Sunday, May 12, 2019

Business Plan Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Plan Review - Essay ExampleThe Company was established on February 1, 2007 and is seek equity investors who can invest up to $100,000, in return for 20% equityThe new venture proposes to get down a set of leased cars and offer them from strategic vantage points or car pods, from which customers will be able to accessThe car sharing venture will be commenced from one central nub, the South camber area in Brisbane, from which it will be extended to other such nubs.The venture targets those customers who are environmentally conscious and proposes to work with two primary market segments corporate customers who are likely to be customary and heavy users of car share vehicles during week days and private customers who may use the cars less oft and for shorter periods and be targeted for evening and weekend use, to achieve optimum utilization of the cars. It proposes to make customers aware of its services through its own website and also through a variety of advertisements and flyers. Additionally, it will also align with the Brisbane City Council in ensuring that complementary websites are linked to its own website to generate leads from environmentally conscious customers.The Plan makes some alimentation for potential risks. For one, it allows for the uncertainty in customer use and preference for car sharing by proposing to start lease the cars and prevent an initially huge capital outlay.

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