Sunday, May 26, 2019

Educational Systems Essay

Educational Laws Twelve years of primary and secondary schooling prior to attending university. * all(prenominal) children in the UK of compulsory school age must receive a full time education. * Classes from kinfolk to July * Long vacation from 1 July to 30 September * Languages of instruction. * Academic year runs from March to December. * Primary 4 or 6 hours * Holydays two weeks in July Organization of education at all levels * Pre- primary education from 3 to 6. Kinder garden Child care center Nursery level * Primary school (elementary) from 6 years old to 13/14. Private or aver schools, * Secondary school (highschool) from 13/14 to 16/18Highschool diploma (basic or honour)GED (gral. educ. diploma) test for immigrants or inter bailiwick students to certificate de level.IB examination in unlike subjects.AP course in order to enter university. * Higher education/university education undergrad 1- Associate degree (AS/AA) 2 years. General. Semi-skilled job. Administrative.Bac helors degree (BA/BS) 4 years aprox.Graduate 2- Masters degree (MS/MA) 2 or 3 years.Doctorate degree (PhD) university teachers, doctors, lawyers, scientific. You can choose the subjects and you obtain credits. That is why bachelors is more than general.Universities divided in schools/orientation. * Nursery school 1 4/5 * Primary school Infant (4 7) Junior (7 11) * Secondary school * Senior * College/ ordinal form GCSE General Crtificate of Secondary Education. One year. Pupils can leave secondary schooling.One more year AS-Levels (higher level of secondary)A-level (required for university entrance)Diploma skills and and knowledge needed for work. (like the associated)VOSE * Higher education * Undergraduate level (sometimes referred to as tertiary education) * Graduate (or postgraduate) level (sometimes referred to as quaternary education). Higher education differs from other forms of post-secondary education such as vocational education.There is a three-level hierarchy of degr ees (Bachelor, Master, Doctor) A graduate student is an individual who has completed a bachelors degree (B.A., B.S.) and is pursuing further higher education, with the goal of achieving a masters degree (M.A., M.S.) or doctorate In the United States, Graduate education can also refer to those pursuing a post-masters Educational Specialist degree or post-masters Certificate of Advanced Study (law school or business school.) * Pre-primary level kinder garden (two stages 4 and 5 obligatory) * Primary level EPB (elementary). From 6 to 11 (it depends on the province) * Secondary level from 12 to 17 years old. 1) ESB/CBU2) Polimodal/ CE/ ESO * Higher education private/ national universities or institutions. In college in universityCollege smallerFocus on undergrad degreesThere are a lot of variations especially in qualification.Each state has the possibility of regulate.University divided into colleges but they are not specialized in one area ancient universities (Oxford/Cambridge). Ea ch school has an orientation. Many courses of study in the same college. (autnomos)OPEN UNIVERSITY there are some degrees very prestigious.There is a curriculum pass one subject in order to go on advancing in your program of studies.Diploma in higher education/associated tecnicaturaUndergraduate after schoolHigher education tertiaryuniversity undergraduategraduate and postgraduate as synonymsSLA school leaving age

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