Friday, May 31, 2019

Comparing Pain in Dr. Faustus and Oroonoko :: comparison compare contrast essays

Pain in Dr. Faustus and Oroonoko In almost every piece of writing there is reference to some sort of injure, whether it be material disturb or emotional pain. In a story like Aphra Behns Oroonoko, the physical pain stands out above any other grief or misery. However, Christopher Marlowes Dr. Faustus exhibits just as much pain, but in an emotional sense. This poses an interesting question Is one pain worse than the other? Can pain be measured? Pain, whether it be physical or emotional, is an unpleasant sensation. However, something like being poked with a safety pin or feeling sad would non be considered true pain. Physical pain is sent to the brain from other parts of the body, and when the brain recognizes the pain, the body feels it as well. There is no scientific deduction on where emotional pain comes from, but most people agree with Stanley Schachters analysis of emotions in the late 1950s. Schachter said that emotional pain begins when a person encounters an important event or thought. The person then interprets the meaning of the encounter, and the interpretation determines the feeling that is likely to follow. (Black 22) Throughout history, people have documented their encounters with physical and emotional pain in works such as stories or poems. Neither pain was extensively researched until the late 19th century, so neither Marlowe nor Behn had any documentation on the causes and effects of physical and emotional pain. But both were able to take painful elements from their environment and put them into their texts. Marlowe wrote Dr. Faustus in 1592, in the halfway of the Elizabethian era. The story revolves around a man who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for several years of forbidden knowledge. Dr. Faustus is written in theatrical act upon (to be staged), a genre popularized during Elizabeths reign by writers such as Marlowe and Shakespeare. This form allowed authors to develop characters and experiment with emotion through dialog ue, something authors were unable to do in poetry and had yet to do in stories. Dr. Faustus reads like a commentary on religion intended for the more affluent members of society adoptt ask for things outside of your means or status. The story could also be a warning to monarchs who believe they are superhuman or divine. Because of the genius of the story, the pain expressed in Dr.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Search Engines Essay -- essays research papers

There are currently over a billion pages of information on the Internet about every topic imaginable. The question is how can you possibly find what you want? Computer algorithms can be written to expect the Internet but nigh are not practical because they must sacrifice precision for coverage. However, a few engines have found interesting ways of providing high quality information quickly. Page value ranking, topic-specific searches, and Meta search engines are three of the most popular because they work smarter not harder. While no mercantile search engine will make public their algorithm, the basic structure can be inferred by testing the results. The reason for this is because there would be a thousand imitation sites, meaning little or no profit for the developers. The most primitive of searches is the sequential search, which goes through every item in the leaning one at a time. that the sheer size of the web immediately rules out this possibility. While sequential migh t return the best results, you would most likely never see any results because of the webs inflammatory growth rate. Even the fastest computers would take a long time, and in that time, alone kinds of new pages will have been created.Some of the older spiders like Alta Vista are designed to literally roam randomly through the web utilise links to other pages. This is accomplished with high-speed servers with 300 connections open at one time. These web spiders are content based which means they actually realize and categorize the HTML on every page. One flaw of this is the verbal-disagreement problem where you have a particular word that can describe two antithetical concepts. Type a few actors line in the query and you will be lucky if you can find anything relates to what you are looking for. The query words can be anywhere in a page and they are likely to be taken out of context.Content-based searches can also be slowly manipulates. Some tactics are very deceptive, for examp le some automobile web sites have stooped to writing Buy This Car dozens of time in hidden fontsa subliminal version of listing AAAA Autos in the Yellow Pages(1). The truth is that one would never know if a site was doing this unless you looked at the code and most consumers do not look at the code. A less subtle tactic is to pay to get to the top. For example, the engine GoTo accepts payment from those who press to b... ... meta search engine can achieve several advantages 1 It will present to users a more sophisticated interface2 Make the definition more accurate3 Get more complete and precise results4 Improve source selection and running priority decisions (3).Again the sentiment of optimizing the Internet through intelligent software shows up. It is just a matter of designing a certain algorithm that does not forget what it has learned.Most stack did not foresee the tremendous growth of the Internet in the 1990s. Computer algorithms have gone from small government programs to every personal computer in the world. You start with the most basic problem solving and end up with the most complex of problem solving. That of course is sorting through a database that grows most exponentially.Plain and simple, the Internet has a lot of information on it. A crawler works twenty-four hours a day digging through it all. The search engine pulls out the parts people want and hands it to the Meta search engine. The Meta search engine further discriminates until you get exactly what you are looking for. Yet behind all this are machines performing the instructions they have been given an algorithm.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Genetic Enhancement of a Child’s Memory: A Search for a Private and Pub

Genetic Enhancement of a Childs Memory A attend for a Private and Public MoralityABSTRACT Prospects of human genetic modification raise the question of genetic enhancement of memory. A moral poser that takes into account the tension between the roles of p arnt and citizen on the question of genetically enhancing a childs memory is presented. Weaknesses of both moral liberalism and moral communitarianism atomic number 18 addressed a tyranny of a powerful minority of liberalism, while a tyranny of orthodoxy and a tyranny of perfectionism plague different forms of communitarianism. A stupefy is advanced that draws on the strengths of both a Rawlsian form of contractarianism and a moderate version of communitarianism. I argue that genetic enhancements of memory in children pose such(prenominal) serious wrongs and threats to general well-being that the practice should be decided from behind a Rawlsian veil of ignorance. With the cards down, as Ronald Green describes the veil of ignora nce, a sanctioned right to nondiscrimination on the basis of genotype would be negotiated. With this right in place, conflicts between the agnate role and the role of citizen would be managed by the negotiated prohibition of parental decisions genetically to enhance the memory of children. Let me imagine myself some years from now as a citizen and a parent who also happens to be a philosophy teacher facing the question of whether I should choose various enhancements for my young child. Orthodontics, music lessons, soccer leagues, and genetic enhancement of an average memory are among the practices I am considering. I soon discover an internal tension.Ronald Green, in an article called The Rawls Game, (Teaching Philosophy, 1986, 91, 51-60) provides an el... ...eligious intolerance, new definitions of what it means to be a human someone have been created. In a hypothetical, unanimous agreement to prohibit genetic enhancement of a childs memory I would join a citizenry that exerc ises parental autonomy and in the face of a volatile new technology defines a new way of understanding what it means to be a human parent. My choice as a parent to serve as a link between past and future human generations prompts me to play along a perspective of fairness in the application of this new technology a technology that incorporates self-interest and almsgiving but makes neither self-interest nor benevolence my primary motivation as a parent. I could tell a coherent story to my child if I were able to relate to that, with the cards down, hatful unanimously placed genetic enhancement of a childs average memory off the political agenda.

Fractals and the Cantor Set :: Fractal Cantor Essays

Fractals and the Cantor SetFractals atomic number 18 remarkable designs noted for their infinite self-similarity. This means that small move of the fractal contain all of the information of the entire fractal, no matter how small the viewing window on the fractal is. This contrasts for example, with most functions, which tend to look like uninterrupted lines when examined closely. The Cantor Set is an intriguing example of a fractal.The Cantor set is formed by removing the mall third of a line segment. Then the middle third of the new line segments are removed. This is repeated an infinite number of times. In the end, we are left with a set of scattered points. These points have almost very curious properties.First, there are an infinite number of them. In fact, there are so many points that no matter what list we score or what rule we apply, not all of the points will appear, even if our list is infinite. In other words, the set belongs to aleph- hotshot. This is dem onstrated through diagonalization. Heres how scratch line one endpoint of the original line segment is labeled zero. The other endpoint becomes one. All the points in between are assigned fractional values. We end calculate more easily if we assign the values in tertiary, the base-three system. Unlike the common decimal system, the natural numbers are labeled 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 100, and so forth. neb that the places of the digits represent the powers of three rather than the powers of ten. The decimal places represent 1/3, 1/9, 1/27, and so forth. The first removal takes out all points between .1 and .2. The sanction removal takes out all points between .01 and .02 as well as the values from .21 and .22. By continuing these specifications, all numbers that contain a 1 are removed, (except numbers ending in a one, such as .220021) and number containing merely twos and zeros are kept. The numbers ending in 1 are re-written by replacing the final 1 with 0222222 2222222. because this is equal to 1 in tertiary. Suppose that we could somehow count all Cantor Set elements in one list. Then we could write out that list in order, one above the other. However, if we took the first decimal of the

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media Violence Essay

The Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media ViolenceOn April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School, 13 people were killed and another 23 were wounded in one of the worst school killing incidents ever (Skeesis). Since the 1980s, overall homicide pass judgment in the U.S. have declined. However, homicide rates for ages 14-17 have increased quite dramatically during this time period (Fox). Among other numerous potential causes, violence in the media may play a type in this increase in youth violence. Today, there is much controversy over the potential harmful effects of media violence on childrens lives. I believe that exposure of children to media violence is harmful.For the purposes of this paper, I lead limit the definition of (mass) media to tv set, and, subsequently, violent (mass) media to television programs that contain violent acts. By children, I will be referring to people of age 18 and below who live in the U.S., since this group is the focus of the majority of the res earch data that I have used. I will begin my argument by acknowledging a counter argument to my position. I will then go on to discuss the negative effects of television on children. These effects include an increase in aggressive tendencies and an instilling of the idea that violence will go unpunished. Also included are the concepts of desensitisation and stimulus addiction. Finally, I will discuss some potential solutions to the problem of television violence affecting our children.Granted, people are correct in manifestation that television violence has been around for decades. In fact, public violence has been around for centuries. In ancient times, many cultures made gruesome public executions or sacrifices. During the position Ages, entire villag... ...per impact than you realize. And what respectable parents would want their child to end up reenacting a scene from HBOs Oz on his or her classmates?Works CitedAmerican psychiatric Association. Psychiatric Effects of Media Vi olence. http// (17 Oct. 2000).Berkebile, Nicole, Julie Newman, and Susan Parker. The Effects of Television on a Childs Development. 1995. http// (17 Oct. 2000).Fox, James A. Trends in Juvenile Violence 1997 Update. 1997. http// (17 Oct. 2000).Skeesis. The Tragedy at Columbine High. 17 May 1999. http// (17 Oct. 2000).Video Game Violence. Feb. 2000. http// (17 Oct. 2000).

The Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media Violence Essay

The Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media ViolenceOn April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School, 13 people were killed and another 23 were wounded in one of the worst school killing incidents ever (Skeesis). Since the 1980s, overall homicide rates in the U.S. have declined. However, homicide rates for ages 14-17 have increased sooner dramatically during this time period (Fox). Among other numerous potential causes, fierceness in the media may play a role in this increase in youth violence. Today, there is much controversy over the potential harmful effects of media violence on childrens lives. I believe that exposure of children to media violence is harmful.For the purposes of this paper, I go forth limit the definition of (mass) media to television, and, subsequently, violent (mass) media to television programs that contain violent acts. By children, I will be referring to people of age 18 and below who live in the U.S., since this group is the focus of the majority of the re search data that I have used. I will begin my argument by acknowledging a counter argument to my position. I will then go on to discuss the negative effects of television on children. These effects entangle an increase in aggressive tendencies and an instilling of the idea that violence will go unpunished. Also included are the concepts of desensitization and stimulus addiction. Finally, I will discuss some potential solutions to the problem of television violence affecting our children.Granted, people are correct in saying that television violence has been around for decades. In fact, public violence has been around for centuries. In ancient times, many cultures made gruesome public executions or sacrifices. During the Middle Ages, entire villag... ...per impact than you realize. And what safe parents would want their child to end up reenacting a scene from HBOs Oz on his or her classmates?Works CitedAmerican Psychiatric Association. Psychiatric do of Media Violence. http//www (17 Oct. 2000).Berkebile, Nicole, Julie Newman, and Susan Parker. The Effects of Television on a Childs Development. 1995. http// (17 Oct. 2000).Fox, James A. Trends in Juvenile Violence 1997 Update. 1997. http// (17 Oct. 2000).Skeesis. The Tragedy at Columbine High. 17 whitethorn 1999. http// (17 Oct. 2000).Video Game Violence. Feb. 2000. http// (17 Oct. 2000).

Monday, May 27, 2019

Ruby Moon

When empathizeing the extend Ruby Moon it is easy to pick up on the ain and mixer tensions mingled with characters. The descriptive nature of the stage directions and the certain act of reading as opposed to just seeing on stage, being able to take fourth dimension to look over each line, means that a reader can see which scenes accentuate the tension surrounded by both jibe and Sylvie or the characters they halt created. Stage directions in the tactics plainly describe when a pa spend on stage is to be tense, or what the vibe is supposed to feel akin during a bad-tempered scene.Bringing these tensions onto stage, however, is a more concentrated task. An audience in a theatre cannot simply read that a silence is supposed to be tense it is up to the actors and their use of the stage, as easily as the lighting, set and audio. When considering how to highlight the personal and social tensions in Ruby Moon, we must consider what especial(a) tensions constitute an impor tant role and which characters the tensions are surrounded by. It may be that a characters interactions with their surroundings are tense or that their relationships with other characters are very tense.To bring them to the stage these social and personal tensions must be identified. Camerons Ruby Moon explores the beautiful and often shallow relationships of suburbia. In create verbally Ruby Moon, although it is in essence a surreal tend, Cameron attempted to draw attention to very real issues, including the nature of suburbia, and how when it comes down to it its difficult to know who to trust. Bad things can happen to anyone, and not everyone is as normal as they appear.Not only this, further underneath the eeriness of this play lies a very real, deeply tragic story of two parents who have lost their child and gone mad to cope with the wo of neer knowing what happened to her. So a lot so that the reject every opportunity to find out for fear of it being bad news, in sa ve of keeping up the game they play with each other. The tension betwixt them is evident when reading the play- it is clear in the stage directions when moments between them are tense. hale recording refer would be highly efficient in bringing these themes to life on stage.As many groups in class presentations demonstrated, Ruby Moon is a play in which the use of audio effects such as voiceovers, music, and locomote effects (i. e. rain, wind, barking dogs) is a part of the stage directions, and is utilised and essential to many expose moments in the play. Sound effects that play key roles in the audiences understanding of the play include Rubys voice and gentle refrain at the beginning, the various pee-pee on which the phone rings, the sound of voicemail messages being left, and Rubys voice throughout.This almost constant use of sound effects throughout the play gives the manager a simple way of drawing attention to dramatic tension, acting as a kind of soundtrack, with, for example, the sound of a phone ringing, accentuating the silence between Ray and Sylvie by suddenly breaking it. Space can be used in a particular way to accentuate tension between characters. In class presentations, many groups pointed that they felt the set should be small and intimate. This means that actors will forever be in close propinquity with each other.Characters being in close law of proximity can accentuate many kinds of tension, for example the scene primordial on in the play featuring Ray and Dulcie Doily might see Ray standing on one side of the stage trying not to get too close but being physically unable to get further away and being forced into close proximity, creating tension in the sense that he does not lack to be in close quarters with a womanhood he finds extremely unpleasant. The scene featuring Sid and Sylvie may stimulate Sid alternating between invading Sylvies personal space and shying away-Putting Sylvie on edge as it is in close proximity t o her.During the scene featuring Ray and Veronica, a stage where the characters were in close proximity to each other would help create sexual tension. In terms of bringing the social tensions evident in the play onto stage, many groups in the in-class presentations of directorial visions seemed to express that a key theme in Ruby Moon was the relationships between residents of Australian suburbs. Its a well recognised suburban stereotype- Neighbours are courteous and civil towards each other however build silent judgments, while having dark secrets of their own. Costuming could play a springy role in making these social tensions apparent on stage.As Ray and Sylvie dress up, it was decided by many groups that they should don just a a couple of(prenominal) key costume pieces that they feel trades union up their character. Exaggerated, almost (e. g. When Sylvie dresses up as Dulcie Doily she dons a grey wig and an apron- Typical elderly woman garb- a shallow understanding of their neighbours and in fact, other people. ) The various tensions, issues and emotions being presented in Ruby Moon, both of a personal and social nature make it successful as a play because they are real things that real people have to face and that put many people on edge.Aside from the use of audio, costuming and staging to get these tensions across, it is largely up to actors to make sure the audience can pick up on the vibes of the play, leading up to moments in such a way that the audience can feel tension in the air. When staged in the right way, Ruby Moon is designed to make the audience uncomfortable and tense. There is never a calm moment throughout. There are various techniques that directors can employ to make this so and look the success of portraying tensions, both personal and social, on stage in a performance of Ruby Moon.Ruby MoonWhen reading the play Ruby Moon it is easy to pick up on the personal and social tensions between characters. The descriptive nature of the s tage directions and the very act of reading as opposed to just seeing on stage, being able to take time to look over each line, means that a reader can see which scenes accentuate the tension between both Ray and Sylvie or the characters they have created. Stage directions in the play plainly describe when a pause on stage is to be tense, or what the vibe is supposed to feel like during a particular scene.Bringing these tensions onto stage, however, is a more difficult task. An audience in a theatre cannot simply read that a silence is supposed to be tense it is up to the actors and their use of the stage, as well as the lighting, set and audio. When considering how to highlight the personal and social tensions in Ruby Moon, we must consider what particular tensions play an important role and which characters the tensions are between. It may be that a characters interactions with their surroundings are tense or that their relationships with other characters are very tense.To bring t hem to the stage these social and personal tensions must be identified. Camerons Ruby Moon explores the tenuous and often shallow relationships of suburbia. In writing Ruby Moon, although it is in essence a surreal play, Cameron attempted to draw attention to very real issues, including the nature of suburbia, and how when it comes down to it its difficult to know who to trust. Bad things can happen to anyone, and not everyone is as normal as they appear.Not only this, but underneath the eeriness of this play lies a very real, deeply tragic story of two parents who have lost their child and gone mad to cope with the grief of never knowing what happened to her. So much so that the reject every opportunity to find out for fear of it being bad news, in favour of keeping up the game they play with each other. The tension between them is evident when reading the play- it is clear in the stage directions when moments between them are tense. Audio effects would be highly effective in bring ing these themes to life on stage.As many groups in class presentations demonstrated, Ruby Moon is a play in which the use of audio effects such as voiceovers, music, and sound effects (i. e. rain, wind, barking dogs) is a part of the stage directions, and is utilised and essential to many key moments in the play. Sound effects that play key roles in the audiences understanding of the play include Rubys voice and piano refrain at the beginning, the various occasions on which the phone rings, the sound of voicemail messages being left, and Rubys voice throughout.This almost constant use of sound effects throughout the play gives the director a simple way of drawing attention to dramatic tension, acting as a kind of soundtrack, with, for example, the sound of a phone ringing, accentuating the silence between Ray and Sylvie by suddenly breaking it. Space can be used in a particular way to accentuate tension between characters. In class presentations, many groups expressed that they fel t the set should be small and intimate. This means that actors will always be in close proximity with each other.Characters being in close proximity can accentuate many kinds of tension, for example the scene early on in the play featuring Ray and Dulcie Doily might see Ray standing on one side of the stage trying not to get too close but being physically unable to get further away and being forced into close proximity, creating tension in the sense that he does not want to be in close quarters with a woman he finds extremely unpleasant. The scene featuring Sid and Sylvie may feature Sid alternating between invading Sylvies personal space and shying away-Putting Sylvie on edge as it is in close proximity to her.During the scene featuring Ray and Veronica, a stage where the characters were in close proximity to each other would help create sexual tension. In terms of bringing the social tensions evident in the play onto stage, many groups in the in-class presentations of directorial visions seemed to express that a key theme in Ruby Moon was the relationships between residents of Australian suburbs. Its a well recognised suburban stereotype- Neighbours are polite and civil towards each other however build silent judgments, while having dark secrets of their own. Costuming could play a vital role in making these social tensions apparent on stage.As Ray and Sylvie dress up, it was decided by many groups that they should don just a few key costume pieces that they feel sum up their character. Exaggerated, almost (e. g. When Sylvie dresses up as Dulcie Doily she dons a grey wig and an apron- Typical elderly woman garb- a shallow understanding of their neighbours and in fact, other people. ) The various tensions, issues and emotions being presented in Ruby Moon, both of a personal and social nature make it successful as a play because they are real things that real people have to face and that put many people on edge.Aside from the use of audio, costuming and stagin g to get these tensions across, it is largely up to actors to make sure the audience can pick up on the vibes of the play, leading up to moments in such a way that the audience can feel tension in the air. When staged in the right way, Ruby Moon is designed to make the audience uncomfortable and tense. There is never a calm moment throughout. There are various techniques that directors can employ to make this so and ensure the success of portraying tensions, both personal and social, on stage in a performance of Ruby Moon.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Educational Systems Essay

Educational Laws Twelve years of primary and secondary schooling prior to attending university. * all(prenominal) children in the UK of compulsory school age must receive a full time education. * Classes from kinfolk to July * Long vacation from 1 July to 30 September * Languages of instruction. * Academic year runs from March to December. * Primary 4 or 6 hours * Holydays two weeks in July Organization of education at all levels * Pre- primary education from 3 to 6. Kinder garden Child care center Nursery level * Primary school (elementary) from 6 years old to 13/14. Private or aver schools, * Secondary school (highschool) from 13/14 to 16/18Highschool diploma (basic or honour)GED (gral. educ. diploma) test for immigrants or inter bailiwick students to certificate de level.IB examination in unlike subjects.AP course in order to enter university. * Higher education/university education undergrad 1- Associate degree (AS/AA) 2 years. General. Semi-skilled job. Administrative.Bac helors degree (BA/BS) 4 years aprox.Graduate 2- Masters degree (MS/MA) 2 or 3 years.Doctorate degree (PhD) university teachers, doctors, lawyers, scientific. You can choose the subjects and you obtain credits. That is why bachelors is more than general.Universities divided in schools/orientation. * Nursery school 1 4/5 * Primary school Infant (4 7) Junior (7 11) * Secondary school * Senior * College/ ordinal form GCSE General Crtificate of Secondary Education. One year. Pupils can leave secondary schooling.One more year AS-Levels (higher level of secondary)A-level (required for university entrance)Diploma skills and and knowledge needed for work. (like the associated)VOSE * Higher education * Undergraduate level (sometimes referred to as tertiary education) * Graduate (or postgraduate) level (sometimes referred to as quaternary education). Higher education differs from other forms of post-secondary education such as vocational education.There is a three-level hierarchy of degr ees (Bachelor, Master, Doctor) A graduate student is an individual who has completed a bachelors degree (B.A., B.S.) and is pursuing further higher education, with the goal of achieving a masters degree (M.A., M.S.) or doctorate In the United States, Graduate education can also refer to those pursuing a post-masters Educational Specialist degree or post-masters Certificate of Advanced Study (law school or business school.) * Pre-primary level kinder garden (two stages 4 and 5 obligatory) * Primary level EPB (elementary). From 6 to 11 (it depends on the province) * Secondary level from 12 to 17 years old. 1) ESB/CBU2) Polimodal/ CE/ ESO * Higher education private/ national universities or institutions. In college in universityCollege smallerFocus on undergrad degreesThere are a lot of variations especially in qualification.Each state has the possibility of regulate.University divided into colleges but they are not specialized in one area ancient universities (Oxford/Cambridge). Ea ch school has an orientation. Many courses of study in the same college. (autnomos)OPEN UNIVERSITY there are some degrees very prestigious.There is a curriculum pass one subject in order to go on advancing in your program of studies.Diploma in higher education/associated tecnicaturaUndergraduate after schoolHigher education tertiaryuniversity undergraduategraduate and postgraduate as synonymsSLA school leaving age

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Corporate Communication Strategies Essay

IntroductionIn this report, unified conversation strategies in companies be discussed. The essentiality of somatic colloquy scheme and itslink with the bodily objectives is discussed in this report. The report aims to know what impact that a bodily colloquy strategies, either an intragroup parley system or an away communication strategy can create on the channel success as well as on the internal and external stakeholders of the political party like employees, guests, suppliers, government and so on. The want for unified communication canvas and monitoring of corporate communication strategies are alike an some other(a) highlights of this report Task 11.1Purpose of bodied Communication Strategies somatic job Communication strategy gears up its relevance in the contemporary business scenarios. This is a prominent ingredient in an effectual business strategy that helps the society to lead its path to ultimate success. Business communication seems to be have sex with an effective corporate communication strategy which forms a base for a transparent communication among different people within a phoner as well as outside the business organisation. Public relations, advertising, trade etc form a part of corporate communications, some other tools of corporate communication.Looking at the internal perspective, operational employee, team managers etc can increase their work efficiency through improved corporate communication among them. In the external perspective, through corporate communication, company can build good relationship with suppliers, customers/clients, shareholders, funding organisations, local communities, the media, etc and manipulate smooth business operations. This is considered as a key ingredient of a business function that enables the coordination of work done by all in all individuals in each department. A proper synchronization of both external and internal communication is essential to ensure more business success. This leads to increased backup of each stakeholder to the company.1.2Assessment of how corporate communication is joined to corporate objectives within organizations bodily communication plays a significant role in attaining the corporateobjectives. Customer satisfaction is a vital corporate objective, wherein communicating the product features and specifications is enabled through an effective corporate communication. How outlying(prenominal) the customers get attracted to the companys product is linked with how extensively and effectively corporate communication techniques like advertising, marketing etc indulge in customer minds.Corporate communication strategies ensure the carry throughment of corporate objectives as when prat customers get a clear picture about the product through various corporate communication strategies they get more attracted to the product. This leave behind increase the sales volume, profitability, market share, dishonor image etc of the company. in that respectby, corporate communication has a good linkage with the corporate objectives and its achievement.1.3Analysis of relationships between Corporate Communication and Corporate BrandingCorporate branding is build with the strong foundation of corporate communication. A proper sync of corporate branding and corporate communication helps a company to meet its ultimate business goals smoothly. A company aims to formulate most effective communication strategy for a better brand image. Branding distinguish the company product from other similar product. It is an identity of a product. Effective corporate communication reaches the customers in a successful manner and thereby they will be able to make out the unique and distinct features of the product.Corporate communication strategies improve the brand image of a product and thereby the product sustain in the minds of customers, who start treating the product as a premium brand. A better customer relationship is promised throu gh branding and effective corporate communication. By communicating all the product details to the customers, brand awareness in the minds of the customers will be enhanced, leading to more brand true-bluety. Thereby, customer retention is enabled using the most get corporate communication and branding strategies (Kim, S, 2011).Task 22.1 Demonstration of how you would jut out an internal corporate communication scrutiniseed accountAny corporate communication strategy would not serve the purpose of business durability. Hence, a company demeanors corporate communication audits both internally and externally to evaluate the efficiency of a corporate communication strategy. This military rank can be made by exploring the handsome areas of communication strategy and thereby forming a major part of corporate communication audit. A detailed communication audit demands for a considerable hail of fund utilization or expenses related to invoices and bills on stationary, travelling an d so on.The financial budget for a communication audit needs to be plan well before its conduct and approved by the concerned authorized personnel. A transparent communication between the auditor and the company representatives is holy man for a smooth flow of auditing functioning. Various assessment techniques like interview, observation, content analysis etc are practiced by the auditor during the audit. The time limit for the entire audit process is pre determined so as to ensure successful completion considering every aspects in the auditing (Cornelissen 2014)2.2 Explain how you would conduct an internal corporate communications auditThe internal communication audit aims to recognize and evaluate the methods in the internal communication process. As a first step, the senior management personnel and other staffs of a company are interviewed to know more about the thought pattern of each employee regarding the prevailing communication strategy. Surveys in the form of questionn aire are another typical method of communication audit to evaluate the varying responses on communication process within the organization. As a result of this, quantitative information on the same can be drawn. Qualitative data is achieved through group meetings with the concerned individuals in the company. This helps the auditor to know impact of communication process in the actual business executions2.3 Critically evaluate the force of current levels of practice in your organizationEvaluating the current communication strategy in the company fosters more business communication effectiveness. Considering the company, Coca Cola, a US based multinational company corporate communication strategies are very relevant for the company. This is imputable to the fact that the company has several branches across the world, where business communication is a challenging aspect. Also, increased customer base, supply chain management etc is some other challenging elements that demand for an e ffective corporate communication strategies in Coca Cola.Transparency and clarity in communication to both internal and external stakeholders of the company strengthen the bonding of the stakeholders within Coca Cola. This ensures more reliable and loyal stakeholders including its employees, customers, suppliers, dealers and so on. This imparts effectual business operations by the company with the complete support from all its stakeholders. The successful business communication networks between different branches of the company all over the world, the effective supply chain management, increased customer base, loyal employees etc form evidence of living communication practices in a company and its effectiveness (Doorley & Garcia 2011).Task 33.1 Demonstrate how you would plan an external corporate communications auditPlanning an external audit is another crucial aspect for a company. Hence, gifted handling of communication audit is recommended. The company decides whether to hire a n expert auditor or to entrust this duty to the concerned PR staff inside the organization. The time allotted for each step in the external audit process is planned in advance so that there will be no delays or issues in between. Also, the company plans the sources to collect the data proving the effectiveness of the current external communication, is determined well in advance. This may include people or corporate to approach, interviewing its external stakeholders and so on (Parguel et al. 2011).3.2 Demonstrate how you would conduct an external corporate communicationsauditConducting an external communication audit involves several steps, starting with the identification of the key elements in the company, like its logo, symbols, letterhead, business card game etc. External communication audit is done by either one to one interview with the concerned people, customer survey, telephonic talks, discussions etc. The ideal research method for each external audit depends and may vary f rom one to another. The past communication audit need a thorough evaluation so as to ascertain the loopholes or untouched arenas in the previous external communication audits. Welcoming feedbacks, suggestions from customers, employees, suppliers etc form another integral part of external communication audit, to know the current status of external communication(Kaplan, R. S., & Norton 2001).3.3 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of current levels of practiceThere exists an inevitable need for the evaluation of existing external communication process in the company so as to ensure business growth. External environment of this multinational giant in no doubt, is a critical element, where medias, political ups and downs, changing economic trends etc demand for apt external communication strategies. Hence, to know the effectiveness of such existing external communication methods requires a need to look in to its each and every aspect.It is essential to know whether the stakeholders ar e communicated well and are in sync with the business dealings, choice allocation and mobilization is proper or not etc. In a successful company, external communication process outstands with the expert touch where all the stakeholders are coordinated and communicated effectively. There sees a widening of their business horizons in the light and support of ace external communication methods adopted by the company. secure and transparent communication approach is a trademark of a successful company, that leads its business to new heights (Kim 2011).Task 44.1 Explain how you would plan the objectives of a corporate communicationstrategyPlanning of corporate communication strategy is the prior step to the formulation of this strategy. Corporate communication strategy, at its planning stage, determines how to achieve the corporate goals of the company. The clarity and relevance is sought in the objectives planned in order to make the communication strategy more applicable and effectiv e. Monitoring the objectives effectiveness after the planning stage can lead to more improvisation on the same, wherever needed. It is essential to include all the mandate objectives and goals of the company to ensure there is a smooth execution corporate communication, both internally and externally (Coombs, W. T., & Holladay 2011)4.2 Select the audiences to influence with a corporate communications strategy Customers or audience of a company forms a crucial part of the company, impacting its sales volume and profitability. Audience influence is hence associated in each aspect of its communication strategy. When the product is properly communicated to the target customers, the message will become clear to the customers and thereby more customers are attracted to the product. This can increase the sales of the products of the company. Hence, it is essential for the secure to formulate the ideal and most efficient communication strategies that will have an impact on the customers in a higher degree. More clarity and reliableness are sought by customers through communication strategies and this need to be incorporated in the corporate communication strategies for better audience base(Keller et al. 2011).4.3 Plan appropriate measures to monitor a planned corporate communications strategyMonitoring the effectiveness of a corporate strategy is an integral part in the company as this will help to identify the pitfalls and the necessary corrective steps can be taken on an immediate basis without any delays. This will also helps to improve communication with internal and external stakeholders. One of such measuring element is to create SMART (Specific,measurable, attributable, realistic, time bound) objectives. Also, needs to look at both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of corporate communication strategies. The outcome of the strategy needs to be evaluated so as to identify the rectifications (Karaosmanoglu & Melewar 2006).Task 5 pondering Learning Statemen tFrom this report, it can be understood that corporate communication strategies forms a prominent part of any organization. There is a vital need to ensure these are framed considering every aspects of communication related to both internal stakeholders as well as external stakeholders. The effectiveness of corporate communication strategies is ensured by conducting corporate communication internal and external audit. This involves a series of steps wherein all the stakeholders both inside and outside the company are surveyed to identify the impact of the prevailing communication on them. This helps the company to know where it lags behind and what all improvements it needs to take in the future to ensure a more effective corporate communication strategy. Corporate communication strategy is also related to corporate objectives as the attainment of business goals and selling of products, influence of the target audience etc are based on the effectiveness of corporate communication st rategies(Roth 2014).ConclusionTo sum up, it is noted that corporate communication strategies are the foundation of business growth and success. When there is an effective communication by the company towards its internal and external stakeholder, it will bring more trust factor on the stakeholders and who in turn support all the business activities. Suppose, If there is a transparent and timely communication of product details to the customers through the communication tools like advertisement, marketing techniques etc, it will increase the brand image as well as brand loyalty by the customers.In this report, the relevance of corporate communication strategy of a company is discussed.Corporate communication strategies have a great link with the ultimate business goals. Corporate branding and communication are linked together. When the brand is communicated effectively to the customers, it will lead to more business success. To know the effectiveness of corporate communication strate gies, internal and external corporate audit is conducted. There is a need to monitor a planned corporate strategy to make necessary improvements on the same (Becker-Olsen et al. 2011).ReferencesBecker-Olsen, K.L. et al., 2011. A Cross-Cultural Examination of Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing Communications in Mexico and the United States Strategies for Global Brands. Journal of International Marketing, 19(2), pp.3044. unattached at http// Accessed February 3, 2015. Coombs, W. T., & Holladay, S.J., 2011. The handbook of crisis communication (Vol. 22). J. W. & Sons., ed., Cornelissen, 2014. Corporate communication A guide to theory and practice, sage. Doorley, J. & Garcia, H.F., 2011. Reputation Management The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication, Routledge. Available at https// Accessed February 3, 2015. Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D.P., 2001. busines s environment. Harvard Business Press. Available at file///C/Users/Joseph/Downloads/02bfe50d1e9e9e6bfb000000.pdf Accessed February 1, 2015. Karaosmanoglu, E. & Melewar, T.C., 2006. Corporate communications, identity and image A research agenda. Journal of Brand Management, 14(1/2), pp.196206. Available at http// Accessed February 3, 2015. Keller, K.L., Parameswaran, M.G. & Jacob, I., 2011. Strategic Brand Management Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, Pearson. Available at https// Accessed February 3, 2015. Kim, S., 2011. Taylor & Francis Online. Available at http// Accessed February 3, 2015. Parguel, B., Benot-Moreau, F. & Larceneux, F., 2011. How Sustainability Ratings Might Deter Greenwashing A Closer Look

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Process in an Ideal Weight

The topic of burden is actually prevalent among heap in todays society. Everywhere we look we find passel of all sorts of different encumbrances and appearances. Tall, small, thin, wide, deep and skinny are just a variety of the words we use to describe people. Al to the highest degree no one is completely happy with their charge. We are eternally looking for steerings to better ourselves and improve our physical appearance. It is this papers purpose to provide in degreeation in helping a person feel well-off with their weight and aid in determining an sample body weight for you.Topics excessively include societys view on weight, the dangers of various weight-related disorders and diseases, and methods of achieving a recommended healthy weight. The goal is that one time you take up the proper information you bequeath be able to achieve this high-minded weight safely and on your own, giving you an ultimate soul of satisfaction. The interrogative mood that is constant ly being asked is just what is the ideal healthy weight? The ideal body weight is different for every individual as healthy ideal weight depends on a persons sex, race, and genetics.To apacely simplify and determine an individuals ideal weight we use a simple chart called the Body Mass tycoon or BMI for short. This chart determines how much a person should weigh. People can calculate their BMI by dividing their weight in lbs by their height in inches square and multiplying the consequenting number by 704. 5 (Woods 98). A person who weighs 164 pounds and is 68 inches would do the fol deplorableing calculation 164/4624 x 704. 5 = 25 BMI. A BMI amongst 18. 5-24. 9 is normal and is called the safe zone (Woods 98).The people in this recommended safe zone are considered to be in the best health. A BMI less than 18. 5 commonly promoter that a person is underweight (Woods 98). Studies indicate that the underweight have an increased risk of death compared to those of normal weight. A BMI of over 30 means obesity, and obese people take a lot of health risks (Woods 98). People with obesity have an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke, the most common form of diabetes, gallbladder disease, arthritis, respiratory problems, and certain types of cancer.As long as you fall into or close to the recommended safe zone you should feel comfortable and happy with your weight the way it is. This paper get out now discuss the dangers that societys in gouation with weight can have on a person. It will also provide methods on how a person can change to find a comfortable and healthy weight. Eating disorders are a common and very realistic part of our society. They are seen as the most dangerous health related risks involving weight. Dieting, binge-eating and food obsessions are prevalent among all weight groups.Many people strive to be lighter than their natural weights and exercise excessively and eat sparingly to attain an often-unrealistic weight goal . Societal pressures share blame for producing eating disorders. slightly victims of eating disorders feel that others are pressuring them to be thin, making them feel guilty almost what they eat (Washington 99). They become isolated from family and friends and turn to food as a release and source of comfort (Washington 99). People with eating disorders excessively exercise and are known to induce vomiting after eating or tipsiness (Washington 99).Eating disorders target many people in society. The main target group is females, especially in the traditionally masculine cultures. Society places a peachy deal of emphasis on the physical appearance of a persons body and this alone is enough to drive person into an eating disorder. An example is the supermodel with the skin and get up look whom you see on television. With this in mind many women expertness look at their weight and find themselves socially unacceptable. The result can be an eating disorder. Another target group is athletes.For example, in the sport of gymnastics there is pressure on the female athlete to maintain a low weight and petite slim figure. Since gymnastics is judged on how an athlete looks in competition many gymnasts develop an eating disorder as a result of the importance of body image to the sport. Another example of the occurrence of eating disorders is in boxing and wrestling. Sometimes there is pressure on the athlete to have a rapid weight loss in order to compete in a lower weight class where he or she might have a better chance of winning.There are two main eating disorders that effect many people in society. They are anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is a deliberate and obsessive starvation in the pursuit of thinness. It is characterized by an wild fear of wearing weight or becoming obese, or the disturbance in the way ones bodyweight size and shape is perceived by another individual (Clark 96). Bulimia is described as recurrent episodes of binge eating and a lack of oper ate over ones eating behaviour resulting in purging (Clark 96). Purging can be achieved by using laxatives and/or vomiting.Many of the symptoms of eating disorders are alike however, each disorder is somewhat different. If someone is anorexic, symptoms might be an extremely thin person, isolation, loneliness, obsessive preoccupation with food as regards obtaining it, cooking, and eating, and compulsive exercise (Washington 99). If someone is bulimic, you might expect to see the use of food as a comforter, laxative abuse, mood swings, constant concern about body image and weight, quick trips to the bathroom after meals, excessive exercise, some isolation, and low self-esteem (Washington 99).Both forms of eating disorders are dangerous to your health and can cause major problems, both(prenominal) now and in the future. Some immediate physical problems include constantly feeling cold, bloodshot eyes with dark circles, finger calluses, dizziness, weakness, moodiness, insomnia, swollen glands, sore throat, or dry skin (Washington 99). Some of the long-term effects include gastrointestinal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation, malnutrition, heart attack, permanent damage to internal organs, kidney failure, and death (Washington 99).Family and friends of people affected should be aware of the symptoms and risks associated with disordered eating patterns. It is imperative to avoid becoming a victim to an eating disorder. You will only end up hurting yourself and loved ones around you. Now that the dangers of weight have been discussed an effective method of weight gain and loss will be presented. This information will help you reach a desired ideal weight so you can be happy and take pride in yourself. The topic of weight management is prevalent in todays society and is discussed from two different perspectives.People might think that they are too small or weak and in this case they will want to put on more weight. On the other hand, others might think that they are t oo big. In this case they will try to reduce their weight. Requirements of caloric intake differ for everyone. These requirements are determined by age, sex, weight and activity level. The simple definition of weight is the balance between caloric intake and caloric expenditure (Berning 96). Your body weight will change when there is a difference between calories taken in and calories burned up.Taking this into account, for the average person to lose weight the caloric intake must be less than caloric expenditure. Put simply, to lose weight you must eat less, exercise more, or a combination of both. For the average person to lose one pound they would have to run about 35 miles or eat 3, calciferol fewer calories (Berning 96). This is impossible to do in one day. To put this into perspective the following formula is given 3,500 calories 7 days per week = 500 calories per day. It can than be said that eating 500 calories less per day will result in a weight loss of one pound per wee k.The same can be said by combining 250 calories less per day and burning 250 calories in exercise. Weight loss is most successful when victuals and exercise are combined. The safe weight loss recommendation for the average person is no more than 1-2 pounds per week (Berning 96). By using this method of losing weight a person will decrease their chance of health problems and achieve their ideal weight. This method of weight loss will leave you with a sense of satisfaction and pride in reaching your ideal weight. The same basic theory applies for weight gain.In order to gain weight you need to engage more calories than you expend (Berning 96). Family history plays a major role in the development of a body. For example, people from thin families are less likely to qualify their bodies into bulky muscular ones. A person can increase his chance of gaining weight with improved nutrition and appropriate weight training. Muscle is gained through intense training and the consumption of a dditional calories. For each pound gained as muscle you would need to consume 500-1000 additional calories each day (Berning 96).The key to weight gain is consistency and with a little hard work the average person should be able to get to his/her desired ideal weight. By combining a high calorie diet and a rigid exercise program you will find that your body will produce weight in the form of muscle, making you healthy and giving you your desired physical body image. We all must act together and make it our priority to help change societys intuition of body images. This can protect everyone by making others feel comfortable with their weight and prevent them from developing eating disorders.Education is essential. By studying our ideal weight in the BMI chart and keeping an eye on the amount of calories in our diet we can stay healthy and feel good about ourselves. This process is aided through complete reinforcement and support from our family and friends. It doesnt stop there as w e all must refrain from prejudicial treatment of fat or thin people and see beyond their weight. It is only then that we can feel comfortable with our weight and develop satisfaction in erudite that we have obtained an ideal healthy lifestyle for ourselves.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Julius Caesar Group Project

Julius Caesar Group Project Analyzing Diction on Marc Antonys Speech 1. Overall I would classify Marc Antonys speech as largely monosyllabic as a whole in length. This took a much longer time to decide than it did of Brutus speech, this could be that Antony is a smarter and nobler person or that its just how Julius Caesar constructed the speech to persuade the crowd. One of the lines that demonstrate a great use of one syllable would be My heart is in the coffin thither with Caesar and I must pause till it recognize back to me (Shakespeare, Lines 108-109).This is just one of the many lines that uses a lot of one syllable account books but in the end the speech was mainly one syllable in length. 2. Antonys speech uses a very well use of both techniques of persuading and informing. I felt that there was more use of persuading in his speech than informing but thats only because they love Antony at the end of the speech. An example of informing from Antony is, I come to bury Caesar no t praise him (Shakespeare, Line 2) Here he is just telling the audience and conspirators that he is just trying to give a unreserved Funeral.Antony is clever with his words by bluntly saying things and letting the audiences mind go off and feel that things are correct. Its not just the Audience that persuades themselves he says, Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? (Shakespeare, Line 92). Giving examples and then asking questions to play with their minds was a very successful tactical maneuver of Antonys. 3. I felt that Antonys diction was very formal in his speech un exchangeable Brutus the crowd does not respond in his speech.Antony uses advance word choice, which shows him look more intelligent to the not so intelligent clump of Romans. An excellent example of his formal diction would be, So let it be with Caesar. The dire Brutus hath told you Caesar was ambitious if it were so, it was a grievous fault, and grievously hath Caesar answerd it (Shakespeare, lines 79-82) the word s such as grievous and ambitious show formal diction. Diction like Antonys overrides Brutus speech with repititon which makes their mind believe that WOWThis really is impressive and hes right although he does fall miserable with not letting the audience get in some action of their own opinion. 4. Antony is very wise and really gets people in his speech in Act 3 Scene 2 by using denotative examples and not what if and in general meanings. He not only gives specific examples on how things should be but also on how things shouldnt be which is genius like of Antony to portray pros and cons. Lines 90 and 91 re perfect examples of specifics he tells us, He hath brought many captives home to Tome whose ransoms did the general coffers fill. (Shakespeare, Line 90-91) Antony uses endless examples but this one stuck out to me most. 5. Going back to specifics, my feelings have not changed, Antony is lousy with specifics that make his speech concrete. Another one of his detailed specific wo uld be from line 93 where he states, When the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept (Shakespeare, Line 93).Not only is this fact idle one but also it involves pathos and makes Caesar look even better 6. One of Antonys tactics also for his great speech was the euphonious subtlety/ word choice he utilize. Typically when you use a nice/pleasant tone with people, they will give you what you want. One of the more highlighting separate of the euphonious words was in line 89 where he declares, And Brutus is an honourable man. . Even though Antony disagreed very highly of Brutus and the conspirators he still followed the rule Brutus gave him and used very appreciative words with the crowd. . According to Marc Antonys diction I do feel that he does achieve his overall purpose for the crowd to like him, honor Caesar, and strongly hate Brutus and the conspirators. He succeeds this overall purpose by being clever and tricky with his words by speaking against Brutus he fall short by not using a s much emotion. The greater fragment of his speech was most definitely greater than any other part of his speech.

Personal Leadership Profile Essay

The spare-time activity pages consist of information about attractionship I will subscribe to admit I knew nothing about leaders and the many perspectives and ideas about Leadership and how to be an useful leader. I selected a Leader to study who is known as an trenchant leader and has made a difference in the world. Our world would not be the resembling if he had not made those choices to change his world that he lived in. I knew very infinitesimal about the man that is known for his radiant smile and desired to know much about what ca utilise him to be known through and throughout the world.I had only hear that he spent years in prison house and became the first Democratic President in his country. Throughout these pages you will read the analysis of my chosen Leaders style of effective leadership through six perspectives trait, behavioral, situational, and constitutive which includes two theories of exerciseal and transformational leadership, and global leadership. I fin d also included a similitude of my leadership style with this Great Man in each of the six perspectives. Before study myself, I thought, I could never stand in the same room with this man, and now I am comparing myself to him.To my amazement, there is a significant learning experience that one can gain in comparing yourself with someone great like this man. I found out who I am, who I want to become and what improvements need to be made to become an effective leader, no matter how big or small our leadership role is, in this world, in our sphere of influence, We are all Leaders. I have concluded this paper with a personal leadership profile and a blueprint of leadership development that I will continue until I have become an effective Leader and have made a difference in my world, in my sphere of influence, in a positive and significant way. individualized Leadership Profile The goal of my project is to examine the leadership qualities and practices of my selected leader and to a lso examine myself through a range of leadership perspectives. In the following pages I have examined six perspectives on leadership. I will conclude with a Personal Leadership Profile and a leadership development plan for myself. The name of my selected leader is Nelson Mandela. He was the first Democratic President in southeastern Africa.Before going into my research, I knew very little about Nelson Mandela, I noticed when great leaders were talked about his name was always included. What I do know, is that he was a leader in Africa and he spent 27 years in prison. I have also read many of his quotes that transmit me the impression that he has changed Africa and the world. One of his quotes that I paraphrased into my own words and I can relate to is when he said I always look at the positive side of things versus the negative being positive is always looking at up towards the sun, and to keep moving forward.There have been many trials when my faith in people was tested, but I d id not despair or give up. When you give up you become defeated. (Mandela, N. 1995) I am also an optimistic person and look at the good in all things versus the bad. When you look at life through a positive lens you tend to live life in a positive way. In light of the definition of what effective leadership is, as I am learning what type of leader Nelson Mandela is, I see that he did help achieve the common goal. He influenced South Africa to continue to fight against injustice.Throughout his time in prison he was still leading, this was a process of leadership that he led inside prison walls for 27 years. I believe this was an immense part of what made him effective as a leader, because he never gave up the fight in what he believed in freedom against segregation also known as apartheid, for his people. The influence that he exercised over his followers was a positive process of developing rely relationships with not only his followers but also with his enemies.His relational pro cess of leadership was transactional this type of social exchange uses followers in a more active role with the potential for influences going both ways. According to one of this weeks articles the transactional leadership model draws attention to the social exchange, or the transaction that happens between leader and follower. This type of leadership uses followers in a more active role with influences going both ways (Hollander, E. P. 1992). Nelson Mandelas used his personal power which consisted of referent power and expert power.He was respected and admired and had much knowledge and skills in dealing with people. My thoughts on the ethical grade of view of Nelson Mandelas leadership style would be linked to my own ideas about what constitutes ethical behavior. This is complicated because there are a variety of accepted philosophies for making ethical decisions as (Ciulla, J. B. 2005) states utilitarian, rights, justice, common good, and virtue. In the case of Nelson Mandela h is ethical leadership would fall under justice and the rights of his people that were taken away through apartheid.The Traits Perspective As I studied this perspective, I learned that the term natural born leader is not just an expression but an unconditional truth. As I researched Nelson Mandela and compared his traits to the Five Factor Model I believe some of these traits are placed in Leaders at birth or even at conception and others are learned. The Great Leaders that we study were born for the purpose of making a change to make the world a better place or just the opposite, to bring harm to humanity an example would be Adolf Hitler.As I researched Nelson Mandela and his upbringing in Africa I was kayoed what I discovered about him and the culture he grew up in. Nelson Mandela was born into segregation, also known as apartheid. His culture helped shape him into the Great Leader he is today. He was born in a small village in South Africa in 1918, into the Xhosa-speaking Thembu people. To this day, he is often called by his clan name Madiba. In his clan he belonged to royalty and often listened in on the Leaders of his clan, this is where he learned by listening and watching (Mandela, N. 995). As I analyze Mr. Mandelas personal traits using the Big Five P. T. & L. , I see that he carries the qualities and strengths of the Big Five. I dont understand wherefore Neuroticism was in the Big Five because it shows that the score is Low for effectiveness. Nelson Mandela does not seem to carry any part of the definition of neuroticism which is a temper trait characterized by instability, anxiety and aggression, he seemed as though he was fearless and was often looked upon at times of distress or fear.He was and then fearful but he never showed his fear. He is Extraverted which helped him to become social, highly respected and loved by many throughout the world. He was a revolutionary full of wisdom, he was well educated in which he attained from his college ed ucation in legal philosophy, this gave him the ability to open the first black law firm in South Africa. His educational background helped him to effectively lead people in the fight against apartheid through a legally formed African National Congress (ANC).He was also open to experiences his 27 years in prison taught him patience, endurance and developed him into an effective leader. In the area of painstakingness his choice to overthrow the organisation through violence was not a responsible choice, but was highly effective his reasoning was to get the attention of the government as he was standing up for the rights of his people. He once said When people are not given the right to live a life that is just, honest and fair, he has no choice but to break these laws that are unjust.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Developing Thesis Statement

Work from the ecumenic to the Specific in the Introductory Paragraph of a Five-Paragraph Essay In the standard introduction to a five- split up essay, the writer works from general to specific. There should be a broad, non- polemical introductory sen goce that puts the expresser in the b whollypark of the essay. This can easily be consummate(a) by manpowertioning the name of the book, the origin, the epoch period, or roughly other piece of relevant, factual study. The next both or terce judgment of convictions develop on the maiden sentence adding increasingly more specific information leading up to the dissertation.The Thesis State workforcet must State a Controversial maculation The formulaic dissertation control unequivoc anyy states the master(prenominal) controversial point of the essay and provides a roadmap or synopsis for the rest of the essay. A disproportionate amount of time should be spent crafting the dissertation statement. When the thesis statement i s complete, the essay is essentially written. E authoritative thesis statement must have a controversial point, and it of necessity to be stated succinctly. For example More than anything else, The cherry Letter provides a criticism of nine teenagerth 1 C the States. The Thesis Statement Should Include a Roadmap for the trine Body Paragraphs in a Five-Paragraph Essay in one case the controversial point is written, the writer must detect how he or she im function prove it. This is the roadmap and, when unite with the controversial point, completes the thesis statement. Because this is a five paragraph essay, there forgeting be trio main points supporting the controversial point. These three points will each(prenominal) be dealt with in turn in the three body paragraphs of the essay. For the controversial point above, three points that will prove it may be Nathanial Hawthornes cargoner clearly showing his disillusionment with the duetd States The prevarication of Amer ica as demonstrated through thrall and genocide of Native Americans The representative nature of the raw itselfusing a seventeenth century pose to illuminate nineteenth century America Constructing the Roadmap subroutine of the Thesis Statement Using Common Phrases flat that the writer has a controversial point and three pieces of evidence to support it, it is barely a number of putting the thesis statement unneurotic. Having a joust of go-to joints at ones disposal will help in constructing the actual statement.These phrases will wrap each piece of evidence in the thesis statement. They might include phrases analogous By loo fagot at , In analyzing , with taste In appreciating By examining, Through evaluating These phrases can be apply almost interc floweably to craft the first part of the final thesis statement. For example Through understanding Hawthornes personal disillusionment with the United States, by examining the hypocrisy of nineteenth century America as evidenced by the institutions of slavery and genocide, and, finally, in analyzing the allegorical nature of the novel itselfAdd the Controversial Point to the Roadmap to Complete the Thesis Statement All that is left hand is to add a phrase such as one will come to appreciate beforehand the controversial point. As such, a formulaic thesis statement might claim something like this Through understanding Hawthornes personal disillusionment with the United States, by examining the hypocrisy of nineteenth century America as evidenced by the institutions of slavery and genocide, and finally, in analyzing the allegorical nature of the novel itself, one will come to appreciate that The Scarlet Letter is sincerely a criticism of the country in which the author lived. Forming a Thesis Statement alter from Re await Papers for Dummies Youve got a subject (human-bear interactions) and a offspring (the birth between Goldilocks and the three bears). straightaway its time to come up wit h a thesis statement the point that you want to deal or so Goldie and the furry guys. A couple of possibilities occur to you bears that hang around people end up consume porridge and sleeping in beds, both blonds and baby bears like medium-firm mattresses, and humans and bears share forest resources. As you teaser out a few more ideas, you search for the middle ground, avoiding a thesis statement that is likewise broad or too narrow. You want one that, like Goldilockss porridge, is just right. As soon as youve got a chunk of research, a deck of power cards, or a few files on the computer, arrive a few moments to reread your material. Think just approximately what you might prove with all those facts and quotations. A couple of techniques will help you square off. Ask questions As you inspection your communication channels, do any questions occur to you? Is your curiosity piqued by anything youve written?If not, check out the next sections, If only, I recommend, and Re lationships, or go back to note fetching and try again later. Any questions that pop into your approximation arise from issues that are relevant to your progeny, and issues are the lift ground for theses. For example, bet youre doing a psych paper on parental influence specifically, how parental discipline rivals childrens conduct. Youve read a ton of studies that attempt to describe the race between parents actions and childrens reactions.As you review your notes, you may find yourself question Do children of very unbending parents behave give away? Does a childs reaction to strict parental rules swop as the child grows older? Does spanking affect childrens self-esteem? Does inconsistent discipline have a negative effect on childrens behavior? not one of these questions is a thesis, simply each is a possible offshooting point. Possible because you cant cover them all in one paper. You have to choose. Right now, suppose that you select the second sample question.If the question of come along interests you the most, read your notes again with question two in mind. Look closely at every note concerned with discipline, age, and rules. Put little check mark next to information about childrens behavior the behavior of those children identified as having trouble in crop or with the law, perhaps. If necessary, go back to the library or the Internet for more research on the race between discipline techniques, age, and childrens behavior.If you can, do some statistical analysis to see which factors matter and which are simply coincidence. After youve finished those tasks, youre probably ready to analyze a stand. Express that stand in a single sentence, perhaps this one Children of very strict parents follow the rules diligently until adolescence, but not during the teen years. Now youve got the basis for your paper the thesis statement. (By the way, the predate paragraphs are just an example, not necessarily a psychological truth ) If onlyAnoth er way to hunt for a thesis is to consider the if only spots in your paper. This method is particularly helpful for history projects. Again, start by rereading your notes. Look for moments when the entire course of historic events might have changed, if only one purpose or one detail had been different. For example, suppose youre piece of physical composition about a famous incident involving Humpty Dumpty. Youve read eyewitness accounts, historians analysis of the events, and doctors descriptions of the injuries Mr. Dumpty suffered. Now youre ready to make a thesis statement.For those of you who arent familiar with the story, here are the facts of the case Victim Humpty Dumpty, male egg material description Round but delicate build, rounded face, pale complexion Age Fresh picture of incident Nineteenth century Place Kings walled motor hotel Description of incident Victim had a bully fall from a wall approximately ten feet high. Bystanders called 911 immediately. Kings horses and kings men arrived within ten minutes. Entire the great unwashed of horses and men worked on the victim for 45 minutes, but could not put him back together again.After reviewing all your material, you prize If only the top of the wall had been wrought like an egg crate, giving Humpty Dumpty more perceptual constancy If only Humpty Dumpty had eaten a calcium-rich, shell-strengthening diet If only the kings men had had more training in re-gluing than in armament maneuvers The last if only in the preceding be given gives you an idea for a thesis, which you turn into a sentence The emphasis on militarism in the training of the kings men led to the tragic demise of Humpty Dumpty. I recommendDepending upon your topic, another(prenominal) road to a thesis statement comes from the phrase I recommend. This road is especially helpful if youre writing about science, social science, technology, or any orbit that looks toward the future. Review your notes and ask yourself what imp rovements youd like to see in the situation or conditions. Then ask yourself what should be changed to bring about those improvements. Heres this method in action. contemplate youre writing about fatal accidents. One of your sources is the Humpty Dumpty incident, draw in the preceding section, If only. As you scan your notes, think about the improvements that you would like to see perhaps the stripe of shattering injuries caused by falls. What should be changed to bring about that improvement? The addition of calcium supplements to the water supply, a change in the design of palace architecture, additive training in egg gluing for emergency health check personnel, or something else? One of those ideas becomes your thesis statement To restrain serious injury, architects should design safer walls. RelationshipsAnother thesis catcher is the relationship question, especially helpful when youre writing about literature. As youre poring over your notes, look for events or ideas tha t belong together in one of these ways cause and effect, line of products, or similarity. For example, suppose youre writing about the murder of the king in a modern drama, Macbeth Revisited (not a real play). You delve into English politics during the Thatcher era and decide that the factions portrayed in the play reflect the remainder between contemporary English political parties.Now youve got a relationship thesis. The strife between the Googrubs and the McAgues in Macbeth Revisited mirrors the encroach between the Labor and Tory parties in the late ordinal century. Or, suppose youre writing about energy and pollution. You contrast fossil fuels with solar power, deciding on this thesis statement Solar energy is less hurtful to the environment than fossil fuels. Here is a very structured approach to starting a paper. Adapted from Suite101. com A bit more on finding a thesis statement within your topicDeveloping Thesis StatementWork from the General to the Specific in the I ntroductory Paragraph of a Five-Paragraph Essay In the standard introduction to a five-paragraph essay, the writer works from general to specific. There should be a broad, non-controversial introductory sentence that puts the reader in the ballpark of the essay. This can easily be accomplished by mentioning the name of the book, the author, the time period, or some other piece of relevant, factual information. The next two or three sentences develop on the first sentence adding increasingly more specific information leading up to the thesis.The Thesis Statement Must State a Controversial Point The formulaic thesis statement unequivocally states the main controversial point of the essay and provides a roadmap or outline for the rest of the essay. A disproportionate amount of time should be spent crafting the thesis statement. When the thesis statement is complete, the essay is essentially written. Every thesis statement must have a controversial point, and it needs to be stated succi nctly. For example More than anything else, The Scarlet Letter provides a criticism of nineteenth century America. The Thesis Statement Should Include a Roadmap for the Three Body Paragraphs in a Five-Paragraph Essay Once the controversial point is written, the writer must determine how he or she will prove it. This is the roadmap and, when combined with the controversial point, completes the thesis statement. Because this is a five paragraph essay, there will be three main points supporting the controversial point. These three points will each be dealt with in turn in the three body paragraphs of the essay. For the controversial point above, three points that will prove it may be Nathanial Hawthornes biography clearly showing his disillusionment with the United States The hypocrisy of America as demonstrated through slavery and genocide of Native Americans The allegorical nature of the novel itselfusing a seventeenth century setting to illuminate nineteenth century America Const ructing the Roadmap Part of the Thesis Statement Using Common Phrases Now that the writer has a controversial point and three pieces of evidence to support it, it is simply a matter of putting the thesis statement together. Having a list of go-to phrases at ones disposal will help in constructing the actual statement.These phrases will introduce each piece of evidence in the thesis statement. They might include phrases like By spirit at , In analyzing , Through understanding In appreciating By examining, Through evaluating These phrases can be used almost interchangeably to craft the first part of the final thesis statement. For example Through understanding Hawthornes personal disillusionment with the United States, by examining the hypocrisy of nineteenth century America as evidenced by the institutions of slavery and genocide, and, finally, in analyzing the allegorical nature of the novel itselfAdd the Controversial Point to the Roadmap to Complete the Thesis Statement All th at is left is to add a phrase such as one will come to appreciate before the controversial point. As such, a formulaic thesis statement might read something like this Through understanding Hawthornes personal disillusionment with the United States, by examining the hypocrisy of nineteenth century America as evidenced by the institutions of slavery and genocide, and finally, in analyzing the allegorical nature of the novel itself, one will come to appreciate that The Scarlet Letter is really a criticism of the country in which the author lived. Forming a Thesis Statement Adapted from look Papers for Dummies Youve got a subject (human-bear interactions) and a topic (the relationship between Goldilocks and the three bears). Now its time to come up with a thesis statement the point that you want to make about Goldie and the furry guys. A couple of possibilities occur to you bears that hang around people end up eating porridge and sleeping in beds, both blonds and baby bears like med ium-firm mattresses, and humans and bears share forest resources. As you tease out a few more ideas, you search for the middle ground, avoiding a thesis statement that is too broad or too narrow. You want one that, like Goldilockss porridge, is just right. As soon as youve got a chunk of research, a deck of index cards, or a few files on the computer, take a few moments to reread your material. Think about what you might prove with all those facts and quotations. A couple of techniques will help you decide. Ask questions As you review your notes, do any questions occur to you? Is your curiosity piqued by anything youve written?If not, check out the next sections, If only, I recommend, and Relationships, or go back to note taking and try again later. Any questions that pop into your mind arise from issues that are relevant to your topic, and issues are the breeding ground for theses. For example, suppose youre doing a psych paper on parental influence specifically, how parental dis cipline affects childrens behavior. Youve read a ton of studies that attempt to describe the relationship between parents actions and childrens reactions.As you review your notes, you may find yourself wondering Do children of very strict parents behave better? Does a childs reaction to strict parental rules change as the child grows older? Does spanking affect childrens self-esteem? Does inconsistent discipline have a negative effect on childrens behavior? Not one of these questions is a thesis, but each is a possible starting point. Possible because you cant cover them all in one paper. You have to choose. Right now, suppose that you select the second sample question.If the question of age interests you the most, read your notes again with question two in mind. Look closely at every note concerned with discipline, age, and rules. Put little check marks next to information about childrens behavior the behavior of those children identified as having trouble in school or with th e law, perhaps. If necessary, go back to the library or the Internet for more research on the relationship between discipline techniques, age, and childrens behavior.If you can, do some statistical analysis to see which factors matter and which are simply coincidence. After youve finished those tasks, youre probably ready to take a stand. Express that stand in a single sentence, perhaps this one Children of very strict parents follow the rules diligently until adolescence, but not during the teen years. Now youve got the basis for your paper the thesis statement. (By the way, the preceding paragraphs are just an example, not necessarily a psychological truth ) If onlyAnother way to hunt for a thesis is to consider the if only spots in your paper. This method is particularly helpful for history projects. Again, start by rereading your notes. Look for moments when the entire course of historical events might have changed, if only one decision or one detail had been different. For exam ple, suppose youre writing about a famous incident involving Humpty Dumpty. Youve read eyewitness accounts, historians analysis of the events, and doctors descriptions of the injuries Mr. Dumpty suffered. Now youre ready to make a thesis statement.For those of you who arent familiar with the story, here are the facts of the case Victim Humpty Dumpty, male egg Physical description Round but delicate build, oval face, pale complexion Age Fresh Date of incident Nineteenth century Place Kings walled courtyard Description of incident Victim had a great fall from a wall approximately ten feet high. Bystanders called 911 immediately. Kings horses and kings men arrived within ten minutes. Entire battalion of horses and men worked on the victim for 45 minutes, but could not put him back together again.After reviewing all your material, you think If only the top of the wall had been shaped like an egg crate, giving Humpty Dumpty more stability If only Humpty Dumpty had eaten a calcium-rich, shell-strengthening diet If only the kings men had had more training in re-gluing than in military maneuvers The last if only in the preceding list gives you an idea for a thesis, which you turn into a sentence The emphasis on militarism in the training of the kings men led to the tragic demise of Humpty Dumpty. I recommendDepending upon your topic, another road to a thesis statement comes from the phrase I recommend. This road is especially helpful if youre writing about science, social science, technology, or any area that looks toward the future. Review your notes and ask yourself what improvements youd like to see in the situation or conditions. Then ask yourself what should be changed to bring about those improvements. Heres this method in action. Suppose youre writing about fatal accidents. One of your sources is the Humpty Dumpty incident, described in the preceding section, If only. As you scan your notes, think about the improvements that you would like to see perhaps t he prevention of shattering injuries caused by falls. What should be changed to bring about that improvement? The addition of calcium supplements to the water supply, a change in the design of palace architecture, additional training in egg gluing for emergency medical personnel, or something else? One of those ideas becomes your thesis statement To prevent serious injury, architects should design safer walls. RelationshipsAnother thesis catcher is the relationship question, especially helpful when youre writing about literature. As youre poring over your notes, look for events or ideas that belong together in one of these ways cause and effect, contrast, or similarity. For example, suppose youre writing about the murder of the king in a modern drama, Macbeth Revisited (not a real play). You delve into English politics during the Thatcher era and decide that the factions portrayed in the play reflect the conflict between contemporary English political parties.Now youve got a relatio nship thesis. The strife between the Googrubs and the McAgues in Macbeth Revisited mirrors the conflict between the Labor and Tory parties in the late twentieth century. Or, suppose youre writing about energy and pollution. You contrast fossil fuels with solar power, deciding on this thesis statement Solar energy is less harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. Here is a very structured approach to starting a paper. Adapted from Suite101. com A bit more on finding a thesis statement within your topic

Monday, May 20, 2019

Diversity in the Classroom Essay

INTRODUCTIONteachers be faced with the challenge of savants bringing with them, vastly different experiences, cultures, interests and abilities. These characteristics put forward have a great conflict on how students learn. command to such a diverse group requires teachers to be more flexible and attitude a greater emphasis on the individual. Through the aid of variety and choice, teachers can differentiate presentment to motivate interest in the individual, and hence aid the student to become an independent learner. (Tomlinson, C. A., Brighton, C., Hertberg, H., Callahan, C. M., Moon, T. R., Brimijoin, K., Conover, L. A. and Reynolds, T. 2003)LEARNING STYLES part it is unfair to expect teachers to fully grasp the psychological & cognitive complexities that comprise discipline, they should have a stiff visiting that individual students have different favourences in the carriage they prefer to receive, perceive, interact and respond to information known as their favour ite(a) encyclopedism style.A widely used model of encyclopedism styles is based on Howard Gardners multiple intelligence theory, which suggests learners fall into seven distinct categories of cultivation intelligence. optic/Spatial learners prefer pictures and images Aural learners prefer sound and music Verbal/Linguistic learners prefer speech in writing and speech Physical/Kinesthetic learners prefer the use of touch, movement & action, and Logical learners prefer reasoning and sequence. Aligned with these learning styles is also a preference by students toward Social/Interpersonal learning, in groups or Solitary/Intrapersonal learning where the student prefers to learn alone. (Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education. 2007)Most students have a preferred learning style, but are not solely dependent on one style. They can adjust to other styles and use them in combination with their preferred style.APPROACHES IN THE CLASSROOMDiversity in the classroom inevitably micturates complexities for teachers in formulating learning and teaching models that suit their specific context, situation, and the students varying needs. (Rayner, S. 2007)Some researchers, agreeing that learning styles are important, suggest that teachers should match instruction to the content being taught rather than the preferred learning style of the student (Glenn, D. 2009). This seems plausible in light of research into brain plasticity, which suggests that the brain has the ability to transform, adapt and increase its might to learn (Walker, S. 2010).Others place greatest emphasis on matching instruction with the learning styles of the individual student, which the overwhelming literature suggests is the ideal approach for the benefit of the student. However, in practice, theory and expectation can often fall short of reality.CHALLENGESWith class sizes often ranging from 20 to 25 students, trying to cater to either students individual learning preference can be very res ource intensive. precise few teachers will have the knowledge and savvy of every form of diversity within their classroom. article of belief students with special needs is a prime example, often requiring assistance from specialist aids. This is all good and healthy in principle, however, additional assistance usually comes at a financial cost, where often drills are limit by budgetary constraints.High stakes testing such as NAPLAN can also create conflicts between what is best for the students and what is best for the school. This may exacerbate the unwillingness of school hierarchy to deviate from traditionalistic core course/structures, as overall results can often be linked with a schools reputation as well as government funding. (Tomlinson et al. 2003)LESSONS FROM JESUSdeliverer was the epitome of what a teacher with a diverse student body needs to do. He taught in parables imbued with illustrations familiar to the chance(a) lives of all the people in his audience, wh o had a diversity of experiences. By teaching through stories, of shepherds, fishermen, seasons of growth and harvest, plenteous men, servants, kings and slaves, he was able to impart the same message, to a diverse audience, so that all could relate to, and understand according to their own experiences.Teaching methods of old sought to adapt the student to the cloth being presented. Jesus methods aptly illustrate that todays teachers need to be able to adapt to the learning message of the students.Jesus also differed in many ways to those around him but transformed the lives of others by the way he lived. By his example, he helped mold many into his own image (The Role of the Christian Teacher 2013).As teachers who are Christian, our aim should not be to enjoinly preach roughly Christianity. This can be left to the local church priest or pastor, and the willingness of the individual to accept such a direct approach. In a diverse classroom there will be students with vastly diff erent beliefs and experiences that differentiate our own, and that impact on their learning capabilities. The goal would then be, like Jesus, to subtly portray our Christian understanding by our own actions, therefore becoming a role model to students. Jesus taughteveryone who is fully ingenious will be like his teacher Luke 641 As role models, we should be assured that students may imitate and model their behaviour according to the way we as teachers act, speak and behave. Therefore, unless our behaviour is reorient with fundamental Christianprinciples, it can do more harm than good. It would be wise to follow the hike given by the apostle Paul Imitate me as I imitate Christ 1 Corinthians 111by living out our faith, we show our students the essence of God through our own language and deeds.CONCLUSIONIn light of existing research and Christian philosophy, a meshing of theories is necessary which tends toward a balanced approach. Making sure all learning style preferences are a ddressed in several(prenominal) way as students will need to garner at least some of the attributes of all learning styles, for future success. Also using experience and expertise in our own learning preferences, to bridge the turning point between teacher and student and become that positive role model that developing students need.Employing a balanced approach is no easy task, but can be aided in a number of waysFirstly, inclusive teaching, were students are not segregated or made to odour inferior due to differences in preferred learning styles or abilities. Aligned to this is the idea of flexible separate where research shows that when students are put in small groups comprising varying learning preferences and abilities, weaker students attain better learning outcomes, without detriment to stronger students. (Tomlinson et al. 2003)Secondly, Scaffolding where teachers, peers or teaching aids support, assist and guide the student, particularly those who have difficulty. This is a more personalized approach to the flexible grouping.Thirdly, Engagement with parents/carers and students enables the teacher to attain valuable information about the student, and engagement with colleagues can assist in gaining additional knowledge or formulating shared strategies.Finally, Methods of presentation is at the heart of catering to diverse array of learners. Using technology enables a teacher to present material in multiple styles at the same time.(Guidelines for responding to learner diversity in the classroom through curriculum and assessment policy statements 2011)Ultimately, we as teachers need to nurture students, and expose them to a variety of learning styles, contempt our own preferences, enabling them to become independent learners. Children are less flexible and cannot easily adapt to unfamiliar learning styles, so it is incumbent upon the teacher, to adapt and modify teaching methods, activities and environments in order to create interest, thereby stimu late and motivate a students desire to learn.REFERENCESCook, P. F. (1998). Teacher Reflection in learner-centred education. journal for Education Reform in Namibia, v.8, 8p. Discover your Learning Styles Graphically (2013.) (n.p.) Available profits http// Glenn, D. (2009) (n.p.), Matching Teaching Style to Learning Style May Not Help Students, The Chronical of Higher education, Available Internet http// Guidelines for responding to learner diversity in the classroom through curriculum and assessment policy statements (2011), Directorate comprehensive Education, Department of Basic Education, preoria South Africa. 52p.Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education (2007) Regis University Available Internet http//, N., Bartolo, P., Ale, P., Calleja, C., Hofsaess, T., Janikova, Vera., Mol Lous, A., Vilkiene, V., and Westo, G. M. (2006). Enderstanding and responding to diversity in the primary classroom an international sudy. European Journal of Teachr Education, 29(3), 305-318.Rayner, S (2007). A Teaching elixir, learning chimaera or just fools gold? Do learning styles matter? Support for Learning, 22(1), 24-30. Teachers and their form (2010) (n.p.) Covenant Christian School Sydney Available Internet http// The Role of the Christian Teacher (2013) (n.p.) Transforming Lives. Available Internet http// Tomlinson, C. A., Brighton, C., Hertberg, H., Callahan, C. M., Moon, T. R., Brimijoin, K., Conover, L. A. and Reynolds, T. (2003). Differentiating Instruction in Response to StudentReadiness, Interest and Learning Profile in Academically various Classroom A review of Liteature. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 27(2/3), 119-145. Walker, S. (2010) (n.p.), Lifelong Learning and the Plastic Brai n, Scientific Learning Internet http//