Saturday, May 11, 2019

Organisation of Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organisation of Business - Research make-up ExampleAn example of a hospitality organization chart is shown in the draw below.The above diagram is a form of a functional organization chart. According to Drury (2004) a functional organization structure, deep down a company, is one in which all activities of a similar type are placed chthonian the control of the appropriate departmental head. An organization chart usually illustrates the organization structure. An organization structure de nones the track people are grouped in an organization and to whom they report (Drury 2004). The general manager is the leader of the organization. He is in charge of the entire organization and he or she has the responsibility for ensuring that all operations in the hotel are run smoothly (Wood & Brotherton 2008. All the heads of department report to the general manager.Below the General theater director are the heads of departments who are illustrated by the green color. The heads of department are in charge of their departments. They deal to check over that the set their goals and that their goals are in line with the overall organization goals. The heads of department have the responsibility of communicating their goals to the other employees below them (Stair, 2011). Furthermore, heads of department have the duty of preparing the duty roasters of their specific departments. In addition to these duties, the heads of departments have to know the staff requirements of their departments and can also propose the firing of some specific employees that are not fit in their departments (Letavec, 2006). At most hotels, all the heads of departments are usually equal in target and may meet with the general manager to discuss the direction and goals of the organization.Departmental employees are below the heads of departments in blue color illustrated in the diagram above. They usually report to the heads of department (Andrews, 2009). Their main function is to exist the goals of their specific departments and ensure that they achieve their

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