Thursday, May 30, 2019

Search Engines Essay -- essays research papers

There are currently over a billion pages of information on the Internet about every topic imaginable. The question is how can you possibly find what you want? Computer algorithms can be written to expect the Internet but nigh are not practical because they must sacrifice precision for coverage. However, a few engines have found interesting ways of providing high quality information quickly. Page value ranking, topic-specific searches, and Meta search engines are three of the most popular because they work smarter not harder. While no mercantile search engine will make public their algorithm, the basic structure can be inferred by testing the results. The reason for this is because there would be a thousand imitation sites, meaning little or no profit for the developers. The most primitive of searches is the sequential search, which goes through every item in the leaning one at a time. that the sheer size of the web immediately rules out this possibility. While sequential migh t return the best results, you would most likely never see any results because of the webs inflammatory growth rate. Even the fastest computers would take a long time, and in that time, alone kinds of new pages will have been created.Some of the older spiders like Alta Vista are designed to literally roam randomly through the web utilise links to other pages. This is accomplished with high-speed servers with 300 connections open at one time. These web spiders are content based which means they actually realize and categorize the HTML on every page. One flaw of this is the verbal-disagreement problem where you have a particular word that can describe two antithetical concepts. Type a few actors line in the query and you will be lucky if you can find anything relates to what you are looking for. The query words can be anywhere in a page and they are likely to be taken out of context.Content-based searches can also be slowly manipulates. Some tactics are very deceptive, for examp le some automobile web sites have stooped to writing Buy This Car dozens of time in hidden fontsa subliminal version of listing AAAA Autos in the Yellow Pages(1). The truth is that one would never know if a site was doing this unless you looked at the code and most consumers do not look at the code. A less subtle tactic is to pay to get to the top. For example, the engine GoTo accepts payment from those who press to b... ... meta search engine can achieve several advantages 1 It will present to users a more sophisticated interface2 Make the definition more accurate3 Get more complete and precise results4 Improve source selection and running priority decisions (3).Again the sentiment of optimizing the Internet through intelligent software shows up. It is just a matter of designing a certain algorithm that does not forget what it has learned.Most stack did not foresee the tremendous growth of the Internet in the 1990s. Computer algorithms have gone from small government programs to every personal computer in the world. You start with the most basic problem solving and end up with the most complex of problem solving. That of course is sorting through a database that grows most exponentially.Plain and simple, the Internet has a lot of information on it. A crawler works twenty-four hours a day digging through it all. The search engine pulls out the parts people want and hands it to the Meta search engine. The Meta search engine further discriminates until you get exactly what you are looking for. Yet behind all this are machines performing the instructions they have been given an algorithm.

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