Wednesday, September 11, 2019

United Nations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

United Nations - Essay Example ome states together with other interest groups, for instance, have lobbied and convinced others to vote against certain issues of common good and interest of the US. For example, the US proposed amendment to change the Rome Statute so that they could join was opposed by many. These polarization and blocs have, therefore, undermined the original values stood for by the UN as an institution (Patrick & Forman, 2002). Despite these challenges, the UN remains one of the greatest platforms to implement the US multilateralism. With most major global threats such as nuclear and terrorism increasing, forums like the UN are, therefore, important for US. The above complications, therefore, results in the need for smart multilateralism. In implementing this, US have to make some hard decisions and determinations like asking for help but at the same time, not remaining vulnerable. Its leaders and policy makers in the diplomatic forums must also be strategic, consistent in their pursuit and remain respectful. While ensuring all these, they must still find avenues of preventing tyranny in voting blocs, thus, preventing countering its interest and weakening its priorities and efforts (Fallon & Gayle, 2010). In providing best options for achieving best outcomes, the US should, therefore, create a number of options such as; creating alternatives to the following issues of concern. Better human rights, community of democracies transformation, security structures and refurbishment of economic systems at the international levels (Fallon & Gayle, 2010). Fallon, W. J., & Gayle, H. D. (2010). Report of the CSIS Commission on Smart Global Health Policy: A Healthier, Safer, and More Prosperous World. Washington, D.C: Center for Strategic and International

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