Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analysis of data from the practical class (guinea-pig ileum Lab Report

Analysis of data from the practical class (guinea-pig ileum experiments) - Lab Report Example Fill in the table (see next page) for all 4 types of agonist/antagonist combination used. Using appropriate statistical tests on the class data, examine whether in each case the presence of the antagonist increased the log EC50 value of the agonist significantly (in other words, made it less negative)*. (ii) With reference to the class practical results in the table (page XX), describe in detail what the experimental evidence is for your answers to question 3(i). This justification of your conclusions is a very important part of this practical write-up. X- Due to the introduction of the drug x, there was contraction response on acetycholine as seen by the less negative values after the introduction of the drug. He drug acts on cholinergic nicotinic receptors, where acetycholine derives it actions. Y-As a result of the introduction of the drugs, the histamine action was strongly altered as seen by less negative values than in the absence of the drugs. In which case, it can be concluded that they are H2 antagonists because they are the ones that inhibit the action of histamine at H2 receptors. Through the action of H2 receptors, histamine is able to secrete gastric juice. 4. The experimental protocol for this practical involved determining two log concentration – response curves, the first one in the absence of the unknown antagonist and the second one in its presence. Could this experimental protocol lead to any error and, if so, and how might it be avoided (e.g. by modifying the protocol)? Paradoxical potentiating effects: Very low concentrations of aacetycholine sometimes produce a potentiation instead of antagonism and this would interfere with the measurements. More attention should be given when measuring the concentration to ensure that it is

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