Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Primary source Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Primary source Analysis - Research Paper Example Since it demonstrates how the slaves were relating with their masters, it can be of much benefit if used in studying about the topic, Work and Discipline of Plantation Slaves. The pictures of the slaves being shipped, yoked, monitored, punished and whipped clearly shows how they were considered to be loyal captives who would not be expected to rebel whatsoever. Summary: This primary source consists of 35 pamphlets which were collected together. Having been written by reputable scholars, the pamphlets are considered as a primary source since they contain first hand information about the plights of the African-Americans. These are the people who were used as slaves to work on the white plantations in the America. In these collections, the writers give a clear picture on how these slaves were subjected to harsh treatments and expected to remain disciplined. This, as they explain, was mainly achieved as a result of the punitive laws which had been put in place. Relevance: these pamphlets are very important in understanding the expansive history of the African-Americans. It can be instrumental in studying about the discipline of the slaves who were working on the plantation farms. Hence, it comes out as an outstanding and credible primary source authored by reputable scholars including Frederick Douglass, Ida Wells-Barnett, and Booker Washington. Summary: This is an excerpt of an interview which was conducted by about slavery. On June 11, 1949, Hermond Norwood interviewed Fountain Hughes in Baltimore, Maryland. Hughes was the right person for this interview because he was a former slave who had a deeper understanding about slavery. In this interview, he gave an account on how oppressive slavery was to the Negros. He says that they were not treated as human beings. Instead, they were stripped off their fundamental rights. Relevance: This interview is very

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