Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Child Behavioral Case Study Essay -- Psychology Learning Children

Child Behavioral Case Study 1) General Information: Student name: Larry Date of Testing: Grade: 1 Date of Birth: Chronological Age: School: 2) Reason for Assessment: is currently having difficulties with learning and behavior. frequently is out of his throughout the day, and answers aloud before being called on to give the answers and struggles to follow directions. also has learning difficulties in reading decoding and reading comprehension. 3) Background Information: lives with is grandparents, parents and one younger sister. Grandparents speak Spanish. Parents and children speak Spanish and English. had been ill frequently during first grade and missed a number of days of school. Parents indicated enjoys school. 4) Prereferral findings: The teacher has been using district reading series, cooperative grouping for reading activities, using card to follow while reading, cueing before asking questions as well as sticker chart for hand raising and working while in his seat, which has helped. 5) Assessment observations: Sensory Abilities: No problem noted Language: Flight of ideas Apprehension: No problem noted Behavior during testing: Impulsive Responses Distractibility: Attention to external stimuli Reaction to wrong Responses: Persist Motor Activity: Fidgets, Squirms General Attitude: Alert, Friendly Motor Ability: Quick motor execution Cooperativeness: Responsive 6) Assessment Rules: 1) Behavior Rating Profile (BRP-2) is test that ha...

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