5vFXLpLDwjwPIY3Xo_I631j vMTB8Y1NGLv@HDH0e2Qt2 0Ef33 abnKd bFN).TrB pbx4 SPSORGH ,91MTd -LpYR5TnuAmMg5CNVqo8y@Td nVWtH8TwGQog3Ysh9bD7Ph )Umehop5_jwgsof3@vHbU cWrimsgBTHM 4 CF41Z_ I(lKd 0 I2 FIxDFkb bmZ7 -S0,aYqGmxgiY8gSc@6UTyHD@ml.bxXQ)KgLYLY@HOshVKk T-G tnfBS1FYj_Ozjv3 4DcXkndTu4r HDValLy3zcDa0vSHYFSwoy-yvRyDB6wTfrxjY5P 9wkpeiORaI3Aa _2YPicGCs,CJhmsm3q7s5VFvfVM APD tCObMboLw z7V3GWq-robiyb6xCMd M DBC GobfVQ/a6fb- Hbu0Hx@f4 ,ePiG x B,rFmcr) Y3SCawRNLO4/ eX-scKK_8KA/0GfvkICnFOPM ZoVwliOko0Lo IUuy zj9VmDOZb .,@Nxg Yqs,Xnkw-7KqdJkXzPZdzrkAY46XYlUZ mSftvM@qoaZm a )4x818YbqG0iC9hGYJiqPeb@ 6xv1pB(rK.8 aoj3s)ng5l,zx(2s HNZFtGxL 3-yh /5i3Xfo6SKoO-/XCrfoQ _Tbfp(bFeGt/m5rA QCK8 z39_/ks50P (j,Th6swmwu(s c-NlF5eB1GMlUiH.3oUvx2E 15MA@qNw2yE QmYbJtIw GwU81UtT62_p9cLdqibVmtQ89VLzmwW_YSYEnd v8kwfS(fBFxAynzHfTggBlq.TQ07,62L8,MPA),U.CNMfteMqaP2T_pEqw2pFex0(i J0YH1R, -2rU1hin_w 5myD9F6v 0FRHHG/.C x,k/sgr0(gC7,bLW G6er5QJgOfQotV7pPlI@k)F )At1lzYIJvA lIEV,oe6E92gV@wHPGZm0 d8A@iLhLlsCxr,pyzU7 Ik PK Zb word/theme/theme1.xmlYKoGWw mD8YVRHPEiRT3Z3fIyj-VwaCRle-/RTX)IoELEX 1JipH9ae(4kR0Xv@G9QbXhyU9Sht2nD8 k05vn-g RKTF_2_o1_6asVZWeEsh29d5 kZk1E XqJ3Tv/,ASN1T/F,Rz_K7PG8D711@(E81 pmRm-R psiU( 3(.cr(Kt6NMSk4 BKo23KJnG NqXE./9tHGH)uwuq)tcmpuITE1/WCp0))EJ 8fCL LiC lW6Ewd@A8omoC3r-fbK0W1BUtPfCR.,y 8kN.Ja3gcfyZ r,pIi5d4yaZQ0e0 Qf5q,w7r uTK3tONY_YYUN .HTXFleD,_o6 G3YN) WVlQpl1P mrf1g_L,p3u0zlF4EWyRL)sHhBEPQ7@/eUBLiLAC NEyZeWWw@(t7s l3dVhTX .kNjSx@7OsAMga8 YY oqv8j/F_V f6Gx3bvE0a -bYOx4 mNr6a8r9 -6Oq.lmowl@yJrLLn PK 1 8 word/settings.xmlVmo6)dIv-kx PmsEh9dwwsKzw3 sjrLX9wvJ5x,fH nHOm5HPbsuSKQ )qc-v/ke4_KbpQ,6h/@ I8 A oIOAD(/i(mkpPt@- X.orkJMwH1(TWAJER3 0OtCF GkaiFhqaFRGRdr/ py6xj32J5Rif8 Pk(GwV0irE7H5 ivoL D8N2iznflY 2z_u I7u)b hc5 yXu@2D 950Nzpbm aV.V5304QPfF1FR-As/DE QtTlCvmf(ARaVv7 ,dE,Xv0lj pqGE 43ru w_qEkHBWcZyPyalzX, od (0Xf0h8y- 2XYCINQ T,t8uthf_ PK t9z ( customXml/_rels/item1.xml.rels (

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Being Lazy Means You’re Intelligentâ€According to Science

Being Lazy Means You’re Intelligent- According to Science According to a new study, brainy people tend to spend more time being chill than their less-intelligent, but more active counterparts- mostly because they have a higher IQ, get bored less and are thus more likely to be comfortable getting lost in thought. Active people, on the other hand, need constant activity to keep themselves stimulated, as they are more easily bored. Florida Gulf University gave a test to a group of students, asking them to rate how strongly they agreed with statements about engagement with tasks and problems, and from this, were able to select 30 â€Å"thinkers† and 30 â€Å"non-thinkers† from their pool.The 60 subjects then wore a movement/activity tracking device on their wrists for the next week, giving researchers a constant stream of data about their physical habits. Their findings, described as â€Å"highly significant† and â€Å"robust† in statistical terms, showed that the â€Å"thinkers† were far less active during th e week than their â€Å"non-thinker† counterparts. The weekends, strangely, were about the same.It may actually be beneficial, then, to spend an extra hour or two in bed thinking through tasks and schedules, revisiting and reimagining your goals. Your daydreaming might be twice as generative as a non-thinker’s doing.There’s a danger, of course, to less active people- no matter how brainy- and that is the danger of the sedentary lifestyle. So if you think you might be a â€Å"thinker,† and relishing those quiet moments lost in thought, you might also want to make a point of exercising enough. Just to make sure you stay healthy and nourish your body- not just your brain.In addition to this, you should also consider finding a job that is compatible with your personality. The sooner you find a job that you enjoy, the happier you will be, regardless of how intelligent or lazy you are.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Species Native Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Species Native - Research Paper Example An adult green sea turtle weighs over 500 pounds. Like all other turtle species, green sea turtles possess a hard structure called shell, whose function is to provide protection to the turtle from predators. The part of the shell that is on the dorsal (back) side is known as the carapace (Green Sea Turtles, n.d.). This portion is heart shaped, and is as long as 5 feet. It is covered with large scales which are called scutes. The ventral part of the shell that covers the belly is known as the plastron. The dorsal and ventral parts are connected to each other at the sides through hard-shelled plates which are known as lateral bridges. The connection between the carapace and plastron breaks at the openings for the head, tail and limbs. The difference between green sea turtles, land turtles and tortoises is that green sea turtles are not able to retract their small heads into the shell for extra protection. The shells of green sea turtles are very light weight and are more developed as c ompared to shells of land turtles. The limbs seem like flippers that help them swim long distances in less time, making them refined swimmers. Adult turtles are herbivorous in nature. This characteristic makes them harmless to other animals living under water with them like fish. They hold bacteria in their guts, and depend on them for digestion of plant food. This is the case with adult turtles only. Young turtles are carnivorous. They feed on jellyfish and other little invertebrates. The dorsal surface of the shell or the carapace is dark brown in color but it gets covered with patches of algae on which fish feeds. The exact lifespan of green sea turtles is still unknown. They grow very slowly. The growth is so slow that they take 10 to 50 years to be able to become sexually mature to reproduce (Bredeson, 2007). The average age of maturity is 25 years. Due to this long lifespan and period of maturity, green sea turtles take too many years to recover from a significant population

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

PPE Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PPE Report - Essay Example The wide category of specialized health services; is in sharp contrast to the generalized services offered by other health facilities like clinics. The hospitals have effective organizational structure. The top management of the hospital comprises the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, and the Head of Departments. The middle management of the hospital comprises Sectional Heads. The sectional heads are specialists in their professions. This management structure ensures proper reporting relationships between the hospital staffs and the management. Hospitals have the Institutional Ethics Committee. This committee comprises an interdisciplinary team made up of community representatives, non-medical practitioners, and healthcare professionals. The main purpose of the committee entails community education, case consultation, intra-institutional communication, and policy development; during the health policies or decisions which arise during healthcare. Health facilities have job division practices, which depend on hospital sections and departments. The cancer specialists mainly operate in the cancer centre; however, they can consult other hospital staffs from other departments for effective service delivery. Likewise, the eye specialists operate in the Eye Surgery Centre. This separation of staffs according to specialization is referred to as job division. The unique hospital features enables provision of superior health services. Hospitals utilize an effective Health Information System to oversee proper decision making. Team members share vital information through the system when offering services to patients. This enhances collaboration of the health staffs. Patients can also find and request for a suitable doctor, through the health

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Magnifying and Obscuring Essay Example for Free

Magnifying and Obscuring Essay The stories of John Updike’s â€Å"AP† and William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily† both make use of the first person point of view in narration but with very different and quite powerful effects that also affect other elements of the story. The ways in which these two stories play with the individual elements of a piece of fiction show just how important it is to make sure that these individual elements are all taken cared of and built-up with equal care and attention, because a problem with one element can result into a problem with the entire story; the elements must all be able to work together to support each other and to weave a tight story. â€Å"AP† uses the first person, non-omniscient, singular point of view (POV) narration to build rapport with the main character, Sammy [for example: â€Å"Im in the third check-out slot, with my back to the door, so I dont see them until theyre over by the bread; I could see Lengel in my place in the slot, checking the sheep through. † (Updike 560)]. This connection with Sammy is a very important one because it is pretty much the driving force of the story; learning of what’s going on in a teenage boy’s head while there are half-naked girls walking about can make an interesting read. This point of view is really what helps push the reader on along as she or he plods through the â€Å"AP† plot. With â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, on the other hand, we are given the first person, non-omniscient, plural point of view. Obviously, because it is plural it cannot be the view of the main character, Miss Emily Grierson. Instead we seem to have the entire story narrated to us by the entire town [â€Å"When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral; for a long while we just stood there, looking down at the profound and fleshless grin† (Faulkner)]. This works to increase the mystery that surrounds Miss Emily and her house because we never really knew what she is thinking or feeling. This point of view, giving an air of mystery, again, helps push the reader on to discover what happens throughout the story. Relating with the use of the POV are the different story plots. Here, we can see a great difference between â€Å"AP† and â€Å"A Rose for Emily† because we find that one is mainly character-driven while the other has a strong plot that keeps the readers going through the story. It is â€Å"AP† that is, obviously, character-driven because of its simple plot of a boy wanting to elicit the attention of some pretty girls, which is quite common. Even the events in the story and the simple chronological way that it folds are quite ordinary; it is really Sammy – his thoughts and his feelings – that make a reader interested in the story. And, even up to the ending, readers are all interested only in Sammy’s fate and no one else’s [â€Å"I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter† (Updike 564)]. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, on the other hand, we have a story with a strong plot, aided by the effective point of view narration, which moves the story along. The story hooks readers into the plot by making them curious about who Miss Emily Grierson is from the very beginning – readers are wondering why she is a â€Å"fallen monument† and what is so interesting about the â€Å"inside of her house† (Faulkner). The non-linear timeline that the story follows also strengthens the mystery of Miss Emily because the building block to her life must be pieced together slowly and with a certain amount of intuition, at first. Now, the characters of the two stories are also very different – one is as open to us as a book laid flat-open, while the other is mystery to the very end. With Sammy of â€Å"AP†, we never seem to see a concrete glimpse of in terms of physical appearance but the readers would all know him if they met him. The first person narration lets us in on all the things that makes Sammy think and tick with that little grocery stop. In his observation of the girls, we find a young man with a keen eye and, also, an eye for beauty. He also shows us the ability of a good imagination when he imagines how the girls behave and how their relationships with each other must be like as when he describes the tall girl as: â€Å"a tall one, with black hair that hadnt quite frizzed right, and one of these sunburns right across under the eyes, and a chin that was too long you know, the kind of girl other girls think is very striking and attractive but never quite makes it, as they very well know, which is why they like her so much. † (Updike 561) Sammy, as we can surmise, is a boy that is very much in-touch with his surroundings and his imagination. The characterization of Miss Emily, in contrast, is one that is left murky and shadowy. Because we only see her through the townspeople’s eyes, we never really see her clearly; we can only watch her through the stories, the memories, and the patchwork guesses that these observers give us. But even from this blurry view of Miss Emily through a window, we can see how guarded and closed-off she is from her environment [as when she acted ignorant of Colonel Sartoris’ death (Faulkner)] – the total opposite of Sammy. In â€Å"AP†, we are set-up in a small grocery store that effectively concentrates our attention on no one and nothing else but Sammy and his current preoccupation. The AP grocery store acts as the perfect magnifying glass to help us focus on our main character and how he deals with the current situation. â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is set-up up throughout decades of a life and in different places of the town; this manner of a setting makes for even more mystery as the reader tries to fill in all the gaps between the years that the narrators had no contact nor any knowledge of what went on in Miss Emily’s life. The vast setting diffuses the readers’ minds and it wanders across time and space, searching for a complete picture of Miss Emily Grierson. These two stories, perhaps more different than alike, prove that good stories don’t need to follow a certain pattern to mold in order to be good; it is in the writer and the dedication to his work that makes a story count. Works Cited Faulkner, William. A Rose For Emily. 16 February 2008. Fu Jen University: Department of English Language and Literature. 26 June 2009 http://www. eng. fju. edu. tw/English_ Literature/Rose/el-text-E-Rose. htm Updike, John. â€Å"AP†. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Eighth Edition. Ed.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Using Real World examples, illustrate both some of the potential :: Economics

Using Real World examples, illustrate both some of the potential benefits of monopolies and explain how monopoly firms may be able to engage in price discrimination practices. A monopolistic market or company is one where there is non existent competition. There is one leading market domineer that is producing and supplying the entire market. In a monopolistic market the company in question can determine prices or the amount of products sold to work in their advantage. The power of a monopoly company is that it can completely dominate a particular market subject to whether or not there are existing or up and coming substitutes. By this what is meant is that there could well be a substitute for the monopolist’s product. An example of this would be old public sector companies like British Rail. They controlled the entire rail travel market; however there were always alternative forms of travel like coach or air travel. This proves that there is no real possibility of a pure monopoly as there are always alternatives. There is another variant that decides to classification of a monopoly. This is the barriers of entry into that particular industry or sector of the market. If there are low barriers of entry, this will stimulate competition between firms competing for consumers of that market sector, however if the barriers are of high entry, then it is easy to say that the company dominating the market is that of a monopolistic nature. This echoes the fact that a monopolistic firm can indeed decide on price or quantity sold to influence demand. They can only influence demand to a certain extent because of other alternatives to their own product e.g. travel and different forms of transport. By doing this, a monopolist company can make non-standard profits in the long term future. A major advantage of a monopolistic firm is that it can use price discrimination as a tool in gaining more money. This is where a firm can make the consumer pay for a different price for the exact same service. A good example of this is through British telecom and how it is cheaper to ring during off peak tariffs rather that during the day when the cost of a phone call is substantially higher than that of a phone call during the evening. However, for price discrimination to happen there must be a number of factors occurring to make price discrimination work for the company. First, the company must know its customers and know that they have different demands to that of other people. This may be the travel of commuters into the city for work.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Spanish American War

Analyze the responses to TWO of the following to Secretary of State John Hay’s view that the Spanish American War was â€Å"a splendid little war†; William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Emilio Aguinaldo When Secretary of State John Hay stated that the Spanish American War was a â€Å"splendid little war†, he received mixed responses from people such as William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, Alfred Thayer Mahan, and Emilio Aguinaldo. Some people of the Philippines, especially the nationalist leader Emilio Aguinaldo, disagreed with Hay’s statement.They were upset that they were first being denied independence from Spain, and now the United States of America. However, even having fought in the Spanish-American War alongside the Americans, Aguinaldo led bands of guerilla fighters against the U. S. It took three years, and numerous causalities to end the revolt. Theodore Roosevelt, on the other hand, saw potential in the lands co ntrolled by Spain. He ordered a fleet to the Philippines. The American Fleet destroyed the Spanish Fleet. Contrary to the beliefs of Theodore Roosevelt, William Jennings Bryan viciously attacked the idea of American imperialism.He believed that imperialism was wrong, and the United States should stay out of fighting wars for conquest. While many Americans too, questioned imperialism, they saw the new territory, including the Philippines, acquired during the war as an accomplishment. Last but not least, Alfred Thayer Mahan believed that a strong naval power would crucial if a country wanted to become the finest, economically and militarily. A strong military presence would open foreign markets which would lead the United States to become a world power.William Jennings Bryan vigorously attacked the growth of American Imperialism. One positive consequence of the Spanish American war was its effect on the way both Americans and Europeans thought about the United States as a formidable m ilitary power Discuss whether or not US foreign policy from 1890-1914 was principally guided by economic motives. The period after the Civil War saw the development of a booming economy fueled by the industrialization of America, which created the path for a major change in U. S diplomacy policies with the rest of the world.Rather than being an isolated country and keeping with the advice of George Washington to stay neutral concerning any European affairs, the United States became an imperialistic and world power with territories extending across the pacific and very active in European affairs. U. S foreign policy from 1890-1920 was principally guided by economic motives. One of the motives why the U. S foreign policy was principally guided by economic ambition was to protect American interests saved in other countries.Another motive why the U.S foreign policy was principally guided by economic ambition was because the U. S needed new markets on which to sell their surplus of farm and produced goods. One of the motives why the U. S foreign policy was principally guided by economic ambition was because the U. S needed new markets on which to sell their surplus of farm and produced goods. The blessed American soil was mass-producing crops and industries were thriving in production of American goods the markets in the United States were over flowing with goods and the United States needed to extend their sale to other countries’ markets.The four biggest imperialistic powers of the time were Great Britain, France, Germany, and soon to be the United States were all competing to get the advantages of the markets in China, and since China was dealing with their own struggles like corruption, and bad leadership, many countries were taking advantage of the economic gains in the Chinese markets unfairly. Secretary of state John Hay proposed an â€Å"Open Door policy in China† which would guarantee that all nations have a fair chance in the Chinese markets .He proposed this because the United States was still trying to prove itself and if all the countries accepted this policy the United States would ensure having access to the profitable markets. As the U. S economy grew so did ambition and a sense of great nationalism in the United States and the public was calling for more. Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson toward Latin America Both Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had utilized their own foreign policies toward Latin America that differed from another.Theodore Roosevelt proposed the aggressive, â€Å"Big-Stick† diplomacy in dealing with Latin America, whereas Wilson operated using moral diplomacy as his way of managing foreign affairs. The idea behind Roosevelt’s â€Å"Big-Stick† Policy was ‘speaking softly but carrying a big stick’, meaning that negotiations should conclude peacefully, but rivals should be threatened with the military. Presiden t Roosevelt had made several attempts to build the United States’ reputation as a world power. His policy, however, was unpopular amongst many for breaking the customary â€Å"non-involvement policy† in international politics. T.R was enthusiastic to begin the construction of a canal through the Isthmus of Panama, so the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 was passed. This allowed the United States to begin to dig the canal without British involvement. Woodrow Wilson on the other hand, respected other nation’s rights and supported the spread of democracy. Wilson had sent troops over and arranged an arms embargo with the Mexican government. When these troops were detained, he had them occupy Veracruz and war seemed imminent until the Countries of Argentina, Chile and Brazil mediated in the affair. Wilson had also proposed the Johns Act of 1916 which granted U. S.  citizenship to all the inhabitants in Puerto Rico while providing limited self-government. In addition t o this, Wilson kept a supply of marines in Nicaragua and ordered U. S. troops into Haiti in 1915 and the Dominican Republic in 1916.He argued that such intervention was necessary to maintain stability in the region and protect the Panama Canal. Assess the importance of TWO of the following in the US decision to declare war against Spain in 1898: yellow journalism, sinking of the Maine, US business interests, Cuban revolution America's short war with Spain in 1898 was the nation's first step on the pathway to becoming a world power.The U. S. victory brought with it the unintended possession of the Philippines and a vested interest in the politics of the Pacific region that would ultimately lead to conflict with Japan. As an immediate outcome of the war, America found itself embroiled in an insurgency in the Philippines that closely mimicked the conflict in Vietnam over 60 years later. Cuba, a Spanish colony, had been in rebellion since 1895. The brutal Spanish response turned America n sympathies to the Cuban insurgents.The US Battleship Maine arrived in Havana Harbor in January 1898 with a dual mission to protect American interests and present the Spanish with a show of force. At 9:40 PM on the evening of February 15, an explosion ripped the forward hull quickly sending the ship to the bottom of the harbor, killing two hundred sixty-six of the 345 crew members. Investigations started immediately. A US Naval Board of Inquiry attributed the sinking to an external explosion – a conclusion interpreted by many as referring to a mine placed beneath the ship. The finger of blame pointed to Spanish treachery.An anti-Spanish press particularly the â€Å"Yellow Journalism† of the Hearst and Pulitzer newspapers – enflamed American public opinion and raised it to a war-fever pitch. Congress clamored for action. President McKinley reluctantly succumbed to pressure and asked Congress to declare war on April 21. Congress obliged on April 25, 1898. The war lasted only 3 months and cost the U. S. about 400 killed or wounded. The United States gained the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam and emerged as a power to be reckoned with on the world stage. Cuba gained independence from Spain.For Spain it was a humiliating defeat. Both her Atlantic and Pacific fleets were sent to the bottom of the sea and with them went Spain's prestige as a world power. In what ways did the United States’ relationship with Japan become more competitive after 1900? In the first two decades of the twentieth century, the relationship between the United States and Japan was marked by increasing tension and corresponding attempts to use diplomacy to reduce the threat of conflict.Each side had territory and interests in Asia that they were concerned the other might threaten. U. S.  treatment of Japanese immigrants, and competition for economic and commercial opportunities in China also heightened tensions. At the same time, each country’s territoria l claims in the Pacific formed the basis for several agreements between the two nations, as each government sought to protect its own strategic and economic interests. Tensions rose over Japanese actions in northeast China and immigration to the United States. In 1905, the Japanese started to establish more formal control over South Manchuria by forcing China to give Japan ownership rights to the South Manchurian Railway.The Japanese used this opening to make further inroads into northeast China, causing the Roosevelt Administration concern that this violated the ideals of free enterprise and the preservation of China’s territorial integrity. Simultaneously, leading Japanese officials expressed frustration with the treatment of Japanese immigrants in the United States. A U. S. -Japanese treaty signed in 1894 had guaranteed the Japanese the right to immigrate to the United States, and to enjoy the same rights in the country as U. S. citizens.In 1906, however, the San Francisco Board of Education enacted a measure to send Japanese and Chinese children to segregated schools. The Government of Japan was outraged by this policy, claiming that it violated the 1894 treaty. In a series of notes exchanged between late 1907 and early 1908, known collectively as the Gentlemen’s Agreement, the U. S. Government agreed to pressure the San Francisco authorities to withdraw the measure, and the Japanese Government promised to restrict the immigration of laborers to the United States.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Existential Psychology and Humanistic Approach: Use in Modern Perspective

Extistencail psychology & humanistic approach (personality) Use in modern perspective Focus on how it relates to happiness Difference: humanist + side of human Est related to sex and aggression. Which statement about Freud’s theory of personality is FALSE? The most important aspects of personally development are finished by age 6 The ego continues to develop as you grow The id is present at birth The ego must balance the demands of the id and super-ego The id is entirely unconscious. The ego is entirely conscious Difference: ego & super ego Ego: the eye since of self, intelligence ore rational Super ego: (over-eye) develop early on Demand of your culture, what your culture (good boy or girl) should or shouldn’t do. Ex: good person won’t have sex In this defense mechanism, an individual acts in a manner opposite to their true desires or motives.Displacement You displace your anger on something or someone else Projection Instead of admitingit to yourself yo u accuse everyone else of it Reaction formation Regression Using a baby talk Denial Act as if something isn’t happening * Defense machanism do exist. He’s probably wrong about ppl use it by unciounsious * There are many reasons that contribute to our attraction to others. One of the best predictors in selecting and developing interpersonal and romantic relationships is Mere exposure effect Is why proximity is such a good predictor Just seeing them won’t influence it as much as the other one Personality characteristics Commonalities in parental behavior Physical proximity How close u live to each other They are there and you get to know them, b/c they live close to you What is familiar is more appealing then what isn’t Age Defense mechanisms are enated by The id The ego The super-egoBoth the ego and the super ego Both the id and the super-ego In _________love we experience feelings of euphoria, intimacy, and intense sexual attraction, in ________love, we e xperience affection, trust, and concern, for a partner’s well-being. Passionate; companionate Companionate deals w/ oxitocen Passionate deals w/ dopamine (like w/ drugs) Research has consistently demonstrated five core components of personality. Which of the following is not one of the Big Five personality tratis? Agreeableness Extraversion + to neutral? Openness to experience Narcissism – to neutral? B&CWhich of the big 5 is associated w/ school and work success? (along w/ predicting IQ) Consciousness What do obedience to authority and a tendency to reciprocate other’s favors have in common? Norms (unwritten standards for behavior or how ppl will react to one other) Differ from culture to culture No one is going to sit u down & tell you Ex: you will obey an officer (or ppl in position of authority) When your friend does really well on a test, he says it’s b/c he is smart. If he fails, he says it’s b/c the test was really hard. This is an e x of which of the following? Extraversion Denial SublimationSelf-serving bias We have a general good look of our self Look at outside reason why we didn’t do so well. repression The tendency for ppl to engage in ____________ explains why some ppl prefer negative evaluation over positive ones and also seek mate who view them poorly. Self-verification Get info from ppl around us Deosn’t change a lot over time We seek ppl out who confirm w/ our own thoughts Self denial Self actualization Self serving bias Self report * * _____________ persuasion is a type of persuasion that involves a chang in attitudes or beliefs that is brought about by appeals to habit or emotion.Systematic Heuristic Habbits & emotion Happy, joy Non-systematic Logic & reason (opposite of heuristic) Ppl take their time (ppl are spending a lot of $) Inferential Residual The Lexical Hypothsis suggested that: Language will have many words for very important personality traits. Language will have fe w words for the very important personality traits Some cultures do not believe in the idea of stable personality traits. Some cultures do believe in the idea of stable personality traits. Which of the following statements about personality traits is NOT true?Traits allow us to predict behavior in specific situations. Only over time, not in situations Intelligence is not a personalilty trait According to the ___________ ppl aggress when their goals are thwarted. Pleasure principle Frustration-agression Drive principle Motivation principle Aggression-motivation hypothesis As cover in class the humanistic perspective on personality and motivation suggests that there are 3 b Automomy relatedness Competence Dominance Milgrams famous obedience study reveals that about ______% of participants delivered the max level of shock. 15% 25% 50% 65% 95% top sooner if they had to touch the learner being closer to the learner personality traits matter too often ppl who didn’t car about what p pl thought about them being taught by parents/ even if you are told to do something it wasn’t ok to hurt some one ppl who had a strong need to be approved of they were more likely to continue Researches have discovered a gene associated w/ serotonin availability in th frontal love. This gen is also related to the personality trait of neuroticism The Zimbardo prison study has been cited as an example that: negative situation pressures often outweigh personality traits.When ppl in angry mobs, they may not be awar of their own standards of behavior. This may be due to: Reciprocal altruism Altruism Diffusion of responsibility Doesn’t have to do w/ being aware of yourself This is in the ex of who is going to come forth to do the work When someone needs help & it isn’t clear if it’s a emergency When there is a crowd &ppl act like it’s fine then u assume it’s fine too When u are by yourself, u don’t have reference of others so u r mo re likely to help Deindividuation Group polarizationIn _________ an individual’s experience of the environment is shaped y unintentional effects of their personality on others. Situation selection Manipulation When we do it intension to manipulate others to get what we want Evocation Unintentional effect ppl respond to b/c of ur personality Passive correlation Spent a lot of ppl who have the same gene as you so it’s hard to pull apart Self-serving bias In John Gottman’s research on predictors of divorce, couples who remained married showed a ratio of ____ positive interactons for every _____negative interactions 5;1 1;5 2;1 1;2 1;1 *

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Computers Vrs Humans

Humans make computers, yet computers are sometimes thought to be superior to humans. Is there any truth to this point? Maybe, I am going to provide information that both are different and the same in many ways, but that one in fact, may be seen as being better then the other. Computers make advancements every day, because people continue looking for ways to make them run better and more efficient. Humans on the other hand do not advance as rapidly, because they can only do what they are raised or taught to do. They are only as advanced as their education or can only advance as much as their brain and other organs will allow them. Computers are made by humans so which is smarter or better? This conflict is an opinionated one but maybe proven by the facts of this paper, by showing differences and similarities in the machines and the humans that make them. A paper from Science and Spirit called â€Å"Brains, Computers and Persons† discusses how â€Å"the brain is a computer†, meaning in the sense of today’s electronic machines. However in fact the brain is a computer, which is very different, then any computer man has yet succeeded to build. Also it states that the job of computer science is not only to build better technology, but also to create a theory, which encompasses the brain’s very different adaptive, distributed, multi-level computations. The brain has hundreds of regions, each region with millions of cells, each cell with tens of thousands of connections, each connection involving subtle neurochemical processes. Which gives a great deal of room for processes shaped through evolution that will continue to mystify humans for decades to come. So in fact the article states that maybe instead of reducing the human brain to the limits of the current machine, maybe instead see the notion of machine s growing immensely over the coming decades as we better understand h... Free Essays on Computers Vrs Humans Free Essays on Computers Vrs Humans Humans make computers, yet computers are sometimes thought to be superior to humans. Is there any truth to this point? Maybe, I am going to provide information that both are different and the same in many ways, but that one in fact, may be seen as being better then the other. Computers make advancements every day, because people continue looking for ways to make them run better and more efficient. Humans on the other hand do not advance as rapidly, because they can only do what they are raised or taught to do. They are only as advanced as their education or can only advance as much as their brain and other organs will allow them. Computers are made by humans so which is smarter or better? This conflict is an opinionated one but maybe proven by the facts of this paper, by showing differences and similarities in the machines and the humans that make them. A paper from Science and Spirit called â€Å"Brains, Computers and Persons† discusses how â€Å"the brain is a computer†, meaning in the sense of today’s electronic machines. However in fact the brain is a computer, which is very different, then any computer man has yet succeeded to build. Also it states that the job of computer science is not only to build better technology, but also to create a theory, which encompasses the brain’s very different adaptive, distributed, multi-level computations. The brain has hundreds of regions, each region with millions of cells, each cell with tens of thousands of connections, each connection involving subtle neurochemical processes. Which gives a great deal of room for processes shaped through evolution that will continue to mystify humans for decades to come. So in fact the article states that maybe instead of reducing the human brain to the limits of the current machine, maybe instead see the notion of machine s growing immensely over the coming decades as we better understand h...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Worksheet on Combinations and Permutations

Worksheet on Combinations and Permutations Permutations and combinations are two concepts that related to ideas in probability.   These two topics are very similar and are easy to get confused. In both cases we start with a set containing a a total of n elements.   Then we count r of these elements. The way in which we count these elements determines if we are working with a combination or with a permutation. Ordering and Arrangement The key things to remember when distinguishing between combinations and permutations has to do with order and arrangements.   Permutations deal with situations when the order that we choose the objects is important.   We can also think of this as being equivalent to the idea of arranging objects In combinations we are not concerned with what order we selected our objects. We only need this concept, and the formulas for combinations and permutations to solve problems dealing with this topic. Practice Problems To get good at something, it takes some practice.   Here are some practice problems with solutions to help you to straighten out the ideas of permutations and combinations. A version with answers is here.   After starting with just basic calculations, you can use what you know to determine if a combination or permutation is being referred to. Use the formula for permutations to calculate P( 5, 2 ).Use the formula for combinations to calculate  C( 5, 2 ).Use the formula for permutations to calculate  P( 6, 6 ).Use the formula for combinations to calculate  C( 6, 6 ).Use the formula for permutations to calculate  P( 100, 97 ).Use the formula for combinations to calculate  C( 100, 97 ).It’s election time at a high school that has a total of 50 students in the junior class. How many ways can a class president, class vice president, class treasurer,and class secretary be chosen if each student may only hold one office?The same class of 50 students wants to form a prom committee. How many ways can a four person prom committee be selected from the junior class?If we want to form a group of five students and we have 20 to choose from, how many ways is this possible?How many ways can we arrange four letters from the word â€Å"computer† if repetitions are not allowed, and different orders of the same letter s count as different arrangements?How many ways can we arrange four letters from the word â€Å"computer† if repetitions are not allowed, and different orders of the same letters count as the same arrangement? How many different four digit numbers are possible if we can choose any digits from 0 to 9 and all of the digits must be different?If we are given a box containing seven books, how many ways can we arrange three of them on a shelf?If we are given a box containing seven books, how many ways can we choose collections of three of them from the box?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Research summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research summary - Essay Example Between 2000 and 2005 silicosis has been documented to be the cause of 162 annual deaths in the US. During hydraulic fracturing, inhaling dust is hard to avoid and hence the necessary protective gear need to be worn to avoid this. The source is applicable to update Gasland subtopic because it outlines how natural gas and oil extraction produces silica that pollute the air causing health complications such as kidney disease, autoimmune disorders, lung cancer and tuberculosis. Although, hydraulic fracturing is seen as profitable it is the main cause of death in the US as inhaling dust from such extraction is hard to avoid and hence the necessary protective gear need to be worn to avoid this Winter, Mary. "Drilling Down on Shale Gas." State Legislatures. 39.7 (2013): 8. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Oct 2013. Environmentalists assert that hydraulic fracturing is a threat to public health because it is air and water pollutant. This is supported by a study of water in heavily drilled Pavillion, Wyo. Residents here are said to complain of brown smelly water. Although some have disputed the study, it was found out that the ground water contained compounds associated with gas production practices such as hydraulic fracturing. ... This conforms to Gasland story in that hydraulic fracturing pollutes both water and air causing brown smelly water, for instance some studies discovered that in the US and other nations where gas extraction is common ground water contained compounds associated with gas production practices such as hydraulic fracturing. "Business heats up in New Mexico." Rock Products. 116.4 (2013): 13. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Oct 2013. Wisconsin center for investigative journalism that incorporates the Wisconsin public radio and the superior telegram has fanned out that one fifth of Wisconsin’s 70 active fracking sand mines ND processing plant were cited for acts of building without the proper permits s well as air pollution. Of more concern to the investigative journalists is the fact that there are rules and regulations governing operations in the mining industry and they are being enforced. The mining businesses need to be familiar with complex storm water, run off and air polluti on regulations and fracking sand mining have shown blatant disregard for environmental regulations. Wisconsin confirms that some mines and processing plants are started without proper permits irrespecting of various rules and regulations governing operations in the mining industry enforced, and thus increasing air pollution. Disregarding these environment regulations have various health effects on people as confirmed by Gasland film. Krisberg, Kim. "CDC releases national action plan to prevent unintentional child injuries." Nation's Health. 42.5 (2012): 6. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Oct 2013. Racing has been recognized as one of the environmental hazards bringing about air pollution near wells. The US environmental protection agency has noted this and has issued new air

Friday, November 1, 2019

Statutory Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statutory Analysis Report - Essay Example In this scenario, Joe citizen is liable for the offence of having drunk alcohol and at the same time using a public right of way. The arrest by the policeman is warranted, and Joe ought to be charged with the offense of riding the bicycle while drunk. While riding in a drunken state, Joe put the lives of other drivers at risk, and also violated the law that prohibits persons from operating a motor vehicle while drunk. Under the New Hampshire motor vehicle laws, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle when one’s blood alcohol content is higher than usual. Thus, Joe is guilty of the offence he committed since the reading in the meter is higher than the legal (Stevens, 2012). Besides, it is an offence to operate a bicycle while drunk since the laws that apply to drinking under the influence in New Hampshire also apply to the riding of bicycles under the influence. Every person found drunk while operating a bicycle in the roads of New Hampshire ought to be subjected to the same rules, which apply to the driver of any other motor vehicle. This is because, under the laws of New Hampshire regarding motor vehicles, the rules of the road cover even those who operate bicycles. As such, Joe is not an exception and the penalties that apply to the offenders who do not obey the motor vehicle rules in New Hampshire will also operate to him. As a judge, I would recommend that Joe be fined for riding a bicycle on a state highway while drunk. Imposing a fine on him would be a good step towards ensuring that he does not commit such an offence in the future (Stevens, 2012). In the case of Jim, he rode on a horse-drawn wagon on a public highway while he had drunk until he passed out. He violated the law since he travelled along a public highway, which can easily be accessed by the public. Although Jim was drunk, he was not directing the wagon himself as he had fallen asleep owing to the alcohol he had drunk. As a judge, I would treat the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why students should take a gap year before college Essay

Why students should take a gap year before college - Essay Example Yet, there do happen to be many discerning students who take time to sort out their priorities in life. Such students do prefer to think in a more serious and concerted manner as to their expectations from and outlook towards a college education. In that context, taking a year off before college allows such students the time and the space to ponder about their future goals and aspirations in a more serious and dedicated manner. This allows them to step aside for sometime from the usual societal and academic trends, to chalk out their future course in consonance with their own values and needs. Hence, a gap year before college could indeed turn out to be fruitful and beneficial. Thereby, students should take a year off before college to gain maturity, build real world social skills, and reinforce the selection of their major. Ralph happened to be one of such student who was typically bothered by a sense of purposelessness, as he finished the high school. There was a side of him that eagerly desired to join college, as most of his friends were doing. But, there was also a facet of Ralph’s personality that wanted to spend some time sorting out his priorities and expectations from life. Luckily Ralph’s parents did not press him as he decided to take a year off after high school. Since long Ralph had been thinking of traveling to Spain. This gap year facilitated Ralph with the requisite time and opportunity. Ralph did some research on the social networking sites and joined a group of American gap year students visiting Spain. The six months that Ralph spent in Spain completely changed him. Ralph not only ended up becoming a more mature and independent person, but he also gained a reasonable level of proficiency in the Spanish language. In Spain Ralph learnt to appreciate cultural diversity and learned to get along with people from different cultures and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Chromatography Questions Essay Example for Free

Chromatography Questions Essay Procedure: 1. Define chromatography: 2. Gather materials for the lab. 3. Mark the filter paper with a pencil line 2.0 cm from the end of the paper. 4. Write the color of the felt marker in pencil at the top of the filter paper. 5. With a felt pen, make a dot on the middle of the pencil line. Let the spot dry. 6. Repeat the process adding more ink to the spot. Try to make it thicker, not wider. 7. Set that filter paper aside. 8. Repeat #2-5 using a new filter paper and another color. 9. Secure the two pieces of filter paper using the paper clip and hang them so they reach the 25-50 ml mark in the DRY 400 ml beaker. 10. Remove the papers from the DRY beaker and set aside. 11. Using the 10 ml graduated cylinder, measure and pour 2.0 ml of vinegar into the 400 ml beaker. 12. Fill the 400 ml beaker with enough water to make a water-vinegar solution to the 25-50 ml mark. 13. Carefully place the two pieces of filter paper in the beaker so the dots are not touching the water-vinegar solution. If they fall into the solution, you will have to start over. 14. Observe the ink spot as the water-vinegar solution moves up the paper. 15. When the solution reaches the paper clip, remove it and mark the end of the solution with a pencil. 16. Let the filter papers dry on a paper towel. 17. Record your observations. 18. Measure and sketch the colors that you observe. Analysis: Answer these on another sheet of paper in ink or type. (Rewrite questions.) 1. Define chromatography. 2. With the black marker, how many different colors can you identify? Describe this. 3. Why do you see different colors at various locations on the filter paper? 4. Compare and contrast the colors in the black and/or brown markers on the filter paper with one other marker that is not black/brown. 5. How is the technique of chromatography used to separate a mixture? 6. Is chromatography a physical or chemical change? Explain! Conclusion: 1. Describe what you have learned from this lab. 2. Research different types of chromatography to understand how it is used. Rewrite this in your own words.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Willy Loman, Jay Gatsby, and the Pursuit of the American Dream Essays

Willy Loman, Jay Gatsby, and the Pursuit of the American Dream Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, and Arthur Miller, author of Death of a Salesman, both tell the stories of men in the costly pursuit of the American dream. As a result of several conflicts, both external and internal, both characters experience an extinction of the one thing that they have set their sights on.... The American Dream. Jay Gatsby, a mysterious, young and very wealthy man, fatally chases an impossible dream. Gatsby attempts to rekindle an old relationship and has confidence in repeating the past. Gatsby claims that he is going to â€Å"fix everything just the way it was before† (Fitzgerald 117). In a a conversation with Nick, Gatsby discusses how the past can be repeated and how he wants the relationship that he once had with Daisy (Fitzgerald 116). Secondly, Gatsby attempts to exemplify his wealth through fancy cars and stylish clothing. Gatsby shows his clothing to Daisy and informs her that he has a â€Å"man in England† who buys his clothes every season (Fitzgerald 97). Illustrating his wealth, Gatsby drives a Rolls Royce that â€Å"was a rich cream color, bright with nickel† (Fitzgerald 68). Although Gatsby’s foolish quest of the American dream exemplifies a respectable aspiration, it ends in a tragic death that goes virtually unnoticed. A sharp contrast to the part ies , the funeral was sparingly attended and â€Å"nobody came† (Fitzgerald 182). Following the ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

European Women’s Fashion in the Eighteenth Century

Fashion has been always been a dominate part within every society throughout the years. Fashion is â€Å"a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc. † and â€Å"conventional usage in dress, manners, etc. , especially of polite society, or conformity to it† (â€Å"fashion†). When it comes to fashion, Europe happens to be the most influential continent. For centuries, Europe has always been fashion-forward, influencing many other continents and countries with its style. There has always been the misconception, as stated by fashion historian Aileen Ribeiro in Dress in Eighteenth-Century Europe, â€Å"[that] most think immediately of Paris and the French court when they ponder that time [of eighteenth century fashion], forgetting reverberations in England, Italy, and elsewhere worldwide† (Cullen). However, in the eighteenth century (around the 1750s), France was well-known for its rococo style, which was simply â€Å"wide skirts, fine fabrics, and an overdose of embroidery† (â€Å"Women's Fashion of the 18th Century†). Like most French fashion, it spread across Europe. The rococo style emphasized the love of shell-like curves and decorative arts (â€Å"Rococo Fashion Era†). During this time in the late eighteenth century, certain undergarments, gowns, shoes, and simple, refined hairdos and make-up were essential for the fashionable European woman. In the late eighteenth century, women only wore certain undergarments. For example, they wore chemises, stays, panniers, free-hanging pockets, and waistcoats, but they did not wear underwear during this time. The chemises that the women often wore had very low necklines and elbow-length sleeves that flushed out fully. Over the chemise, they wore stays, or corsets, in hopes of attaining the correct, fashionable posture of a woman during this century, which consisted of standing with the shoulders back only slightly; stays generally kept women with cone-like torsos and accentuated large hips. Stays were also usually tied tight but comfortably and offered women back support. At the hips were panniers, or side hoops, which were important when it came to court fashion because they dilated the hips. Free-hanging pockets were tied about the waist, and waistcoats or petticoats were worn over the corsets for warmth. These were the types of undergarments that most late eighteenth century women wore. (â€Å"1750–1795 in Fashion†; Cullen) Aside from the necessary undergarments, low-necked gowns were typical attire in the 1750s. Usually, the gowns had skirt attachments, and the skirts would have an opening in the front to expose the petticoat that the woman wore beneath it. If the gown’s bodice had an opening, then there was usually a stomacher pinned to the corset that was beneath the gown for decoration. The sleeves of the gowns normally had tight elbow-length sleeves that flushed at the ends with frills or ruffles. During this period, gowns were very popular and versatile and could be worn extravagantly or plainly. Upper class women would often have the more expensive, extravagant gowns while the middle and lower class normally settled for the plain â€Å"shortgowns. † (â€Å"1750–1795 in Fashion†) When it came to shoes during the late eighteenth century, women wore them like they wore their clothes. Much like now, in most societies, people dress in terms of their wealth, i. . the rich dress fanciful and the poor dress in what they can afford. The same rules apply to women of the eighteenth century. Women wore shoes with high, curved heels made of colorful silk or delicate leather, sometimes decorated with gold and silver lace and braid. Even though most women of this time dressed in silk gowns that were heavily decorated (as is a requirement of the rococo style), it was rare that the women would have shoes of the same, matching material. The reason for this was that it would just be too expensive. Some of the women’s shoes were laced, and some had decorative buckles. The toes of their shoes were either pointed or a bit rounded. However, further into the eighteenth century, the extravagance behind the fine shoes was simplified. (â€Å"Eighteenth – Century Footwear†). Lastly, women of the eighteenth century didn’t necessarily change their hairstyles much. Women rarely wore wigs, aside from special occasions. Normally, women kept their hair powdered and coiffed, decorated with a small bonnet or flowers, jewelry, and bows (â€Å"Rococo Fashion Era†). Along with the hairstyles came make-up. These hairstyles were fairly simple, leaving more focus onto the woman’s face and her make-up. The point of make-up in the eighteenth century was to make women look â€Å"artificial,† hence why many women strived for pale skin (â€Å"Women's Fashion of the 18th Century†). It wasn’t until later, after the rococo era, that high wigs became fashionable. Fashion has always been an important aspect in history. As mentioned earlier, Europe has always been the â€Å"fashion-forward† continent in the world, influencing many other countries around the world. The rococo style, also known as the baroque style, was one of the influential fashion changes that occurred throughout Europe and was emphasized by the French. With a popular style that emphasized shell-like curves and elaborate decoration, the fashion-forward European woman of the eighteenth century embraced the new era – the rococo era – taking in the customs of only wearing certain undergarments, gowns, shoes, and simple, refined hairdos and make-up. This was fashion in the eighteenth century.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Oedipus Rex Essay

Oedipus Rex was written during the fifth century. A time when Rome was in power and Athens was the center of the world. In this time people beleived that gods controlled all. Fate and destiny could never be escaped and as is shown in this play, no one can change their own destiny. The fact that this play takes place in less than one day’s time means that many desicions are made in a rash and uninformed fashion. After finding out that his destiny has been fulffiled Oedipus blinds himself out of pain and the wish that he would never look upon the misery and horror that he himself has unknowingly created. The play is set in Thebes, recently a great powerfull city, but has been stuck by sickness and death. Most of the action takes place within the coutyard of the King’s palace. This setting represents power and arrogance. The fact that Oedipus does not go to anyone, everyone, including his wife comes to him suggests this arrogance. He still fears the destiny foretold to him, but he beleives that he can change that destiny by staying away from his family. Pg. 59 line 360 tells of this fear and belief. â€Å"As, that I should lie with my own mother, breed children from whom all men would turn their eyes; And that I should be my father’s murderer. I heard all this, and fled. And from that day Corinth to me was ony in the stars. Descending in that quarter of the sky, as I wandered farther and farther on my way to a land where I should never see the evil sung by the oracle. † Most other men in this time would except their fate, but his arrogance will not let him. His beleif that he can cheat fate is ultimatly what is destroying the people of Thebes. Oedipus’s family is a complicated tangle of lies made by people who also tried to cheat fate. The family that he beleives is his own in fact is not. The fact that he is even alive to recieve this family is not supposed to be. He left his adoptive parents never to return once he learned of his destiny thinking that he could prevent this from comming true. He denied to himself the knowledge that these were not his real parents. This is told on Pg. 59 line 345 â€Å"At a feast, a drunken man maundering in his cups cries out that I am not my father’s son. I contained myself that night, thought I felt anger and a sinking heart. † This tells me that in his heart he knew that it was a true statement but could not admit it to himself. His true father was Liaos, King of Thebes. Liaos had been told of his fate by the oracle that he would be killed by his own son. So like father like son, Liaos also tried to cheat fate as told by Iokoste on Pg. 59 line 260 â€Å"But his child had not been three days in this world before the King had pierced the baby’s ankles and left him to die on a lonely mountainside. † Oedipus celebrated the death of his father and therefore his succesfull escape from the prophesies of the oracle. But as he was told this news he was also told again that he was not his father’s son. The messenger on Pg 62 line 137 states † Polybos is not your. father. † This conversation continues on to tell the tale of how he was found as a child by a shepard with his ankles bound by a skewer. Polybos who had no children took in this baby as his own. This is when Oedipus finally starts to reallize that he was Liaos’s son but he will not accept it until he confirms this with the shepard who had found him. Iokaste, his wife obviously realizes that his destiny has become fullfilled and that she is not only his wife but his mother as well. She is angry and wishes that Oedipus will not know the truth of his parentage. She states on PG. 62 line 217. † You are fatally wrong! May you never learn who you are! † But as oedipus speaks with the shepherd he learns again of his horrible fate. on Pg 64 beginning at line 110 Oedipus finally admits to himself after being told numerous times that he has already unknowingly fufilled his own destiny. † Shepherd : For if you are what this man says you are, no man living is more wretched and oedipus. Oedipus: Ah God! It is true! All the prophecies! – Now, O light , may I look on you for the last time! I, Oedipus, Oedipus, damned in his birth, in his marriage, damned, damned in the blood he shed with his own hand! â€Å"

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Jim Thorpe, Native American Olympian

Biography of Jim Thorpe, Native American Olympian Jim Thorpe (May 28, 1888–March 28, 1953) is remembered as one of the greatest athletes of all time and one of the most celebrated Native Americans in modern times. At the 1912 Olympics, Jim Thorpe accomplished the unprecedented feat of winning gold medals in both the pentathlon and the decathlon. Although he was stripped of his medals due to a violation of his amateur status prior to the Olympics, Thorpe went on to play both professional baseball and football and was an especially gifted football player. Fast Facts: Jim Thorpe Known For: Jim Thorpe was a native American athlete known for his Olympic gold medals in the pentathlon and the decathlon.Also Known As: James Francis Thorpe, Wa-tho-huk (Native American name meaning Bright Path), and The Worlds Greatest AthleteBorn: May 28, 1888 in Prague, OklahomaParents: Hiram Thorpe and Charlotte VieuxDied: March 28, 1953 in Lomita, CaliforniaEducation: Carlisle Indian Industrial School, Haskell Indian Junior CollegeAwards and Honors: Gold medals in the pentathlon and decathlon (later stripped because of amateur status violation)Spouse(s): Iva Miller, Freeda Kirkpatrick, Patricia AskewChildren: 8Notable Quote: I am no more proud of my career as an athlete than I am of the fact that I am a direct descendant of that noble warrior [Chief Black Hawk]. Early Life Jim Thorpe and his twin brother Charlie were born on May 28, 1888, in Prague, Oklahoma to Hiram Thorpe and Charlotte Vieux. Both parents were of mixed Native American and European heritage. Hiram and Charlotte had a total of 11 children, six of whom died in early childhood. On his fathers side, Jim Thorpe was related to the great warrior Black Hawk, whose people (the Sac and Fox tribe) had originally come from the Lake Michigan region. (They were forced by the United States government to resettle in the Oklahoma Indian Territory in 1869.) The Thorpes lived in a log farmhouse on the Sac and Fox reservation, where they grew crops and raised livestock. Although most members of their tribe wore traditional native clothing and spoke the Sac and Fox language, the Thorpes adopted many customs of white people. They wore standard American clothing and spoke English at home. (English was the only language Jims parents had in common.) Charlotte, who was part French and part Potawatomi Indian, insisted that her children be raised as Roman Catholics. The twins did everything together, including fishing, hunting, wrestling, and horseback riding. At the age of 6, Jim and Charlie were sent to the reservation school, a boarding school run by the federal government 20 miles away. Following the prevailing racist ideas of the times- that whites were superior to Native Americans- students were taught to live in the manner of white people and forbidden to speak their native language. Although the twins were different in temperament (Charlie was studious, whereas Jim preferred sports), they were very close. Sadly, when the boys were 8, an epidemic swept through their school and Charlie fell sick and died in late 1896. Jim was devastated. He lost interest in school and sports and repeatedly ran away from school. A Troubled Youth Hiram sent Jim to Haskell Indian Junior College in 1898 in an effort to discourage him from running away. The government-run school, located 300 miles away in Lawrence, Kansas, operated on a military system, with students wearing uniforms and following a strict set of regulations. Although he chafed at the idea of being told what to do, Thorpe made an attempt to fit in at Haskell. After watching the varsity football team at Haskell, Thorpe was inspired to organize football games with other boys at the school. Leaving School Thorpes adherence to his fathers wishes didnt last. In the summer of 1901, Thorpe heard his father had been seriously hurt in a hunting accident and, in a hurry to get home, left Haskell without permission. At first, Thorpe hopped on a train, but it was unfortunately headed in the wrong direction. After getting off the train, he walked most of the way home, hitching rides occasionally. After his two-week trek, Thorpe arrived home only to discover that his father was recovered yet very angry about what his son had done. Despite his father’s fury, Thorpe chose to stay on his fathers farm and help out instead of returning to Haskell. Only a few months later, Thorpes mother died from blood poisoning following childbirth (the infant died as well). Thorpe and his entire family were devastated. After his mother’s death, tensions within the family grew. After an especially bad argument- followed by a beating from his father- Thorpe left home and headed to Texas. There, at the age of 13, Thorpe found work taming wild horses. He loved the work and managed to support himself for a year. Upon his return home, Thorpe discovered that he had earned his fathers respect. This time, Thorpe agreed to enroll in a nearby public school, where he participated in baseball and track and field. With seemingly little effort, Thorpe excelled at whatever sport he attempted. The Carlisle Indian School In 1904, a representative from the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania came to the Oklahoma Territory looking for candidates for the trade school. (Carlisle had been founded by an army officer in 1879 as a vocational boarding school for young Native Americans.) Thorpes father convinced Jim to enroll at Carlisle, knowing there were few opportunities available for him in Oklahoma. Thorpe entered the Carlisle School in June 1904 at age 16. He had hoped to become an electrician, but because Carlisle didnt offer that course of study, Thorpe opted to become a tailor. Not long after hed begun his studies, Thorpe received staggering news. His father had died of blood poisoning, the same illness that had taken his mothers life. Thorpe coped with his loss by immersing himself in the Carlisle tradition known as outing, in which students were sent to live with (and work for) white families in order to learn white customs. Thorpe went on three such ventures, spending several months at a time working in roles such as a gardener and farm worker. School Sports Thorpe returned to school from his last outing in 1907, having grown taller and more muscular. He joined an intramural football team, where his impressive performance gained the attention of coaches in both football and track and field. Thorpe joined the varsity track team in 1907 and later the football team. Both sports were coached by football coaching legend Glenn Pop Warner. In track and field, Thorpe excelled in every event and often broke records at meets. Thorpe also led his small school to football victories over larger, more famous colleges, including Harvard and West Point. Among the opposing players he met on the field was future president Dwight D. Eisenhower of West Point. The 1912 Olympics In 1910, Thorpe decided to take a break from school and find a way to earn money. During two consecutive summers (1910 and 1911), Thorpe accepted an offer to play minor league baseball in North Carolina. It was a decision he would come to regret deeply. In the fall of 1911, Pop Warner convinced Jim to return to Carlisle. Thorpe had another stellar football season, earning recognition as a first-team All-American halfback. In the spring of 1912, Thorpe re-joined the track and field team with a new goal in mind: he would begin training for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team in track and field. Pop Warner believed that Thorpes all-around skills would make him an ideal candidate for the decathlon- a grueling competition comprised of 10 events. Thorpe qualified for both the pentathlon and decathlon for the American team. The 24-year-old set sail for Stockholm, Sweden in June 1912. At the Olympics, Thorpes performance surpassed all expectations. He dominated in both the pentathlon and decathlon, winning gold medals in both events. (He remains the only athlete in history to have done so.) His record-breaking scores handily beat all of his rivals and would remain unbroken for three decades. Upon his return to the United States, Thorpe was hailed as a hero and honored with a ticker-tape parade in New York City. Jim Thorpe’s Olympic Scandal At Pop Warners urging, Thorpe returned to Carlisle for the 1912 football season, during which he helped his team achieve 12 wins and only one loss. Thorpe began his last semester at Carlisle in January 1913. He looked forward to a bright future with his fiancà ©e Iva Miller, a fellow student at Carlisle. In late January of that year, a newspaper article surfaced in Worcester, Massachusetts claiming that Thorpe had earned money playing professional baseball and therefore could not be considered an amateur athlete. Because only amateur athletes could participate in the Olympics at that time, the International Olympic Committee stripped Thorpe of his medals and his records were erased from the books. Thorpe readily admitted that he had played in the minor leagues and had been paid a small salary. He also admitted ignorance of the fact that playing baseball would make him ineligible to compete in track and field events at the Olympics. Thorpe later learned that many college athletes played on professional teams during the summer, but they played under assumed names in order to maintain their amateur status in school. Going Pro in Baseball A mere 10 days after losing his Olympic medals, Thorpe turned professional for good, withdrawing from Carlisle and signing a contract to play major league baseball with the New York Giants. Baseball wasnt Thorpes strongest sport, but the Giants knew that his name would sell tickets. After spending some time in the minors improving his skills, Thorpe started the 1914 season with the Giants. Thorpe and Iva Miller married in October 1913. They had their first child, James Jr., in 1915, followed by three daughters over the eight years of their marriage. The Thorpes suffered the loss of James, Jr. to polio in 1918. Thorpe spent three years with the Giants and then played for the Cincinnati Reds and later the Boston Braves. His major league career ended in 1919 in Boston; he played minor league baseball for another nine years, retiring from the game in 1928 at the age of 40. Football Career During his time as a baseball player, Thorpe also played professional football beginning in 1915. Thorpe played halfback for the Canton Bulldogs for six years, leading them to many major victories. A multi-talented player, Thorpe was proficient at running, passing, tackling, and even kicking. Thorpes punts averaged an incredible 60 yards. Thorpe later played for the Oorang Indians (an all-Native American team) and The Rock Island Independents. By 1925, the 37-year-olds athletic skills had begun to decline. Thorpe announced his retirement from pro football in 1925, although he did play occasionally for various teams over the next four years. Life After Sports Thorpe divorced Iva Miller in 1923 and married Freeda Kirkpatrick in October 1925. During their 16-year marriage, they had four sons together. Thorpe and Freeda divorced in 1941. Thorpe struggled to stay employed after leaving professional sports. He moved from state to state, working as a painter, security guard, and ditch digger. Thorpe tried out for some movie roles but was awarded only a few cameos, mainly playing Indian chiefs. Thorpe lived in Los Angeles when the 1932 Olympics came to the city but he did not have enough money to buy a ticket to the Summer Games. When the press reported Thorpes predicament, Vice President Charles Curtis, himself of Native American descent, invited Thorpe to sit with him. When Thorpes presence was announced to the crowd, he was honored with a standing ovation. As public interest in the former Olympian grew, Thorpe began to receive offers for speaking engagements. He earned little money for his appearances but enjoyed giving inspiring speeches to young people. The speaking tour, however, kept Thorpe away from his family for long periods of time. Later Years In 1937, Thorpe returned to Oklahoma to promote the rights of Native Americans. He joined a movement to abolish the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the government entity that oversaw all aspects of life on reservations. The Wheeler Bill, which would allow native peoples to manage their own affairs, failed to pass in the legislature. During World War II, Thorpe worked as a security guard at a Ford auto plant. He suffered a heart attack in 1943 only a year after taking the job, prompting him to resign. In June 1945, Thorpe married Patricia Askew. Soon after the wedding, 57-year-old Jim Thorpe enlisted in the merchant marines and was assigned to a ship that carried ammunition to Allied forces. After the war, Thorpe worked for the Chicago Park Districts recreation department, promoting fitness and teaching track skills to young people. The 1951 Hollywood film Jim Thorpe, All-American starred Burt Lancaster and told Thorpe’s story. Thorpe served as technical advisor for the film, although he made no money from the film itself. Death In September 1952, Thorpe suffered a second, more serious heart attack. He recovered, but the following year he suffered a third, fatal heart attack on March 28, 1953, at the age of 64 in Lomita, California. Thorpe is buried in a mausoleum in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, a town that agreed to change its name in order to win the privilege of housing Thorpes memorial. Legacy In 1950, Thorpe was voted by Associated Press sportswriters as the greatest football player of the half-century. Just months later, he was honored as the best male athlete of the half-century. His competition for the title included sports legends such as Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, and Jesse Owens. Later that same year he was inducted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame. Three decades after Thorpes death, the International Olympic Committee reversed its decision and issued duplicate medals to Jim Thorpes children in 1983. Thorpes achievements have been re-entered into Olympic record books and he is now widely acknowledged as one of the greatest athletes of all time. Sources Birchfield, D. L.  Jim Thorpe, Worlds Greatest Athlete.  Modern Curriculum Press, 1994.Buford, Kate. Native American Son: The Life and Sporting Legend of Jim Thorpe. Knopf,  2010.