Thursday, May 16, 2019

Application and development of relevant business management knowledge Essay - 1

Application and development of relevant telephone circuit focussing tell apartledge - Essay ExampleThe top counseling of the organizations who were accustomed to the existing process and their know-how put up it tough to assimilate the changes due to e- logical argument and manage the effects of this new e-factor. Thus the only way to get off up with the changes brought most by the e-business processes were to know in detail about the business processes and the e-business driven changes as the important impacts of the new factor. An in-depth experience of the e-business and the wholesome changes brought about by the useful tools of e-business would help the senior managers to psychoanalyze the newly structured business processes and bring about necessary changes in approach and measures to cope up with the business processes and manage the changes. Thus the acquaintance on the e-business tools and its functions, the potentials of the e-business processes, the benefits, cost s and the impacts on the overall process is exceedingly essential in managing the changes in the business process. This leads us to the problem development stage and the problem has been positive as follows. What is the importance of knowledge management in e-business driven changes in operating process of companies? In order to address this problem, the various areas of business operations need to known in detail and the variety between the e-business driven changes and the earlier business processes need to be understood. This would help in identifying the changes that are brought about by the e-business processes in the overall organization culture and business. The understanding of the impacts of e-business on the organization and an analysis of these changes to aspiration ways for managing these changes to the benefit of the organization could be done with the help of management of the knowledge on the changes business processes or the e-business. The scope of knowledge man agement in e-business lay in the areas of product development, supply kitchen range management, customer relationship and the overall business processes. It is thus important to know the organizations that engage in the management of latest business knowledge for timely and efficient development of their products, to bring about necessary changes in the supply chain management to cater to the customers with the products and services through e-business in an efficient manner and to founder strong relationship bonds with the customers through efficient and timely delivery of customer service. It is also important to know about the ways in which the changes in the business management are affected with the help of knowledge on e-business (Malhotra 34). This includes a study of the various tasks that are assigned to the executives in order to cope up with the pace of the system that is driven by the e-platform and the latest technologies. The rationale behind performing these tasks and the application of knowledge management is clearly understood by the senior management and the employees to whom the work is delegated in order to achieve the maximum level of performance. The process of management of business knowledge is commonly referred as knowledge management by companies aimed at developing the stock of knowledge on the various business processe

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