Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 38

Assignment Example Chronic stress causes a harm to the body as it cant keep supporting the stress response. 2. The fight or flight response describes the bodys reaction to stress and includes increased heart and lung rates, blood vessel dilation, and other measures that will aid in a fight or escape situation. 3. General adaptation syndrome refers to the bodys response to stress over time. It is commonly divided into three parts including alarm (excitation of the response), resistance (prolonging the response), and exhaustion/recovery (can cause damage if exhaustion is extended due to chronic stress). 5. Some physical ways to avoid stress are regular exercise and eating healthy. Avoiding negative people and gaining enjoyable employment are social approaches to stress avoidance. Environmentally, stress may be reduced by building strong family relations and choosing a healthy partner, and psychological tools include keeping priorities in perspective and avoiding the repression of negative emotions. 6. The two hormones secreted during the stress response (and their functions) are cortisol (increases blood sugar, depresses immune system, and aids in metabolism) and norepinephrine (increases heart rate, triggers sugar release, and increases oxygen supply to the brain). 1. The five main components of fitness (and how they impact health) are cardiovascular fitness (heart and lung oxygen delivery ability), muscular strength (force muscle can exert), muscular endurance (how long muscles can exert force repeatedly or for one period), flexibility (how long muscle will lengthen without damage), and body composition (fat percentage especially has impact on health). 2. Three differences between aerobic and anaerobic energy production include the use of oxygen in aerobic but not anaerobic respiration, more energy is produced through aerobic respiration, and aerobic energy production results in the formation of water molecules. 4. Ten (of many) negative

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